George addresses the Fathers Day crowd at the Bethesda Big Train Game before throwing the first pitch.
Click on this link to hear and see George's "pitch before the pitch."
And here's the other pitch!
Click on this
link to listen to George's 4/23/16 interview by Dave Schmidt of WFMD,
Frederick. Learn about George's proposal for progressive property
taxes here.

George asking the Montgomery County representatives to
the Maryland legislature to enact an Instant Runoff Voting bill.

See George's YouTube
video statement for his 2014 District 6 campaign.

See George's video about Medicare for All.

Click photo
for a video of George at the Green Party's July 2012 Presidential
Nominating Convention. He's discussing fixing high-priority
national problems such as reversing the Citizens United decision, and
restoring our education system.

Click the
photo below to hear George's Sept. 2010 testimony against the proposed
Lockheed-Martin tax exemption.

April 10, 2024 |
See George's new website (in construction) at https://www.sites.google.com/view/georgegluck |
Dec. 21, 2017 |
Several hundred citizens gathered Tuesday night
at Hancock High School to protest the granting
of a permit to Trans-Canada to build a gas
pipeline under the Potomac River. There was not
enough time for representatives of the Maryland
Department of the Environment to hear the
objections of 70 or more speakers.
Here is my (shortened testimony). |
Oct. 27, 2017 |
Mar. 28, 2017 |
If you read no other book during the Gorsuch-Ryan-Trump era, please consider reading Yale history Professor Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny: TWENTY LESSONS FROM THE TWENTIETH CENTURY.” A list of the twenty lessons may be found here and an interview of Professor Snyder may be found here. |
Feb. 28, 2017 |
George Registers for 2018 Election Exactly two years ago today, I fell and broke two bones in my right leg. A week after the surgery, I had but one question for the orthopedist: “when can I run again, doc?” I knew his “six months” response was an average, so I responded, “Okay, five months.” After working hard, four months and three weeks later, I resumed running. On November 8, 2016, we definitively discovered (as many of us have suspected for quite a while) that our electoral system is badly broken. After working hard together, we will ALL again be able to vote in the confidence that the ballot contains the best candidates that our parties have to offer and that all our votes are counted. It is in the hope that this happens as soon as possible, that I have registered today, the first day possible, to offer the voters of Maryland’s 6th Congressional District a Progressive choice in 2018. “The long arc of history bends towards justice.” - Martin Luther King, Jr. at Forest Hill's Holy Blossom Temple in March 1962. |
Feb. 6, 2017 |
Today, I urge my Democratic friends listen to the first half of this podcast, where Dr. Robert Reich forecasted the present state of the Democratic Party in 2001 and suggests what progressives ought to do now to correct the situation. |
Jan. 20, 2017 |
Above is millennial, Kayleigh Smith, a photographer from Brooklyn, where my wife and I met in high school. She was among the most vocal to my left along the security barrier as President Trump moved quickly before us on his drive to the White House. And to my right were a daughter, her mother and her grandmother. At home, in Frederick, Maryland was her 100-year-old great-grandmother, hoping to see them on television. Millions of women (and men) of every progressive stripe, of all ages, and races peacefully demonstrated this weekend and promised to continue to do so. |
Jan. 8, 2017 |
Are resolutions important? You be the judge of this one: “Resolved, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved. That it is expedient forthwith to take the most effectual measures for forming foreign Alliances. That a plan of confederation be prepared and transmitted to the respective Colonies for their consideration and approbation.” Resolution introduced in the Continental Congress by Richard Henry Lee (Virginia) proposing a Declaration of Independence, June 7, 1776 At the beginning of this historic year for our country, I hope we can each resolve to try to make a collective difference. Might we all resolve to attend rallies in 2017, How many people attended an anti-nuclear protest in NYC in 1982? About 1 million, while over 2 million attended a 2013 rally in Chicago to celebrate the Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks! So how can we resolve to make a difference in 2017? Here are some hints: 1. Search for “Sophia Wilansky” at msnbc.com, with result: “Stories (0)” Search for “Sophia Wilansky”at DemocracyNow.org with result: “Sophia Wilansky Critically Injured During Police Attack at Standing Rock” 2. Search for “Crosscheck” at CNN.com with results that mainly mention ice hockey. Even adding “Kris Kobach” yields articles dealing with little more. Search for “Crosscheck” at thomhartmann.com with results “Millions of Black, Hispanic & Asians Voters Have Been Purged [from registration rolls].” 3. Search for “net neutrality” at washingtonpost.com with results that mention nothing about net neutrality. Search for “net neutrality” at theguardian.com and the first three headlines begin with those two words. For entry into the news knowers, who said “I’ve never seen anything like this, and this going to be a very good year for us. Sorry. It’s a terrible thing to say. But, bring it on, Donald. Keep going?” The answer: CBS Chief Les Moonves Says Trump’s ‘Damn Good’ For Business. What do MSNBC, CNN, the Washington Post and other major media corporations have in common? A large income from advertising purchased by transnational corporations and major party candidates. What might happen if these “mainstream” media organizations showed their advertisers in less than the best light or offered opinions that countered the wishes of these clients? Even when “the news” offers the truth (and even nothing, but the truth), it rarely offers ALL THE TRUTH!* If you are interested in making a resolution this year to be FULLY informed, try some of these sources I listen (podcasts)/watch (youtube.com)/read (websites): 1. 1. Thom Hartmann – A baby boomer who offers podcast, video, and on-line news and /opinion. (Thomhartman.com) 2. 2. The Young Turks – Mostly millennial members; podcasts and livestream video. (TYTnetwork) 3. 3. The District Sentinel – Two millennial hosts created “A NEWS CO-OP [podcast and on-line] IN DC SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE.” (https://www.districtsentinel.com) 4. 4. The Zero Hour with R J Eskow – Another baby boomer, and Bernie Sanders speechwriter - podcast and online. ( http://www.thisisthezerohour.com) 5. 5. Ring of Fire Radio – Hosted by Same Seder, Mike Papantonio, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – podcasts, video, and online. (https://trofire.com) 6. 6. Common Sense, with Dan Carlin – A more eclectic option than those above – podcast and online. ( http://www.dancarlin.com ) Look, we all want to improve on something this year. Resolve to gain unbiased, complete news information, and then you’ll make informed decisions. * Disclaimer – A friend, a well-respected and award-winning journalist, takes exception with some of my concerns about “mainstream” media. Please let me know your feelings. Click here to send email to George. |
Dec. 21, 2016 |
Another take on the December 12 protest - click on links for articles  |
Dec. 19, 2016 |
Photos (below) and videos of George participating in anti-Trump demonstration on Electoral College voting day. Links to videos:  |
Dec. 12, 2016 |
Photos of George protesting future use of an existing Muslim registry (NSEERS) created by the Bush administration, during march from the State Dept. to the White House. This is exactly how it started in Germany in the 30s and the West Coast in the 40s... Check out these links for more information about this very scary prospect:    |
Oct. 22, 2016 |
Oct. 18, 2016 |
Frederick News Post 10/10/16: Gluck Paints Himself as the True Democrat for 6th District  |
Sept. 21, 2016 |
Which is the "third" party? I'll accept "None" or "All!"  |
Sept. 17, 2016 |
Speaking with District 6 voters at the Savageman Triathlon, Deep Creek Lake, Garrett County, MD |
Aug 17, 2016 |
Check out the Baltimore Sun District 6 Candidate Questionnaire - click on link |
June 27, 2016 |
 George signs up to be on the November ballot at the MD State Board of Elections. |
 The Candidate's Receipt (above) and 2016 Treasury (below)  |
April 12, 2016 |
George joined
Democracy Spring
protesters on a march from Union Station (where he spoke with Cenk Uygur of “The Young Turks”) to the east side of the
Capitol, where he sat with protesters.
Here is a link to the video. |
Nov. 18, 2015 |
George asks the Montgomery County
representatives to the Maryland legislature to enact an Instant
Runoff Voting bill. Hear proceeding at left, top icon. |
Nov. 2, 2015 |
Citing a Lack of a Progressive
Choice in Maryland Congressional District #6, Green Party
Resident Seeks House Seat
Rockville, Maryland - November 2,
2015 – Citing a need to reverse over a half-century of
Republican and Conservative Democratic representation of the
citizens of Maryland’s Congressional District #6, Green Party
member George Gluck filed today to seek the Party’s nomination
for the seat presently held by Congressman John Delaney.
Mr. Gluck, 68, has run for office
four previous times since 2009, encouraging potential supporters
to consider such progressive measures as replacing regressive
local property taxes with a progressive tax modelled after the
state and federal income tax, greater support for local small
businesses, including worker-owned cooperatives and Employee
Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs) and verifiable voting.
"In addition to measures to help the working class regain income
losses during the previous 35 years," says Mr.Gluck, "we must
reverse the catastrophic effects of such Supreme Court decisions
as Citizens United v. the FEC and McCutcheon v. the FEC and
replace financing of elections by a small donor class with
public financing.”
Mr. Gluck is also committed to
encouraging a change in our first-past-the-poll elections in
favor of further expansion of a ranked voting method, such as
Instant Runoff Voting, which the Green Party and many political
jurisdictions (such as the city of San Francisco) utilize.
"People understand that the last
three decades have favored a handful of very rich individuals
over the vast majority of our citizens and most of us,
especially millennials, are looking forward to a dismal future
unless the tide is turned."
Mr. Gluck, who may have to
compete with other Green Party members in their primary, has
entered the race early in the hope that he will be invited to
all the forums the Republican and Democratic candidates
participate in. |
June 10, 2015 |
What to Expect
From the TPP!
We have been promised that previous
trade agreements would be a net benefit for US workers, by
having strict rules for foreign workers pay and working
conditions. Similar promises have been made about enforcing
stricter environmental rules on our trading partners. But
that has not been the result... |
Nov. 2, 2014 |
First in District 6 on November 2nd!
Below: Race
Director, Shauna McQuade, presents George with
the 60+ first
place prize in the Western Maryland Half Marathon.

Western Maryland Highlands Half Marathon
Sunday, November 2, 2014 8:00am
Canal Place Festival Grounds - Cumberland, Maryland
Overall Half Marathon & Relay Team Results
Division: Half
Place Bib # Name Total Pace Gender Age City State Age
70 295 Gluck, George 02:29:09.4 11:23 M 67 Rockville MD
M-60 to 98
First in District 6 on
November 4th?
George completed these Races:
Oct. 31, 2014 |
George posts his final campaign
balance sheet. |
Oct. 15, 2014 |
Read the first of several planned blogs George will publish
before the election:
“The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth.” |
Oct. 15, 2014 |
The Gazette commends George on his proposed legislation,
while they whisper a lukewarm endorsement for the incumbent. |
Oct. 8, 2014 |

After attending the
Hagerstown-Washington County Chamber of Commerce District 6
Congressional Forum, George jogged around the
Hagerstown City Park and its environs. On the home
stretch, he saw a group of volunteers greeted by thankful
residents of city housing. George stopped to thank them for
their service before they had their lunch along the edge of the
park lake. |
Oct. 2, 2014 |
George's responses to the Gazette questionnaire |
Oct. 2, 2014 |
You're invited to "Out of Sight, Out of Mind"
The Human Trafficking Symposium Committee of Frederick ... (Oct
2, 2014, 6-9:30 PM) - George supports this initiative and will
attend the meeting. |
Sept. 30, 2014
Here's the Ballot for November 4 and how
to fill it out! |
Sept. 30, 2014 |
Races Already Completed:

Eight-year-old Caden, running his
first 5K, serves as George’s ‘rabbit,’ helping George run his
fastest pace of the season!
Sept. 30, 2014 |
Link to District 6 candidate responses to the League of Women
Voters Questionnaire |
Sept. 30, 2014 |
George Took the Anti-Corruption
Pledge again! |
Sept. 3, 2014 |
George sends editorial to Frederick News-Post protesting the
shooting range at Sugarloaf Mountain.
for shooting range is withdrawn. |
August 31, 2014 |
George will participate in a
Meet the Candidates forum at the Hagerstown Chamber of
Commerce on 10/9. |
August 20, 2014 |
George is interviewed in the Gazette:
Green Party candidate hopes to represent Maryland’s Sixth
Congressional District
July 9, 2014 |
George posts a comment to Blair Lee's
editorial "It's time for Maryland election reform" on
Click here for article and comment. |
August 29,
2014: $100 left!
June 25, 2014: George self-funds his Campaign Treasury with
$200 cash. Let's
see if that's all he needs! The photo and the
spreadsheets to be provided will constitute a running audit of
the campaign - posted on our Campaign Spending page.

Congratulations To Our 2014 Nominees
The Maryland Green Party is proud
to announce its candidates for the 2014 General Election! After
tabulating the results of our party-organized primary election,
the party has submitted certificates of nomination for:
- George Gluck, running for United
States House of Representatives, District 6
- Dan Robinson, running for Maryland
House of Delegates, District 20
- Ian Schlakman, running for Unites
States House of Representatives, District 2, and
- Tim Willard, running for Montgomery
County Council, At-Large
Congratulations and good luck to our
nominees! Please visit their websites for more information,
to learn how to see them in person and volunteer for their
campaigns, and to make a contribution to support their
February 10, 2014: George is running for Congress
representing Maryland District 6.
George believes in the 10 Key
Values from the Green Party
on link for definition) |

Click on button above to see George's
Oct. 2012 Running
District 8 Campaign
click to see vimeo video
posted by Eric Garment |
December 19, 2012:
George responds
(as pegasus4848) below
Gazette article to the controversy
about government incentives to attract corporations to buy/lease
office space in Montgomery County. |
January 27, 2012: George was interviewed in
the Frederick News-Post. Story is called "Gluck looks to win 8th
District with ‘something else’"
Read the interview HERE.
July 12, 2012: Baltimore Sun coverage of Green Party
convention -
click here to read entire article by John Fritze.
...George Gluck, a Rockville computer analyst
who is running for the House of Representatives in Maryland's
8th District, worked potential voters outside the school, asking
them to sign the Green Party's ballot-access petition. Gluck
said he was a longtime Democrat who split with the party when
President Bill Clinton signed the North American Free Trade
Agreement in 1993.
"Their generation is going to fix this country," Gluck said,
pointing to a couple of 20-something women he had approached
earlier for signatures. "I'm hoping to give them a leg up."
Here is a bumper sticker with our campaign slogan, explained below:

Clean - no PAC, corporate or union contributions;
solely individuals and no
more than $100
Lean - both an efficient campaign and a more
efficient government, getting
better results with less funding
Green - champion of environmental and sustainable
July 2011: George participated in the “Hands Off Social Security” rally.
On July 25, 2011, a rally was staged at the
Social Security Complex in Woodlawn, in Baltimore County, MD.
purpose was to mobilize grass roots support to stop the US Congress from
cutting Social Security,
Medicare and Medicaid programs. The
demonstration was organized by the AFL-CIO,
Progressive Democratic of
America and other groups.
Here is a link to their video.

George has proposed common-sense
voting procedures called IRV/CRV which would save money on interim
elections. See
IRV/CRV voting on the
Issues page.
Explore our website - join our
campaign - Volunteer or Donate - and in the General Election on Nov. 4th, VOTE FOR GEORGE for
U.S. House of Representatives, Maryland District 06.