Welcome to Hondo Bridge

Mentoring Sessions Archive

During my mentoring sessions, I play with 3 of my students, commenting on whatever hands happen to come up. One of my students, Kia (bbo nickname nome), produces a BBO bridge movie consisting of the hands annotated with my comments. This involves a great deal of effort, and Kia has generously agreed to share his work by allowing me to post the movies on my web site.

This page displays the BBO movies for mentoring sessions from more than 3 months ago. To see my recent mentoring sessions, click here

January 2024
January 2024 Movie D
Two good rules when bidding close major suit games
New Minor Forcing vs Checkback Stayman
Discarding when declarer runs a long suit is very difficult
You can overcall with 10+ points or so
Strain to open or overcall 1N whenever you can
January 2024 Movie C
It is important to have disciplined preempts in 2nd seat
Aces and Spaces
Flat hands are not nearly as good as they look
Preempts make it harder for the opponents to bid accurately
Preempt the Bridge Villain
January 2024 Movie B
Preempt forces opponents to make uncomfortable bids
When to open 2C
A limit raise shows four card support
Unusual over Unusual
You bid Stayman if you have at least invitational values
When to make a two level overcall
January 2024 Movie A
A good job counting out the suit
When you preempt you take up bidding room from the opponents
When the opponents find the best defense
A hand you hate to pass
When a double dummy analyzer is very misleading
Counting your winners

December 2023
December 2023 Movie E
Leading from doubletons is often not a good lead
Bergen "OBAR"
Coded Jacks and Coded Tens
What you need to open 2C
You always show a major when partner opens one of a minor
December 2023 Movie D
You should not bid 3 over 3 unless you have a 9-card fit
When to preempt the opponents
An unlucky lead ruins the party
A good but unlucky slam contract
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
Always count your winners and plan the hand out
December 2023 Movie C
In the middle of the hand you lead K from AK
Super Accepts
Rule of 20 vs Rule of 15
The Law of Total Tricks is most accurate for 10 card fits and below
Almost always bid 4S over 4H when you have a 9+ card spade fit
December 2023 Movie B
With 6-4 distribution you try hard to declare
Counting out declarer's hand is an important skill to develop
4-3-3-3 hands only occur around 4% of the time
Cheating DONT
6-4-3 distribution is really great
Default Rebid
December 2023 Movie A
Declarer Points
You should bid 4S over 4H with a 9-card fit at any vulnerability
Howard loves DONT
Aggressive bidding doesn't always work
Bergen Hand Evaluation and LEBENSOHL
November 2023
November 2023 Movie D
5 of a minor vs 3N
You lead top of an honor sequence
Regular Bergen or Reverse Bergen
A grand slam that is hard to bid
Intermediates can often be very important cards
Opening 1N with 5-card major
November 2023 Movie C
Crawling Stayman and Garbage Stayman
When to try for an overtrick
New suit by responder is game or slam try
4-3-3-3 is an ugly distribution
DONT still is a very nice convention
Good declaring makes its own luck
November 2023 Movie B
You normally don't open 1N with six-card minors.
When Quacks are paired with Aces, kings, and tens they are worth full value
With highly distributional hands counting HCP is a poor guide for evaluating your hand
Flat distribution, particularly when partner is also flat, is a big downgrade
Finesse or play for drop
November 2023 Movie A
Just a simple board
To preempt in 2nd seat you need to be more disciplined
Almost always play 2nd hand low smoothly
All about doubles
Control bidding in action
8 ever 9 never
October 2023
October 2023 Movie D
Flat hands (meaning no singletons or voids) are never as good as their HCP indicate
A well defended board
You make the cheapest control bid you can
With a proper hand strain to overcall 2C over 1D
Opening 1N with 15-17 and 5-4-2-2
October 2023 Movie C
These days many players open 1N even with 5-4-2-2 distribution
When to raise with 3-card support
How to disrupt the bidding and makes it hard for opponent to bid.
LTC is easy but is very inaccurate
You should preempt as often as you can
Reverse Bergen Raises
October 2023 Movie B
A difficult board to bid
When counting Rule of 20 points, you don't add length points
Many players incorrectly bid 5 over 5 when they shouldn't
When in doubt on defense play 2nd hand low smoothly
When you should strain to preempt
Keep track of the cards played
October 2023 Movie A
Count out declarer's points and distribution
It is not right to let the opponents play at the 1 level
Kia (aka nome) makes cool interactive bridge "movies" of all these sessions
With 10+ cards in your 2 longest suits, strain to play the hand
Picture Bidding
Law of Total Tricks
September 2023
September 2023 Movie D
Shortening declarer's trump is often good defense
Playing in IMPs or Match Points is a big factor in your bidding
Open 1NT when you are 15-17 balanced even with a 5-card major
Card Showing Double
Perfect discarding is always difficult
How to rebid a 6-4 in the majors after a 2-1 game forcing response
September 2023 Movie C
One of the most awkward auctions is 1D-P-1N
The 5 level belongs to the opponent
Count out suits both as declarer and defender
How to bid whenever there is interference over partner's 2C
In third seat, after two passes you want to aggressively preempt
The only reasonable bid
September 2023 Movie B
Do you know what to do after a takeout double
We still love you Hondo
Preempts make the opponents guess that sometimes is wrong
Voids are extremely powerful
Never be reluctant to make declarer ruff
You should open and/or overcall 1N with any suitable hand
September 2023 Movie A
The Darling DONT
Stop bidding ASAP If you suspect a misfit
Defense Against Two-Suited Overcalls
Attention to the bidding is extremely critical
You make the cheapest control bid you can
August 2023
August 2023 Movie D
Missed bidding
As defender you always play lowest of equals
Fine print on bidding Michaels
When to open 1C vs opening 1D
Do Something Intelligent double
1D vs 2D opener
August 2023 Movie C
Doing Due Diligence in choosing the best bid
Rule of 11
Being aggressive will usually pay off
When a bid is a stopper ask
You never preempt in 4th seat
Artificial Intelligence capable BOTs at BBO
August 2023 Movie B
The value of preempts in 3rd seat
The value of preempting
A Wonderful GAME
Pre-empt in first seat
Puppet Stayman vs Stayman
Leading a singleton trump particularly when a 4-4 fit is likely is not good
August 2023 Movie A
A good principle is to avoid bidding marginal slams
Keep parity with dummy
This is a great teaching board--Job well done MM
Lopsided hands
Howard and Losing Trick Count
OBAR (Opponents Bid And Raise)
July 2023
July 2023 Movie E
When not to bid DONT
Card Showing Doubles
1N with 6-3-2-2 and 6-card minor
The Rule of 24
Support with Support
The power of voids
July 2023 Movie D
Stopper Asking and Stopper Telling
When you are vulnerable, in IMPs only, you stretch and bid close games
When to choose the least imperfect bid
If every game you bid makes, you are underbidding
At favorable vulnerability you strain to preempt
July 2023 Movie C
It is hard to know what is right
When you have support, you should be reluctant to pass an opener even with a marginal 6 points
Support Doubles and Redoubles
A 9th trump is usually worth close to an extra trick
Is bridge interesting and exasperating?
This board will convince you bridge is interesting and exasperating
July 2023 Movie B
You should strain to preempt when you can
You should not let them play at the 2-level in a known 8 card fit
Discarding is very hard and often the defenders mis discard
Quick Tricks Points
The expert lead from AKQ
Adjusted Points with Rule of 20
July 2023 Movie A
A well played hand
You should strain to bid 2C over 1D
What is a sandwich NT
When all roads lead to 3N
A rare hand where 5 of a minor is superior to 3N
A special case of the Law of Total Tricks
June 2023
June 2023 Movie D
"The 5 level belongs to the opponents" is a good Rule
Important principle of control bidding.
Length normally takes precedence over strength
The principle of Fast Arrival
You play 2nd hand low almost always
The magic of voids
June 2023 Movie C
DONT over any 1NT bids by the opponent
Inverted Minor Raises Convention
5-4-3-1 hands give your side 3 places to play
With 6-5 hands it is usually right to declare rather than defend
When you can break the "TIE" in bridge
Root Canal and Bridge
June 2023 Movie B
In response to Inverted Minors the partnership starts bidding stoppers in the other three suits
The Law of Total Tricks
A good lead against a slam is to lead away from a K or Q to set up a trick
The bid shows no game interest
June 2023 Movie A
Generally when you overcall 1N you should play a 4 point range
Counting out your winners and coming up with a plan is always important
As a general rule, if you have a "freak hand" you want to declare
Once there is a preempt, make the bid most likely to give you a good result
Hand with Long Suit Evaluation
Whenever partner opens a weak-2 and you have 3 card support you should raise to 3
May 2023
May 2023 Movie D
Don't be seduced by special conventions
You need to plan the hand based on the bidding and try to count enough tricks to make your contract
Do not duck the first trick if you are afraid of a shift
Michaels Cuebid
8 Ever 9 Never
Puppet Stayman
May 2023 Movie C
If you have a nice 7 card suit you could preempt even after a 1NT opener
It is ok to give declarer a ruff to which he is entitled anyway
Reverse Bergen raises vs Regular Bergen Raises
You must lead count in partner's suit if you have not supported partner
A tough hand to declare
Another tough hand to declare
May 2023 Movie B
Howard prefers not to open light at the 1 level in 3rd seat
Howard plays DONT over any 1N bid by the opponents
Whenever you are short in the opponent's suit, you should strain to bid
Opening leads are often a guess
New suits by responder are always forcing
Double dummy analyzers are misleading because their results often do not reflect the best line of play
May 2023 Movie A
A good bid which is down one
| A problem hand that is solved by FLANNERY
A trump lead is usually neutral at worst
In general, when you have a void in their suit you want to declare not defend
Never criticize partner for leading your suit
The worst suit you can have when opening 2C is diamonds
April 2023
April 2023 Movie D
If you wait for the ideal hand you will never preempt
Fine points of Rule of 20
Bergen hand evaluation is the best thing to improve your bidding
Often, the lead of the unprotected ace gives declarer an extra trick
In general you should make a lead directing double over an artificial bid when appropriate
April 2023 Movie C
Use DONT aggressively for competing over 1N
Third hand always plays lowest of equivalent cards
By preempting you force the opponents to guess what to do.
Delayed DONT
With enough points bid to force to game
When even Howard would not preempt
April 2023 Movie B
In modern bidding with correct distribution you do not need opening hand to overcall
In the middle of the hand you lead King from Ace-King
Some play that 2N right away in balancing seat shows 19-21
Good bidding and good play
Zar hand evaluation
Use Bergen Starting Points to decide if your hand meets the Rule of 20
April 2023 Movie A
Occasionally leading an unprotected ace seems to be right
Why 4N should be quantitative
You should avoid marginal preempts in 2nd seat.
You bid 2C when have at least 4 Quick Tricks and 9 winners in your hand
What really Negative Doubles shows
Fine point in Rule of 20
March 2023
March 2023 Movie C
You cannot preempt over a preempt
Do you open 4-3-3-3 with 12 HCP?
Forcing 1N response
An ambiguous bid
March 2023 Movie B
Whenever you can overcall or open 1N you should
Don't try to rescue your partner
Kickback RKCB
It is almost never wrong to lead partner's suit
Overcalling 4-card suits at the 1 level with 3 honors
You need to be especially aggressive against a strong pair
March 2023 Movie A
You can raise with 3-card support when appropriate
Checkback Stayman vs New Minor Forcing
In 2/1, 1N is forcing or at least semi-forcing
Caught between a rock and a hard place
How to bid 5-5 major suit hands
Bidding in IMPs vs Match Points scoring
February 2023
February 2023 Movie D
Rule of 20 is really a goode guideline
Bergen hand evaluation is a very accurate way to count your points
Reasonable choices of bids
Howard highly recommends Bergen Raises
Be aggressive with a 9-card fit
February 2023 Movie C
The place of 1N in the bidding
Law of Total Tricks loses a little bit of accuracy after the 4 level
It is all about vulnerability
When not sure what to do, make the bid that has the most upside
Fourth Suit Forcing - (4SF)
February 2023 Movie B
Leading a doubleton queen is not good
6-4 distribution is really nice and upgrades the hand
Opening flat 11 counts is generally not a good idea
Your opening lead may differ whether you play IMP or Match Points
Howard and LEBENSOHL
How most experts play when there is interference over 2C opener
Februaruy 2023 Movie A
When in doubt make the bid with the most upside
You always cover the last honor in dummy
Adjusted Bergen Points
A very nice opening lead
Quick Tricks Points
January 2023
January 2023 Movie E
You never lead away from aces in suit contracts
Do not let them play at the 2 level when they have an 8+ card fit
When making a marginal call, be more cautious when vulnerable than not
Bergen Adjusted Points
Leading Ace or King from Ace/King is the question
Super Accepts
January 2023 Movie D
You should strain to bid 2C over 1D when you can
A clear-cut 3N bid
Whenever you have imperfect choices, choose the one with the most upside
DONT double
Lead attitude when you have supported partner
January 2023 Movie C
The Law of Restricted Choice
Do Something Intelligent
A strict Rule Of 20 believer
The rationale for Bergen Raises
A tricky hand to play
Nice play with good cross ruff
January 2023 Movie B
Quick trick point method
Most often a control bid shows an ace or king
Forcing Pass
Default Bid
Equal Level Conversion
4-3-3-3 hands should be downgraded
January 2023 Movie A
Normally you lead partner's suit
You only lead an honor in NT from a 3-card sequence
Negative Inference
Expert defenders count out distribution and high cards when they can
Preempting is nice and at favorable vulnerability you should strain to preempt

December 2022
December 2022 Movie D
The people who don't plan entries correctly would misplay the hand
Leading King from King/Queen often gives away a trick
In IMPs you want to bid close games in Match Points you don't
Negative double is a legal way to bid 1H over 1S
Normally, bidding 5 over 5 is not correct
December 2022 Movie C
Howard is a big believer in opening 1N with balanced 15-17 hands.
The power of distribution
In this board 3N makes no matter what the lead is
Howard always considers preempting when possible
A taste of 4-way transfers
December 2022 Movie B
Using LOTT you will be correct most of the time
An expert signal
At favorable vulnerability you often preempt one higher
If you make every game that you bid, you are not bidding enough
Leading unprotected aces is normally not a good idea
Rule of Adjust 3
December 2022 Movie A
Where are the high cards
Bergen Hand Evaluation lets you accurately evaluate distributional hands
The huge power of distributional hands
It is better if the points are concentrated than spread out
Jacoby 2N
You should always plan the hand at trick 1
November 2022
November 2022 Movie D
When there is a 1C opener
Crawling Stayman
Rule of 24
As declarer you should always develop a plan at trick one
November 2022 Movie C
Responder "Came to the Fork in the Road and Took It"
A hand with a void and 6-4 is wonderful
Many open Weak-Twos with a 5-card suit with a singleton or a void
A great auction for the declaring side
November 2022 Movie B
You should not violate the Law of Total Tricks
With a 9-card fit in spades, 4S is usually right over 4H
3N or 4S
Missing a Grand Slam
You should strain to balance
November 2022 Movie A
Card Showing Double
You should open 1NT whenever you hold 15-17 balanced
When evaluating your hand, you not only count HCP but look at where they are located
Unbalanced hands are much better than balanced hands
You should strain to open and overcall 1N whenever you can
October 2022
October 2022 Movie D
Over a double you are no longer obligated to bid
A tough hand to play
A very important opening lead principle to keep in mind
2nd negative
When to be super aggressive
October 2022 Movie C
A simple board
Value Showing Double
Bad board theory
You can overcall with 8 HCP at the 1 level
Preempts do have some risk
In IMPs it pays to be aggressive bidding game
October 2022 Movie B
Super Accepts
Inverted Minors
What is a "crap suit"
Negative Double
We love our teacher no matter what
The downside of preempts
October 2022 Movie A
What about slightly more nuanced bid
Open 1N with a 5-card major and a balanced hand
Maximal Doubles
Quick Trick Points
Student outperforms the teacher
September 2022
September 2022 Movie C
When partner opens 2@C and there is interference
Flat 4-3-3-3, 11 counts are horrible and worse than they look
2 way checkback Stayman
If it goes 1N-P-P, you should strain to balance
September 2022 Movie B
So you should only bid Stayman with an invitational hand
Having a void is just as good as having the ace in your void suit
When it is okay to stretch
Crawling Stayman
Use the Law of Total Tricks on all competitive hands
September 2022 Movie A
How to play YOUR HEART!
In Match Points, where over-tricks matter, you might decide to take a finesse and risk the contract
Suit combinations are important
Anytime you can overcall 2C over 1D you should
Sometimes you open 3C with only a 6-card suit
The responses to Puppet Stayman
August 2022
August 2022 Movie D
Equal Level Conversion--ELC
There are many times when you delay drawing trump
It is better to bid it right away than delay
Bidding RKCB with a void is tricky
A hard hand to play and to defend
August 2022 Movie C
You shall pay the price not following the Law of Total Tricks
Perfect defense is very difficult to accomplish on many hands
You should strain to preempt in 3rd seat
A tough hand to play
Delayed DONT
The problem with stretching the distributions for opening 1NT
August 2022 Movie B
Play the lowest of touching honors in 3rd seat
A very lucky hand
Whenever you bid RKCB, you should bid 6 if . .
Expert declarers are often lucky, but they make their own luck
Play the lowest of touching honors
Hands with long suits and voids are wonderful
August 2022 Movie A
5 level decisions are the most difficult in bridge
A horrible trump break doomed the declarer
You should strain to open or overcall 1N whenever you can
You should strain to preempt and not look for excuses not to
Preempts make it very uncomfortable for the opponents
A well bid hand
July 2022
July 2022 Movie E
Responding to a Takeout Double
A possible misfit
Fast Arrival
When a trump lead is often right
You should strain to open a Weak-2
An unlucky fit
July 2022 Movie D
The point of preempting is to keep the opponents guessing
How to show a hand with 6-card spade when playing DONT
A lucky slam
Forcing Defense
A weak hand with a 6-card minor and a 5-card major
How to show a Weak Game Forcing hand
July 2022 Movie C
Leading an Ace in a Suit Contract
In 3rd seat you often want to preempt
Favorable vulnerability and 6-5 is wonderful distribution
Slams with perfect fitting hands, are hard to bid
You should only bid 7 if you can count 13 tricks
A hard hand to plan
July 2022 Movie B
Opening a weak-2 bid with a 4-card major
You should not bid Stayman unless you have at least invitational values
Leading Ace in NT contract
In competition you use a cue bid to show a limit raise.
Puppet Stayman
Texas Transfer
July 2022 Movie A
Leading a trump to cut down on ruffs
Coded 9s and 10s
Only bid Stayman when you have an invitational hand even if you are 4-4 in the majors
DONT allows you to compete when you have a 6 card suit or a 2 suited 5-4 or 5-5 hand
You lead top of a 3 card honor sequence or broken sequence in 3N
June 2022
June 2022 Movie D
It is more desirable for the stronger hand to play NT
Careful attention to the bidding is a must
The teacher could have done better
Support Double
A jump to 3 in competition is always preemptive
Jacks unless they are in suits partner has bid are not really worth 1 point
June 2022 Movie C
It is never wrong to take the setting tricks when you can
You will love the Kickback Tutorial
Whenever you have a choice of bids, make the cheaper bid
A Support Double in action
Aggressive bidding usually pays off
A wrong play cost Declarer two tricks
June 2022 Movie B
With a proper hand overcall 1NT if at all possible
Teacher was a little pushy
Have fun with board
Many players focus on the bad result
Flat hands are bad
You should strain to preempt in 3rd seat
June 2022 Movie A
Bergen Hand Evaluation is an objective way of evaluating your hand
A 6-card suit is a great asset even if weak
Sometimes, if you want to preempt in clubs you open 3C with a 6-card suit
Coded 9s and Coded 10s opening leads
DO NOT revert to playing strong 2 bids
May 2022
May 2022 Movie D
After a takeout double responder has additional options
Picture Bidding
Even Bridge Demigods have OOOPS moments
Analysis you must go through to place cards
Superb Discarding
Partner may get excited
May 2022 Movie C
The legal way of bidding 1H over 1S
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
Use Bergen Adjusted HCP for Rule of 20 calculations
Only bid 6 if you have all the key cards or if you have 4 key cards and the trump queen
Hands with 4-5 or 5-4 in majors
Agressive bidding
May 2022 Movie B
Losing Trick Count
The Law of Total Tricks is the most important principle in competitive auctions
Opening 1D with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs
A minor change in the play
Texas Transfer
May 2022 Movie A
In 3rd seat, preempts are much more undisciplined
Leading a suit the opponents have bid is always an issue
NS gets a slightly below average result
A board hard to bid
You should not lead a suit the opponents have bid
Why some players avoid bidding Weak-2s
April 2022
April 2022 Movie B
How responder bids after a takeout double
Whenever partner preempts, you almost always use the Law of Total Tricks
The information is there if you care to use it
Whenever you bid Roman Key Card you should bid at least 6 if you have all the key cards or if you have 4 Key Cards and the trump queen
Aggressive bidding works most of the time
When the slam would not make
April 2022 Movie A
With 4 hearts and 4 spades you bid 1H over 1C or 1D
Negative Doubles
What to lead from 3 small
All about DONT
A hand well played
A hand with difficult bidding
March 2022
March 2022 Movie D
Surround Play
Checkback Stayman vs New Minor Forcing
It is better to bid aggressively than not
Hands with a 6-card suit and a higher ranking 5-card suit are a challenge to open
These days players are making lighter takeout doubles
Whenever you can make a lead directing double you should do so
March 2022 Movie C
When partner preempts, you use the Law of Total Tricks to determine how high to bid
How to open with 4 diamonds and 4 clubs and no five-card Majors
You need 9 tricks in your hand and 4 Quick Tricks to open 2C.
Be aggressive in bidding games, but don't bid speculative slams
You should only bid "3 over 3" if you have a 9 card fit or a singleton
This expert loves to play DONT over 1NT and interfere
March 2022 Movie B
Against NT leading 4th best from longest and strongest is best
In general you should use the Law of Total Tricks when competing
In 3rd seat preempting is often a good idea
As 3rd hand you always play the lowest of touching honors
Some tend to open 1NT with less precise distributions
March 2022 Movie A
In general opening a flat 11 count hand is a bad idea
You should strain to raise when you can
Michaels Cue bid
When partner opens a major and you have 4-card support, you must show it right away
In competitive auctions always use the Law of Total Tricks
Bergen Declarer Points
February 2022
February 2022 Movie D
You lead back your Remaining Count
Strain to preempt in 3rd seat especially when you are not vul and they are
Weak-Two in third seat
Bergen Hand Evaluation, occasionally, may cause you to get too high
New suits by responder are forcing
February 2022 Movie C
In 2nd seat there is more chance you are preempting partner
After a preempt you often don't have the perfect bid
How to show a two-suited hand after opening 2C
For a void your dummy points is the number of trump you have
An acceptable bid
February 2022 Movie B
Texas Transfer
A tricky hand to play
Suit preference signal
A boring board
Bergen Raises
February 2022 Movie A
Some players believe you should open light at the 1-level in 3rd seat
A Board for Bridge Gods
Declarer did his best
The DARLING Rule of 20
All about opening 2C
January 2022
January 2022 Movie E
A very sophisticated defensive maneuver
Whenever you get a chance to make a lead directing bid, you should
An expert defender's reasoning
When it is enough to force to game
When a trump lead is often good
In general you don't want to lead a suit the opponents have bid
January 2022 Movie D
After a 1NT opener, you need to be more cautious when you are vul
Normally you should not ruff with a natural trump trick
Bidding on hands when partner reverses can be difficult
Many people would like to compete with the 12 HCP hand
A special case of a Negative Double
January 2022 Movie C
Generally speaking it is not a good idea to lead a suit the opponents have bid
You don't preempt over a preempt
The best thing you can do to improve your bidding is to learn Bergen Hand Evaluation
Bergen Hand Evaluation and Rule of 20
The case when you can and should violate the Law of Total Tricks
Thrump Double
January 2022 Movie B
Does 2C over 1D establish a game force when playing 2/1
Some experts will open 2N with off shape distribution
A hard to bid 7NT
LOTT does work almost all of the time
Puppet Stayman allows you to find both 4-4 and 5-3 major suit fits
If there is a preempt the odds of a 4-1 break go up a lot
January 2022 Movie A
Generally, it is hard to keep track of the spots lower than the 10
Whenever your partner opens 1 of a minor and then rebids a major
Some experts do not like the Flannery convention
The Law of Restricted Choice
3C as a preempt opener
On occasion aggressive bids do not turn out well

December 2021
December 2021 Movie D
You should take every opportunity to make lead directing doubles of artificial bids
LEBENSOHL is what experts play over interference of 1NT openers
Lead directing double, every once in a while helps declarer
You should strain to open 1NT and overcall 1NT whenever you can
Many these days will open a Weak-2 with a 5-card suit and at favorable vul
Unlike a direct 1N overcall a 1N in the pass out seat shows 11-14
December 2021 Movie C
Normally leading K from Kx is not a good idea
You should look for reasons to preempt, and avoid reasons not to preempt
An exception to 3rd hand high
It is very difficult to defend 1NT
Distributional hands are worth a lot more than their HCP indicate
The power of distributional hands
December 2021 Movie B
One of the principles of 2/1 is Fast Arrival
Preempts often force you to make a flawed choice
Why it is important to lead count in partner's unsupported suit
When you need to do something intelligent
You should draw trump ASAP unless there is a good reason not to
Leading away from a king is aggressive
December 2021 Movie A
The upside of aggressive preempting is much higher than the downside
You should really train yourself to play 2nd hand low smoothly
A preempt that did not work out as well as it might
A case for Puppet Stayman
Aggressive competing is very effective
It is much more desirable to have your high cards in your long suits
November 2021
November 2021 Movie C
New suits by responder are usually played as forcing if responder is an unpassed hand.
4-Way Transfers
Min-Max 2N bid
Whether or not to make a marginal preempt
The problem with preempting in 2nd seat
When partner leads the King against NT, that asks for attitude
November 2021 Movie B
Any time as defender you can clarify a suit for partner, you should.
Any time you can open or overcall 1NT, you should.
Support Doubles are a good convention
4S over 4H is just about automatic if you have a 9+ card spade fit
4N overcall over 4S
Consider making it hard for opponents to find their fit.
November 2021 Movie A
Fine print of Inverted Minor Raises
The principle of Fast Arrival
Partner sometimes has to pass with a hand that wants to make a penalty double
An interesting hand
A very lucky hand
When playing against strong players, you need to be very aggressive
October 2021
October 2021 Movie D
You should always open 1NT with any balanced 15-17
It is usually better to compete than not when you can
The most important thing you can learn on defense is to card properly
The Negative Double only promises the unbid major
Some people open 1D with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs
Freak Hands do not evaluate well using standard evaluation
October 2021 Movie C
Another good way to play 2/1
If they have a fit we have a fit
3rd and 5th best
Bidding 3N with a singleton is risky
A difficult hand to play
In IMPs it is not worth worrying about overtricks
October 2021 Movie B
With 5-5 in the majors you open 1S not 1H
4th from longest and strongest works out best against NT most of the time
Rule of 15
When you are in a game forcing auction the principle of Fast Arrival applies
In general leading count in partner's suit is usually best
These days you always open 1NT with 5-3-3-2 and 15-17 even with a 5-card major
October 2021 Movie A
Practice finesse
Kickback RKCB
Howard strongly recommends you learn Bergen Hand Evaluation
1NT opening bids tend to be very accurate because opener's hand is well defined
Knowing you have a 9-card fit is very important
Against NT contract 4th. best usually is the correct lead
September 2021
September 2021 Movie D
Minor suit slams are often hard to bid
Delayed DONT
Being aggressive usually works
Support Doubles
When it is not a good sacrifice
As a rule you bid the cheapest control you can
September 2021 Movie C
Be aggressive with a 9-card fit and conservative with an 8-card fit
You should always compete over 1NT with an appropriate hand
You cannot bid Stayman unless you have at least invitational values
When not to sacrifice
New Minor Forcing vs Checkback Stayman
September 2021 Movie B
Deals where one hand is very much stronger than the other are more difficult to declare
2NT-Show Feature and 2NT-Ogust
Make sure you plan the hand before you play
A rare "Double and Correct" hand
Bidding Michaels
A Self Sufficient Suit
September 2021 Movie A
You should open 1N with any 5-3-3-2 hand even with a 5-card major
A difficult hand to bid
In the middle of the hand, you always lead K from AK
Why Kickback
In IMPs you do not want to endanger the contract
If you sense a misfit pass ASAP
August 2021
August 2021 Movie E
You are not supposed to lead away from an ace in a suit contract.
In general you should follow the Law of Total Tricks when competing
It is not most desirable to have the weak hand as declarer
Learning to count out suits is critical to good defense
Play the Ace followed by King to show AK doubleton
In general you want to make a neutral lead against 6N
August 2021 Movie D
In 3rd seat you should be especially aggressive in preempting
Difficult hand to bid
Inverted Minors
Overcalls at the 1 level can be done with as few as 8 HCP
Leading from Qxx often gives away a trick
These days, virtually every good player will open 1NT with a 5 card major
August 2021 Movie C
In general it is a good idea to preempt whenever you have a suitable hand
Value showing double
Negative inference
You need to be aggressive in competition
Sometimes you should open 3C with a 6-card club suit
You preempt to make it uncomfortable for the opponents
August 2021 Movie B
Puppet Stayman
Suit preference signal
4th best
You should only overcall at the 2 level with either a 6-card suit or a nice 5-card suit or a strong hand.
Do open a weak 2 with an outside 4 card major
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
August 2021 Movie A
Fast Arrival is an important principle of 2/1 GF bidding
Planning the hand is important
Queens and Jacks are overrated honors unless paired with other honors
Negative Doubles only promise unbid majors
By preempting you cause the opponents to guess
2C over 1D is somewhat preemptive and makes it harder for the opponents to find their major suit bid
July 2021
July 2021 Movie C
Responsive Double
You do not preempt over a preempt
Leading singletons when you have trump control is often a good idea
You should strain to Support with Support
You lead count in partner's unsupported suit
When you have a misfit you want to stop bidding ASAP
July 2021 Movie B
In general it pays to compete over 1NT
Quick Trick Points
You should be very aggressive preempting when not vulnerable
You can overcall with as little as 8 points at the 1 level
A hand with no clearcut lead
1NT response in 2/1
July 2021 Movie A
It is much easier to take 9 tricks than 11 tricks
5 level decisions are the hardest in bridge
When you lead a king against NT it asks partner to signal attitude
In general when running a suit, play the honors from the short side first
1NT bid in the balancing seat (e.g. after 2 passes) shows 11-14
These days many open 1N with singleton aces or kings
June 2021
June 2021 Movie C
Leading away from an ace in a suit contract is incorrect
Gambling 3NT
Lose your losers early
In general, you shouldn't worry about missing close slams
A preempt always involves some risk
Opening 1D with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs is a very bad idea
June 2021 Movie B
Leading away from a KJ is not normally a good idea
Equal Level Conversion Doubles
Systems on/Stolen bid Doubles
Always good to make a lead directing double when you can
"New GEN" 1NT
The power of distribution
June 2021 Movie A
Honors grouped together are much better than if in separate suits
Howard prefers to open better minor when either 3-3 or 4-4
With a 15-17 balanced hand, you should open 1NT even with a 5 card major
Honors in short suits are not great
In 3rd seat you should aggressively preempt
Misfits are difficult to play
May 2021
May 2021 Movie E
You should strain to compete over 1NT with DONT
You need the proper distribution to compete over 1N
A flawed plan is better than no plan
A void in partner's suit is usually a downgrade
Good players, particularly responders, plan the auction out
An interesting hand to play
May 2021 Movie D
Bergen Hand Evaluation is critical for your correct bidding
Preempt with any 6-card suit or longer even with a weak suit
Double and Correct
You should not bid Stayman unless you have an invitational hand
The best thing you can do to improve your bidding is to learn Bergen Hand Evaluation
With a potential misfit the rule is to stop bidding ASAP
May 2021 Movie C
You should strain to open and overcall 1N whenever you can
You need to be disciplined
Reverse 2-way Drury is probably the best way to play Drury
A Splinter shows a game force with 4 card support and a singleton or occasionally a void
An interesting hand to bid and play
"Ask for Feature" or Ogust
May 2021 Movie B
Howard likes to use the Rule of 20 to open in all seats.
It is very annoying when an opponent steals your bid
The Law Of Total Tricks is paramount
"MUD" stands for Middle Up Down
Normally you don't ruff in the long hand
A well played hand
May 2021 Movie A
Always play the cheapest of equals
From 3 small you MUST lead count in partner's suit
Maximal Double
In modern bridge you lead A from AK
A good board
Another good board
April 2021
April 2021 Movie D
Proper carding is crucial on defense
How you handle 5-4 hands over a 1NT opener
A tough hand to play
Preempts in 2nd seat are often the least successful
Getting into the auction as early as possible is usually best
A very well bid and played hand
April 2021 Movie C
Whenever you open 1N or 2N, responder is in charge of placing the contract
A preempt is meant to be a destructive bid against the opponents
When to make a limit raise
Declarer Points are counted by the hand with longer trump
6-4 is a wonderful distribution
Establishing the game force is 1st priority
April 2021 Movie B
A suit preference
New suits by opener are not forcing unless they are a reverse or jump shift
2NT is not unusual over a weak-2
While bidding, you should also anticipate the auction
Rule of 15
April 2021 Movie A
You prefer to rebid 1N whenever feasible
A Negative Double only promises the unbid major
You only need 8 points to overcall at the 1 level
5-6 hands are very powerful
When the auction calls for a trump lead
A preempt is NOT a constructive bid
March 2021
March 2021 Movie D
You should be aggressive, but you should also be thoughtful
The correct lead from an interior sequence
Against game contracts leading away from an honor is usually not a good idea
You can open a weak 2 with a 4-card major
Negative Doubles
How to Respond to 1NT Opener
March 2021 Movie C
It usually pays to bid 4S over 4H
MUD is worth "mud" as far as Howard is concerned
Quick Trick points
With a good suit you should overcall at 1 level even with as few as 8 points
In general you should not bid 4 over 3
Just a board to keep you away from the pandemic
March 2021 Movie B
Usually a control bid shows an ace or a king
You would not lead away from an ace in a suit contract
Rule of 11
In theory a takeout double shows an opening hand or close to it
Puppet Stayman
A difficult defense
March 2021 Movie A
Responses to Jacoby 2N
These days you always open 1NT with a balanced 15-17 even with a 5-card major
Now, many people open weak 2 bids with a 5 card suit and good distribution.
Preempts often force the opponents to make imperfect choices
Checkback Stayman
A difficult board to bid
February 2021
February 2021 Movie C
The way you make a limit raise in competition is to cue bid
Leads to cut down on dummy ruffs
Normally, to overcall over a preempt, you need an opener
Many players are reluctant to bid 3N with a void
With 4 hearts and 4 spades you respond 1H over a 1C or 1D opener
A perfect hand with good bidding, nice declarer play, and nice defense
February 2021 Movie B
On occasion you do preempt your partner.
Being conservative, sometimes, works out
As 3rd hand you play the lowest card in a sequence
You only need 8 HCP to overcall at the 1 level
The Law works great with 7-10 card fits
You should strain to preempt at favorable vulnerability
February 2021 Movie A
In 2/1, if partner bids a forcing NT and then corrects to a suit that bid is to play
You need to count 9 tricks and have 4 Quick Tricks to open 2C
Anytime you have 3 cards in an opponent's suit, that is a downgrade
A bad split dooms the contract
The teacher violates The Law of Total Tricks
A void in the opponent's suit is wonderful
January 2021
January 2021 Movie E
Responding to Jacoby 2N
Aggressive preempting usually pays off
A 2nd seat preempt more than in any other seat, is more likely to preempt partner
It is usually wrong to lead a suit the opponents have bid
If partner opens 1S and you have 5 hearts with a game force hand you should bid 2H
January 2021 Movie D
Cross ruff
Learning Bergen's hand evaluation is the single best way to improve your bidding
Rule Of 20
Specific kings is better than number of kings
Another hand where you should delay drawing trump
January 2021 Movie C
You never know, EW could discard incorrectly
A jump shift rebid shows an unbalanced hand
The ACBL does allow you to open 1NT with a singleton A, K, or Q
It is not true that a 4-4 fit is better than 5-3 or 6-2 fit
Opening a flat 11-count hand that does not meet the Rule Of 20 is a bad idea
Preempts are a risk vs. reward bid
January 2021 Movie B
Inverted Minors are off in competition.
Partners always like it when you follow their directions
Bergen Raises in competition
Freak hands are hands where you have at least 11 cards in 2 suits
If partner opens a weak-2 and you have 3 card support you should always raise
All about doubles
January 2021 Movie A
Leading unprotected aces is not a good idea
You should strain to open or overcall 1N
With 6-4 hands you prefer to declare rather than defend
What is called a "positional" advantage
Normally a singleton is a good lead but not with natural trump tricks
To bid after a preempt you have to make an educated guess.

December 2020
December 2020 Movie D
What is a FREE BID
You should strain to overcall 1N when it makes sense
In general the length of your suit determines how high to preempt
These days some open 1NT with singleton aces and kings
Use the Law of Total Tricks as your guide when competing
A good bid in 3rd seat
December 2020 Movie C
You need to look at the entirety of the points you and your partner have
In Match Points you should not bid marginal games
| Lose your losers early
Once you distort your distribution you destroy bidding accuracy
With a 1NT opener and 5 spades you should still open 1NT
It is always good to compete when you can
December 2020 Movie B
Fine print of Splinter bids
The modern overcall
Case of Passive Defense
On potential slam hands you want to keep the bidding as low as possible
Managing entries can be tricky
Preempt one level higher when preempting with a freak hand
December 2020 Movie A
Sequences must start with an honor
A Hand that you should dislike
Ogust vs Feature
When bidding Michaels is not advised
Bidding the 6 then the 4 followed by the 6 with a 6-4-2-1 distribution is not correct
These days, it is okay to make slightly light takeout doubles with nice distribution.
November 2020
November 2020 Movie E
What is a Splinter bid
Not everyone shuffles the cards well
Be careful with the lead directing double
Howard is not a big fan of opening flat 11 counts
How to make a contract
When someone preempts, you have to improvise sometimes
November 2020 Movie D
Some players do not know the best way to handle 5-4 hands responding to 1N
Once a game force is established, you try to keep the bidding lower
The new theory is it is okay to open 1NT with a singleton ace or king
The 9th trump is often worth an extra trick
In 3rd seat you often preempt with a wide range of hands
With 5-4 it is usually better to overcall
November 2020 Movie C
Furthering the preempt
You do not preempt over a preempt
Support Doubles
A game try not accepted
A flawed double
An expert defense
November 2020 Movie B
A very straightforward hand
Whenever partner opens 1 of a major and you have 4 card support, you MUST raise
When all your HCP are in your 2 longest suits, you need to upgrade your hand
Free bid
It is always much easier to declare than defend
2nd seat is the worst seat to preempt
November 2020 Movie A
A fine principle you should remember
You should play bids over invitational bids (in particular a 2N invite) as forcing
In general if it goes 1N-P-P, you should definitely try to balance
Exclusion Blackwood
Law of Total Tricks
Playing DONT when you have spades, you have 2 choices
October 2020
October 2020 Movie C
What is a Limit Raise
Transfers are only over 1NT opener and do not work over 1N rebid
Downgrade for overrated queens and jacks
2-way Checkback
When you make the opponents guess, and they often guess wrong
Thrump double
October 2020 Movie B
Howard recommends opening 1NT with a balanced 15-17 even with a 5-card major
Delayed DONT
Responder's options over a double
3rd seat is the most effective seat in which to preempt
Fourth Suit Forcing - (4SF)
October 2020 Movie A
Splinter bids
Fit and distribution are more important than HCP
You should open at the 4 level with an 8-card suit
Defending Against Unusual Notrump
A hand which you should upgrade
Jacoby 2NT
September 2020
September 2020 Movie D
Lead count in partner's unsupported suit
You should always do proper carding
Many experts, falsely, think their judgement is superior to the Law of Total Tricks
Sometimes a good contrct goes down. Get used to it
You should always plan the hand out before playing from dummy
Planning involves both counting tricks and handling entries
September 2020 Movie C
You should play DONT so you can effectively compete with many hands over 1N
You should strain to overcall 1NT
You must plan the hand out at trick ONE
How to show an 18-19 balanced hands
You need strain to open in 3rd seat particularly when preempting
Hands with voids are wonderful
September 2020 Movie B
You really should use Law of Total Tricks in competition
Note that after trick one, you lead K from AK, not A from AK
You should always make the cheapest reasonable bid
You should always compete over 1NT if you can
Do not play scared bridge
Always open 1N if you can
September 2020 Movie A
With 5-4 in the majors you never open 1NT
You should only bid Stayman with at least an invitational hand
Keep parity with dummy.
Splinter bids
Downgrade 4-3-3-3 hands
On a good day, on a bad day, and on most days
August 2020
August 2020 Movie D
With DONT you can show both one suited and two suited hands
Hands with voids in the opponents suit are powerful
Normally you lead back remaining count
Make it harder for the opponents to find a major suit fit.
Thrump Double
August 2020 Movie C
Do you do Quick Trick Points?
You must lead count in partner's unsupported suit
Tens are often very good cards to hold
You should strain to preempt in 3rd seat even with a reasonably strong hand.
In a competitive auction, Law Of Total Trick determines your bidding
Puppet Stayman
August 2020 Movie B
Some experts like to play 1NT overcall is 14-17 if not vul
When it goes 1D-1S-2D-P-to you, with 18 HCP you should not pass.
Howard prefers Ogust over Show Feature
You should be very reluctant to pass a 2N invitation
Bergen Raises
4th Suit Forcing and Kickback RKCB
August 2020 Movie A
Defense is hard and defenders often make a mistake
You should always win the trick on defense as cheaply as possible
When to bid 3 over 3
Howard prefers to play Michaels Cuebid with any number of points
Coded 9s
The least favorite bids for Howard is a 1NT response to 1D opener
July 2020
July 2020 Movie D
Unprotected ace leads are dangerous
Howard advocates leading 4th from longest and strongest against NT
You must learn to count out suits on defense
With 5-6 you almost always open in your 6-card suit particularly when your 5 card suit is spades
A 6-4 is a wonderful distribution
It is critical that you value good distribution
July 2020 Movie C
Count the side suits before the trumps are out
Losing Trick Count (LTC) is easy but is not very accurate
Doubling VS Overcalling
With equal length in 2 suits, open the higher suit
Many players pass the 2N rebid way too often
July 2020 Movie B
You need to compete over 1NT
Checkback is similar to New Minor Forcing except . . .
Correct carding is very important
You need to signal encouragement with the highest spot card you can afford
You may lead an unprotected Ace if there is no alternative
You lead count and top of a sequence if you have supported
July 2020 Movie A
Experts often lead Queen from AKQ
With good vulnerability (you are not, they are) you should be very aggressive with preempts
Leading a long suit with no honors is normally a very safe lead.
Whenever you have a misfit, you want to stop bidding ASAP
It is hard for the defense to double a part sore
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
June 2020
June 2020 Movie C
When a trump lead is called for
Responding to Reverses is a topic you and your partner need to discuss
Jacoby 2NT does not apply to overcalls
You should balance whenever a 1NT opener is passed out to you
Leading unprotected aces is a bad idea if there is another alternative
If the opponents bid a suit that has not been raised, having 3 cards in their suit is often a bad thing
June 2020 Movie B
A "self sufficient" suit
It is unusual that you set the opponents four tricks at the 1-level
You should be aggressive even when vul but you need to be more cautious
A hand where you have to picture what might happen
3N is one of the least favorite responses over 1 of a minor
DONT is a wonderful convention and you should use it when you can
June 2020 Movie A
Losing the timing race
Systems on and Stolen bid doubles
Whenever you have a chance to open 1NT or overcall 1NT you should strain to do so
A misfit hand
Hard to bid slam
Correct carding is very important on defense
May 2020
May 2020 Movie E
Don't cash aces on defense unless that is the setting trick
You should avoid leading away from a suit headed by a Jack
Voids are "magic" particularly when they are in the opponents suit.
2D is just about automatic over 2C opener
Quantitative Bids explained
Bergen hand evaluation was the key in reaching a good contract
May 2020 Movie D
In balancing seat 1N shows 11-14 and not 15-17
A control is most often an ace or king, but it can be a void or singleton
Normally new suits by responder are forcing
A perfect takeout double
Well done by everyone
Good declarers make their own luck
May 2020 Movie C
When leading a trump often is the best
The advantages of preempting far outweigh the disadvantages
When to consider a splinter bid
Leading a long weak suit is usually safe
Whenever you lead back a suit for partner to ruff you try to lead back suit preference
DONT is a wonderful convention for competing over 1NT
May 2020 Movie B
You must be aggressive in your raises when you find a fit.
Good bidding by everyone
5-5 with a void is a great hand distribution
With a 9-card fit you should bid close games
Mirror distributions makes the hand a bad fit
Leading a long weak suit usually is safe
May 2020 Movie A
A Bid with Specific Meaning
Analyzing the defense for every hand
Many players are getting more aggressive with Weak-Twos these days
Try to bid NT whenever you can
Picture Bidding
Super Accept
April 2020
April 2020 Movie C
Opening 1NT is descriptive and can be preemptive as well
In NT if you choose to lead a weak suit, you lead top of nothing
When you have a choice of 2 bids, you should choose the lower bid unless the higher bid is a lot better
Be Alert
Lose your losers first
April 2020 Movie B
You should only control bid aces or kings in the suit partner has bid, not shortness
Bidding aggressive games vul is not a bad tactic in IMPs
A very difficult hand to play
In balancing seat you can be more flexible
Overcalling with a 4-card suit
Defending as an expert
April 2020 Movie A
2-level overcall normally requires a good suit or at least a 6-card suit.
Active defense
You should always consider doubling when you have trump length and strength
When you do not open an opener
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
The modern theory of opening 1NT with non-classic distributions
March 2020
March 2020 Movie E
The power of Preempt
Many have relaxed the NT distribution to 5-4-2-2
If you have a choice between 5 of a minor and 3NT you should always choose 3NT unless
Proper carding on defense is crucial
It is possible to improve your defense if you play "defense detective"
A self-sufficient suit is defined as a suit with at most one loser opposite a small singleton.
March 2020 Movie D
A difficult board to bid
A difficult board to bid and play
Leading away from honors is not great
You should be eager to bid whenever you have a 9 card fit
Inverted raises are off in competition.
Bergen Raises in competition
March 2020 Movie C
When there is a preempt, most of the time you don't have a slam
If it goes 1N-P-P, you should strain to balance
When you compete in a minor at the 4-level you are begging your opponents to bid game in their major
You should always raise partner's weak 2 with 3-card support
You should strain to compete over 1N
I strongly recommend you play Checkback rather than New Minor Forcing
March 2020 Movie B
The defensive miscue
Bid Grand Slam if you can count 13 tricks
Virtually all of the time, you should lead partner's suit
1S after 1H bid promises 5-card spades
Bergen Raises
When a preempt makes bidding difficult for the opponents
March 2020 Movie A
Trump promotion play
You should strain to interfere over 1NT openers
Equal Level Conversion Doubles
There is no gap between a preempt and an opener
Bergen Hand Evaluation helps show the power of highly distributional hands
Plan and count your winners
February 2020
February 2020 Movie D
How experts card in the middle of the hand
5 level decisions in competitive auctions are among the most difficult bidding decisions in bridge
Just because you have Michaels distribution does not mean you have to bid Michaels.
Plan the hand out at trick-one
A weak 7 card suit is often worth more than a strong 4 card suit
Your least disciplined preempts are in 3rd seat
February 2020 Movie C
Self Sufficient Suit
When the hand is a misfit, stop bidding ASAP
Make sure you bid game and don't worry about slam once the opponents compete.
New suits by responder are always forcing
In general you lead count in partner's suit
Law Of Total Tricks
February 2020 Movie B
A pre-competing bid
You don't lead away from aces in suit contracts
Kickback - RKCB
Leading a singleton is often a good lead
Over artificial bids, if partner will be on lead you should make lead directing doubles
The bad break did declarer in
February 2020 Movie A
An unlucky hand
It is always better to make economical bids when your side has game forcing Strength
Fine print of transfer
Picture bidding
Inverted Raises
You may have a Squeeze if ...
January 2020
January 2020 Movie D
Do you know how to squeeze
Flat hands, especially 4-3-3-3 are much worse than they look
Expert defenders play attittude leads in the middle of the hand
Rule of 20 is supreme
Fine print on Superaccept
Non-forcing, or semi-forcing, or Forcing 1NT
January 2020 Movie C
Against suit contracts you never lead away from aces
Fast arrival showing a weak game forcing hand with little slam interest
DONT Runouts
In the middle of the hand you lead King from Ace-King
Nothing to write home about this board
Do not make a redundant bid
January 2020 Movie B
Bergen Raises after interference
You should always open 1N if your hand qualifies, even with a 5-card
Use the Law of Total Tricks in competition
Most of the time you bid 2D waiting over 2C
The Law of Restricted Choice
You should be less inclined to make marginal preempts in 2nd seat
January 2020 Movie A
4-3-3-3 hands are the worst distribution.
Many people like leading attitude (high) from 3 or 4 small. But most experts prefer count
Experts define a splinter as an unnecessary jump
Aggressive preempting pays off more often than not
Unusual over unusual
Howard highly recommends playing DONT over 1NT openers.

December 2019
December 2019 Movie C
Gambling 3NT
You need to plan the hand out at trick one
Voids are magic
You should strain to make lead directing doubles of artificial bids
Double after 1C-1H promises 4-card spades
Do you play 1NT by a passed hand forcing
December 2019 Movie B
Relying only on Losing Trick Count is not a good way to evaluate your hand
Checkback Stayman
Most people don't count out declarer's hand
Over 1C-1D, 1H only promises 4 hearts. And 1S only promises 4 spades
Super Accept
Sometimes you have to know when to pass
December 2019 Movie A
The power of great distribution
The faster you get to game after a 2/1 GF, the weaker you are
2 way Reverse Drury
Whenever someone spllinters a trump lead is often a resonable lead
Think of "Declarer Points" as "Player with Long Trump Points."
The expert opening lead from AKQ
November 2019
November 2019 Movie D
How to deal with interference over 1NT
Often a trump lead is a good lead when the opponents splinter
Fourth Suit Forcing - (4SF)
You would not play 2nd hand high without having a sequence
In partner's suit, you don't show shortness as a control
November 2019 Movie C
New suits by responder are forcing
Always use LOTT to decide when to raise a preempt
Bergen Raises
If the first 2 players pass, they usually average a combined 16 HCP or so
You do not want to be in a 30% slam
Bidding over a forcing NT
November 2019 Movie B
It is always good to remember that overcalls can be lead directing
If the opponents are in an 8-card fit at the 2-level you will often not get a good result
DONT is one of Howard's favorite convention
Howard tend to prefer leading 4th from longest and strongest in NT
Leading away from a jack is a bit risky
Many players erroneously dislike hands with "Aces and Spaces"
November 2019 Movie A
Once partner preempts, you virtually never pull their suit
2/1 GF allows you to look for slam while staying below game
When leading a suit back for parther to ruff, you lead back suit preference
Plan the best way to get the needed trick, making the contract
Howard normally dislikes leading unprotected aces
Plan the play
October 2019
October 2019 Movie C
A difficult hand to defend properly
In Matchpoints, Howard bids close games with a 9-card fit, and pass with an 8-card fit.
Coded 10s and 9s
Agressive bidding pays off
Howard highly recommends everyone learn and play 2/1
In competitive auction the objective is to make it as hard for the opponents to bid as possible
October 2019 Movie B
Preempts are usually disruptive
Agressive bidding works
Reopen with a double if
A 1N overcall shows 15-18
When to lead count and when to lead attitude
The finesse is marked
October 2019 Movie A
Rule of 24 in 3rd seat
You should stretch to bid vul games in IMPs
Don't be a misguided player
The Law of Total Tricks works best with 8, 9, and 10 card fits
Avoid opening marginal 2C bids
Puppet Stayman
September 2019
September 2019 Movie E
Sometimes missing slam is not bad
As is often the case, 4S over 4H is the correct bid
You should normally support with support
Kickback RKCB
The 9th trump is worth almost an extra trick
Rule of 24
September 2019 Movie D
Singletons and voids are huge assets on offense
Remaining Count
In the good old days
Plan the hand out
Super Accept
The Law of Restricted Choice
September 2019 Movie C
As a general rule, the length of your suit should guide how high you preempt
Difficult bidding
A hand hard to count tricks
It is rare that you would lead declarer's known suit in NT
Hands with singletons are much better on offense than those without
September 2019 Movie B
You should strain to preempt in 3rd seat
The expert lead from AKQ
Unlucky hand
Once you preempt it is up to partner to decide how high to bid
With an 11 card fit missing the K, you play for the drop
A lot of players these days lead unbid majors
September 2019 Movie A
The auctions that start 1D/2C really need discussion by good partnerships
Support Doubles shows exactly 3-card support
By counting your tricks you get a better idea of how to play the hand
From AKQ experts often lead the Queen
"What an ugly fit?", said the declarer
August 2019
August 2019 Movie D
Value showing double
An old student of Howard rocks
When a Negative Double shows 4 cards in both major
Is it always a good thing to get the trump out early?
A difficult board to bid slam
Lead count in partner's unsupported suit
August 2019 Movie C
A dangerous play
Oh man, He is Good
Pass or no Pass
If you can make a lead directing double you should do so
Defense can help too
Often the opening lead is a guess and we often guess wrong with no help
August 2019 Movie B
Weak NT
When to discount a Jx
Lead count when you did not support partner
Don't take unnecessary risks
It does happen
Splinter bid
August 2019 Movie A
A 4-3-3-3 distribution is dreadful
New suits by RESPONDER are forcing
Howard DISLIKEs LEVEL hands
Sometimes, leading unprotected ace is okay when partner has bid the suit
Count your tricks as declarer and come up with a plan to make your contract
Many nights you end up as dummy or defender and never play a hand
July 2019 Movie D
The Rule Of 20 is your guide.
These days many people are opening offshape 1NT bids
Aggressive preempting is crucial to good bridge
Quick Trick points hand evaluation
Bergen count is a very accurate predicter
Jamming the opponents is often a good idea
July 2019 Movie C
3rd seat is the best time to preempt
Once you establish a game force going slow means slam interest
Usually, you cover the last honor led from dummy
In a suit contract, leading a long suit with no honors is probably the safest lead
Bergen Hand Evaluation is extremely useful.
July 2019 Movie B
Double and correct to NT shows a stronger hand than an immediate NT overcall
Bergen Raises in action
Leading unprotected aces particularly in an opponent's suit is almost always a bad idea
Even if you are a fairly timid preempter you must be aggressive in 3rd seat
Heart Break
What you need to open 2C
July 2019 Movie A
When you do not play second hand low
Discarding is very hard
When you have a self sufficient suit, bid strongly
Counting out suits is crucial on defense.
You need to have an agreement as to how to bid over a Reverse
If you have an opener you can bid a game force
June 2019
June 2019 Movie C
You should always use the Law of Total Tricks to figure out how high to bid
Advantages of Reverse Bergen Raises
There is a style of bidding called Walsh
Always signal positive attitude with the highest card you can afford
Unintentionally, pushing the opponents into a non making contract
A "Negative Double" and correct.
June 2019 Movie B
In a suit contract a singleton is often a good lead
DONT Runouts
Usually "5 over 5" decisions are very difficult
It is a good idea to overcall in NT with a suitable hand.
Good bidding and good play
Defending partials is very difficult
June 2019 Movie A
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
The merits of Bergen Hand Evaluation
Lots of "IFs"
A good contract which does not make
Holding 3 cards in an opponents' suit is your worst holding
Luck has something to do with it
May 2019
May 2019 Movie D
Rule of 20 is still your best guide
A good advertisement for Bergen hand evaluation
Unless you have an explicit agreement 1NT in 3rd seat is still 15-17
Leading unprotected aces is a very bad idea
Bergen Raises
Good declarers make their own luck by careful planning
May 2019 Movie C
When leading partner's unsupported suit, you always lead count
In the middle of the hand you lead K from AK
Preempting much more often than not works out well
3N is almost always a better contract than 5 of a minor
MM dislikes those recap sheets
Once again proving that preempts do usually work out well
May 2019 Movie B
Sometimes it is difficult to find the correct opening lead
Leading unprotected aces is dangerous
7-card suits are pretty rare so you need to take advantage of them
Pass is not a dirty word
Howard prefers using the Rule of 20 in all 4 seats
This board is like a kiss from your sister-in-law
May 2019 Movie A
Support Doubles
5 over 5 decisions are very difficult
Playing Walsh requires a very experienced partnership which understands all the implications
Carefully plan your play
Leading the King and then the Ace shows a doubleton in the suit
Howard highly recommends you play Bergen Raises
April 2019
April 2019 Movie D
When it is reasonable to lead an unprotected ACE
Use the "Negative Inferences" as well as "Positive Inferences"
Quick Trick Points
Picture Bidding
Tough to bid game
Opening 1NT with a 5-card major
April 2019 Movie C
Howard recommends 4S as Kickback when hearts are trump
Defense is by far the hardest part of the game
The disruppting power of Weak-Two bids
Entry management can be tricky
The expert treatment of a cue bid of 3H over 2H and 3S over 2S
A Ho-hum board
April 2019 Movie B
"Kickback" RCKB is Howard's new favorite
A takeout double followed by a correct to NT shows a stronger hand than overcalling 2NT
In suits you can lead top of 2 card sequence
The great play
Use the Law Of Total Tricks when competing
April 2019 Movie A
Hands with good distribution are always under valued
When you bid aggressively, the opponents often overbid
You should avoid opening marginal 2C bids when your suit is a minor
Why Howard hates his hand
Responding to Gerber
Howard throws the kitchen sink at the Movie Maker
March 2019
March 2019 Movie E
Defense is so hard because it is very hard for most players to visualize
With 5-5 you never open your lower ranking suit
A very tricky hand
In 3rd seat,you should like to preempt with appropriate hands even if you are slightly too strong
Despite what you may hear, a 5-3 fit is usually better and safer than a 4-4 fit
Declarer Play - Suit Combinations - A Review
March 2019 Movie D
You should open a weak 2 even with an outside 4-card major assuming you can't open at the 1-level
Opening 1N with a singleton Ace
With a balanced 15-17 you always open 1N even with a 5-card major
With missing 2 key cards, you don't want to be in slam
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
Is the player too wimpy to pass
March 2019 Movie C
Most players under value distribution and over value HCP
Often in a splinter auction, a trump is a good lead
Some count winners and some like to count losers
Support Doubles
One deal with two outcomes
A rare hand where a negative double promised both unbid suits
March 2019 Movie B
Rule of 16 and 24 after 2 passes
Picture bidding
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
People often misdefend allowing you to make un-makable contracts
Good bidding and good play
March 2019 Movie A
"Pass" is a bid too
A freakish hand
With 3-card support you raise to 3 even if weak
You never lose the post mortem by leading partner's suit
February 2019
February 2019 Movie D
It is often a good idea to make declarer trump and shorten their trump
Bidding 2C over 1D is a very good competitive bid
You should only double part scores when you have a lot of trump
Over 1NT new suits are not forcing
You do need to think at bridge
The 1NT rebid is more of a description rather than showing stoppers in all unbid suits
February 2019 Movie C
Praise the mighty Bergen Raises
Aggressive bidding pays off more often than not
You lead high from an honor sequence
Bid 1N with 15-17 balanced hand and 5-card major
You can't make a Bergen Raise with 3 card support
Terry is a star
February 2019 Movie B
A double and correct to NT shows 19-21
In general, against 6NT you try and make a safe lead
You almost always preempt at the 3-level with a 7-card suit
In general you should rarely lead a suit the opponents have bid
Rule of 15
If you have nice 3-card support and no better bid, it is Okay to raise to 2 with 3-card support
February 2019 Movie A
Suit Combinations
SHE who knows goes
Aggressive bidding pays.
Defense is always hard
In a competitive auction, The Law of Total Tricks is your best guide
The magic of voids
January 2019
January 2019 Movie D
You never need to ruff in the hand with long trump UNLESS
Why Qxx opposite Jxx is a dangerous combination
Draw trump ASAP unless there is a reason not to
Against a small slam in a suit, you want to make an aggressive lead
Don't bid your hand twice
Use Bergen Starting Points in NT to figure out how high to bid
January 2019 Movie C
Flannery a useless convention!
Preempt is a higher reward/lower risk action
You should use the Law of Total Tricks when competing
In general you should use the law of total tricks when raising partner's preempt
Checkback Stayman 101
Good declarers make their own luck
January 2019 Movie B
Do you know "unusual over unusual"
Never violate the system
Leading unprotected aces often gives away a trick
Marty Bergen/Larry Cohen: We love Cappelletti; we recommend it to all our opponents.
Normally you don't want to bid RKCB with a void
Good bidding by all
January 2019 Movie A
You must lead count in partner's suit if you have not supported them
What card an expert would lead from A K Q
Leading K from KQx often does not work out so well
It is never wrong to lead partner's sui
The good old days
You don't lead 4th best when you have an honor sequence

December 2018
December 2018 Movie E
With 3 to an honor with a singleton or void, you should seriously consider a raise
Don't just look at 1 or 2 suits. Look at all 4 suits
Good players make their own luck
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
Do you know Ogust?
Good defensive carding is discussed
December 2018 Movie D
Preempt whenever possible
Once partner is a passed hand, you are no longer preempting them
If you don't have enough points to bid, just pass
You MUST learn to love good distribution
One Million Porcupines March at BBO
A pretty normal result
December 2018 Movie C
It's a matter of giving yourself two 50% chances instead of one
Opening 1D with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs
A short explanation of Puppet Stayman
You should be reluctant to open 2C when your suit is diamonds
Active defense
In general you should not try and rescue partner after a preempt
December 2018 Movie B
Generally, new suits by RESPONDER (partner of opener) are always forcing
When 4N is quantitative
In slams, suits are almost always easier than NT
The law of total tricks is a good guideline
Leading K from KQx does not always workout well
Make a plan at trick one
December 2018 Movie A
Equal Level Conversion
A Dummy Reversal
Never forget that distribution is very important to hand evaluation
Do you know the MIN-MAX Convention?
Texas Transfer
Not a walk in the park
November 2018
November 2018 Movie D
You MUST count distribution and not just HCP.
Playing "2 against 1" is fun
Smolen convention is okay, so long as partner remembers
Once partner preempts, you almost always want to play in partner's suit
The least favorite bid--2N
November 2018 Movie C
A couple of declarer play techniques employed by Howard
If you lead partner's suit, you will be right more often than not
Do not let them play at 1-level except if it is a 1-level minor
A raise of partner's suit in a competitive auction is not invitational
Whenever the auction starts 1C-1D-dbl, the doubler is showing exactly 4 hearts and 4 spades
Normally you should lead partner's suit
November 2018 Movie B
6-4 hands are very powerful on offense
Remember and take advantage of the auction
The power of distribution
You should always make a lead directing doubles over artificial bids
When you know where you want to play, just play there
Rebidding an unsupported weakish 5-card suit at the 2-level is dangerous
November 2018 Movie A
The victim of a teaching moment
HCP are not what causes a double. Its trump length and strength
You need to be an expert to find this line of play
Totally awesome play
Don't have a good lead? Ask the teacher.
October 2018
October 2018 Movie C
Make a disruptive bid immediately
Garbage Stayman
Fine prints in responding to 2C opening
Trump promotion
White Against Red Isn't Bridge (WARIB)
October 2018 Movie B
West got very lucky
Waiting to see what develops as some people might have merit
With intermediate cards bid more aggressively
Howard tends to open 1N whenever he has any excuse
A touch of New Minor Forcing
Be cautious when you compete to the 4-level in a minor
October 2018 Movie A
Always help out your partner on defense when you can
Do you know what a "fix" is?
In 3rd seat, especially at favorable vul you should strain to preempt
With a minor, you want to avoid making marginal 2C opening bid
You should wish for 6-5 hands on every deal
Howard almost never leads from Qx unless partner bid the suit where he leads Q from Qx
September 2018
BIL 15th Anniversary Exhibition
Leading an eight from 10 8 6
There's a theory that when you're fixed you stay fixed, settle for game
Forcing PASS (not the one you are thinking!)
Weak NT 101
I can make it if I pull trump initially
DONT and Lebensohl vs Weak NT
How to show a strong NT hand when you play Weak NT
Opening 1C when holding ?-?-4C-4D is solved
September 2018 Movie B
Once partner is a passed hand, it is less likely you have game
A good rule is that it is right to bid 4S over 4H when you have a 9+ card fit
You need to learn to "support with support" as soon as you can
Suits with jacks and no other honors or the 10 are not worth that much unless partner has bid the suit
Use "Bergen adjusted HCP" for the rule of 20
Balanced hands are bad on offense and good on defense
September 2018 Movie A
On highly distributional hands you have to engage in what I call "Picture" bidding
What is the important tenet of control bidding
Do you know the way to Points, Schmoints (Movie Make is OLDDDD)
You take distribution to Points Schmoints, you know!
With 5-4 in the majors I almost always overcall rather than double unless
When you have a marginal call you value long suits and shortness in their suit
August 2018
August 2018 Movie D
Do you know how to make an expert lead
A quality suit has 3 honors (the 10 is an honor)
Any time you have a chance to double an artificial bid as lead directing you should
In general bidding is better than passing
Replay Board 4
August 2018 Movie C
In general you should try and unblock suits ASAP
Pass is a good bid
With 6-5 in general, you open your 6 card suit--BUT
Responding to Michaels
Fine print in Negative Doubles
A so so board
August 2018 Movie B
A rare opening lead
What should you do with a 9-card suit
Double whenever you have a lot of trump and you don't think the opponents can escape anywhere
A limit raise over a cuebid
When someone preempts, the odds of a bad break are greatly increased
August 2018 Movie A
A quick lesson
Over an Inverted raise, you are looking for NT bid with stoppers
In general you want your honors in your long suits
With Jxx vs Qxx, get the opponents to lead the suit for you
Good defense is extremely difficult.
When to overcall with a 4-card majors
July 2018
July 2018 Movie D
Best you could do
What to do when partner has bid 2 suits
Leading against NT
Be careful with all the blocked suits
Checkback Stayman
An expert lead
July 2018 Movie C
Most players are too cautious.
Some players (Not Howard of course) open 1N with 14 and a 5-card suit
Rule of 11 (Probably the only one Howard cares for)
Your pre-empt is attached to your SEAT
Always open 1NT when you can
Passing and awaiting developments always causes problems
July 2018 Movie B
1NT over a takeout double normally shows a slightly stronger hand usually 8-10 or at least a good 7
It is pretty much established that you should open 1NT with a 5-card major
Don't pass the redouble unless you have no preference
The Law of Total Tricks
As defender it is much harder to visualize how to play than it is as declarer
A word or two about the Conventional wisdom
July 2018 Movie A
Not a good contract
You should have a better suit to overcall
The Law Of Total Tricks
You should love your 8 card suit even though it is weak
5 over 5 decisions are very difficult in Match Points
A judicious pass
June 2018
June 2018 Movie C
Support Doubles and Maximal doubles
You want your HCP to be in your long suit
It is now permissible to do 1N with a singleton Ace or King
If partner is a passed hand after you open and you rebid 1N that shows better than a strong NT
It is not possible to have a hand with 6 spades that is too weak to open 1S and too strong to open 2S
Jump shifts and Reverses
June 2018 Movie B
The best way to play K 6 3 opposite of J 10 7 5 2
Whenever you find a fit, you MUST reevaluate your hand
Balanced 11 counts are not as good as you might think
In general you should play the honors from the shorter hand first to prevent blocking the suit
Hear all about MOYSIAN FIT
Tough hand to play with the 4-1 break
June 2018 Movie A
A good decision which didn't work out
Best to use LOTT in competitive auctions
In the middle of the hand the correct carding is to lead K from AK
You should get in the habit of counting out declarer's hand
Splinter bid
Declarer should plan the hand out at trick one
May 2018
May 2018 Movie D
A good balance bid
Once again the Law Of Total Tricks works out
Howard prefers to only open 1NT with at most 1 doubleton
Do you do "equal level conversion"
Ducking the diamond saved the day for declarer
Hands with 4 hearts and a 5 card minor are always potential problem hands
May 2018 Movie C
Do not overcall with mediocre holdings
6-5 is wonderful distribution which you rarely get
A tad aggressive bid
You should always open or overcall 1N when it is appropriate
Whenever someone splinters, you devalue shortness and honors other than the ace in the splinter suit
These days the distributions where some open 1NT are more flexible
May 2018 Movie B
You should virtually always prefer 3NT to 5 of a minor
More good things than bad things happen when you preempt
With 5-5 in the majors you open 1S not 1H
A great teaching board
When leading back partner's suit, you lead back remaining count
What if
May 2018 Movie A
It should not be opened 1N, if the hand is 15-17 but 5-4-2-2 or 4-5-2-2
Why a 1NT rebid shows 18-19?
Some experts are wary of over-calling a mediocre 5-card suit at the 2 levele specially at unfavorable vulnerability.
You want to preempt when you can
Opening 1N with 5-4 in the majors rule
Defense is very hard and you need your partner
April 2018
April 2018 Movie C
Crawling Stayman
Small print on Takeout Double
Delayed DONT convention
The Rule of 20 is Supreme
The defenders sometimes mis-discard
The player did his best
April 2018 Movie B
Advanced Super Accept
To stay out of trouble, carefully listen to the bidding
A board with a few teaching points
A 7-card suit, even if very weak, will often take at least 5 tricks on offense
In misfits, you want to stop the bidding ASAP
You should be very cautious over-calling at the 2-level with a weak 5-card suit
April 2018 Movie A
Inverted minors are off in competition (including over takeout doubles
Flat hands are not as good as they look
With a 9-card fit and no information from the bidding you play for the drop of the queen
In general, playing in a suit is easier than playing in NT
Anytime you can open or overcall 1NT you should do so
Aggressive bidding wins the day more often than not
March 2018
March 2018 Movie D
In opening lead for NT contracts Howard is a "4th from longest" advocate
All, almost all, overcalls promise 5+.
Adjust-3 Bergen Starting Point Rule
Some bids are too aggressive even for Howard
5-0 break is a mere 4% probability
For opening lead, avoid unprotected aces
March 2018 Movie C
When as opener you raise partner's major
6-5 hands are pretty rare
A good preempt
If you don't have a raise, you don't have a raise
A nicely done squeeze
You should always open 1NT with 15-17 balanced even with 2 suits unstopped
March 2018 Movie B
Lose your losers early
A wrong discard cost the contract
Whether to open 1C or 1D
You should always open 1NT whenever you have 15-17 balanced even with a 5-card major
Bridge is a game of percentages
Responding to partner's 1C opener, don't bid with less than 6 even with a club void
March 2018 Movie A
Puppet Stayman
Lose your losers early
Kickback is a good alternative to 4NT RKCB
You should always open 1NT with 15-17 balanced even with a 5-card major
Once again proving 4S over 4H is a good bid
A negative double over 1D shows both majors
February 2018
February 2018 Movie D
Managing your entries is very important
Partner's balancing double (where partner could be relatively weak
Are you familiar with the "8 ever 9 never
You need to be a little more cautious when making 2 level overcalls
Have not supported you must lead count, not attitude|
February 2018 Movie C
The best defense is hard to find
The importance of the opening lead
Kickback Keycards Ask
A student gets a hubba-hubba from an unusual source
Aggressive bidding usually works out fine
An illusive killer opening lead
February 2018 Movie B
Aggressive bidding often pays
You should draw trump ASAP unless you have a reason not to.
Not all preempts affect the auction
Support doubles should be alerted
With Bergen hand evaluation, you count declarer points for whoever is longer in trump
Experts train themselves to count all suits and watch the spot cards
February 2018 Movie A
When dummy leads an honor always cover the last honor
In Match Points, letting them play in 2-level auction won't be a good result
What is required to make a 2-level overcall
When possible, make the most descriptive bid you can
Flat distribution is really bad and 4-3-3-3 is the worst
6-4 distribution is wonderful
January 2018
January 2018 Movie D
The Power of a Fit
| Checkback Stayman
A good pass
East played the hand he was dealt
Using rule of 20 in all 4 seats is best
Sometimes you can induce a mis-defense
January 2018 Movie C
Exclusion Key Card Blackwood
Pre-empts work
Self Sufficient Suit
Some experts wouldn't pre-empt with a 5 card suit vulnerable
2nd hand low almost always works better
nome played a hand well--almost
January 2018 Movie B
Unusual over Unusual
You should play lowest of the touching sequence as 3rd hand
With forcing 1NT auctions you often end up in 5-2 major suit contracts
Defense is very hard. But good defense is very rewarding
It is rarely right to trump with the master trump
A Ho-Hum board
January 2018 Movie A
Simple Law of Total Tricks
Plan to deal with unexpected
"5 over 5" bids
The modern style is to open 1C with 3-3 in the minors
9 trumps are usually worth an extra trick
You don't preempt over a preempt

December 2017
December 2017 Movie E
Garozzo's Rule
With a 15-18 balanced hand, with a stopper in opener's suit, it is ok to overcall 1NT
From K1098 A1098 of Q1098, the 10 is the correct standard lead in NT contract.
With KJ on the board, you duck your ace always
Any hand with 12+ HCP and 5-6 distribution is worth a reverse
How a 7 HCP hand can be valued at 13 points
December 2017 Movie D
A 1S bid (after a 1H overcall specifically) promises 5+ spades
Some people play suit preference when there is a singleton on the board.
It is pretty well established at this point that you open 1NT with any 15-17 even with a nice 5-card major
A double could backfire
A weak 2 in 4th seat shows around 11-14 with a nice 6-card suit
In the middle of the hand you lead King from Ace-King
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy
December 2017 Movie C
In general you should win the honors in the hand with the shorter suit first
In NT, lead your longest and strongest suit that was not bid by the opponents.
Good distribution is often worth more than HCP
Many players are (incorrectly) reluctant to raise with 3-card support.
Blackwood - Queen Ask
Any time you can preempt you should.
December 2017 Movie B
One of the things good defenders have to do is visualize how they can beat the contract
Good players make their own luck
You only lead top of a sequence in NT when you have a 3-card sequence
A lovely and well bid Grand Slam
A hard board to bid slam or even game
An interesting auction
December 2017 Movie A
Howard doesn't like to let the opponents play at the 2-level when the points are evenly spread, BUT
Regular or Reverse Bergen
It is okay to open weak 2 with a void?
The Declarer needs all the help he can get
Good defense, especially against a 2-level contract is very difficult
Garozzo's rule
In the middle of the hand, you lead King from Ace-King
November 2017
November 2017 Movie D
The art of giving yourself undertricks
You should not jump shift with less than a good 19 Bergen count.
A common mistake that many players make is to forget to count trump when there is a ruff
A good declaring
The jury must disregard what you just heard
What is passive defense in a nut shell
November 2017 Movie C
It is much harder to play a contract when one hand has all of the HCP
Please don't mess with the Law Of Total Tricks
Sometimes the cards are not nice to you
Good distribution is very powerful
You should almost never overruff with a natural trump winner
Responses to a takeout doubles
November 2017 Movie B
The worst holding in an opponent's suit is 3 small
Whenever there is only 1 high trump out, it is usually best to not draw it
Discarding is very hard
You should always count your winners
4th Suit Forcing
November 2017 Movie A
Can you tell a singleton opening lead from the bidding.
2nd negative approach
Go for the gusto and bid 3N
You should strain to bid 1N any time you can't raise and have NT distribution
When to overruff
Words of Wisdom which We Usually Ignore
October 2017
October 2017 Movie D
When you bid over a weak 2, you should have opening values
You always need to count winners whenever you are declarer
WARIB - White Against Red Isn't Bridge
You are defending a 7N contract^
A board from Teams Cayne/Stars match
Gambling 3N
October 2017 Movie C
Maximal Double
A killer opening lead
In Matchpoints be on the look out for extra tricks
Gambling 3NT
"Coded" 10s and 9s
Nome disrupts Gambling 3NT
October 2017 Movie B
Responding to 1N--It is a long one
Trolling Kia
The "book" bid
Think about not only what WAS bid, but also what WAS NOT bid
Balanced hands are not nearly as good as they look
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
October 2017 Movie A
Aces and spaces revisited
5-5 hands are very powerful on offense
The Law of Total Tricks works
After 1N-P-P, you want to strain to bid
All about Ogust
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2017
September 2017 Movie D
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do
I think you should play new suits as forcing by an unpassed hand even after an overcall
Lead K from AK = "Old school"; A from AK = "New school"
It's really a LOTT consideration.
Opening 1C and/or 1D
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2017 Movie C
Lead against suits contracts
When there is a preempt you have to take some risks and play the odds
Inverted Minor Raises are off in competition
With 19 HCP and all suits controlled 4N right away is fine
The 5 level belongs to the opponents
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2017 Movie B
"Self-sufficient" suit
MUD is a really a bad idea
Aces and spaces
Over an Inverted raise, all suit bids are now stopper bid
Unusual over Unusual
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2017 Movie A
Describe your hand
Accepting the invitation
With only 3-card support, particularly 3 small I try and find an alternative bid if possible
Count your starting points, and, once you find a fit, your dummy or declarer points
A Hard hand to play and to defend
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2017
August 2017 Movie D
Bidding hands with 9 card suits is difficult
Discount balanced hands, especially 4-3-3-3
Sometimes the opponents make a friendly discard
Lebensohl is a slightly better to handle interference, but it is very complicated
Phantom sacrifice
Sacrifice suggestion
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2017 Movie C
The importance of intermediate cards (10s, 9s, 8s)
East and West conspired to let Howard make the hand
The Reverse can be done on as little as 16
To make a great call, a player wished he could see the four hands
Support Double
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2017 Movie B
You need to keep re-evaluating your hand based on the auction.
Counting Declarer's hand.
3NT is normally a better game than 5C or 5D.
Don't ruff in the long hand unless you have a good reason.
Declarer had limited entries.
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2017 Movie A
It is usually not a good idea, particularly in first and second seat to preempt when you have an opening bid
What do you call an 8-card suit
In IMPs, Howard rarely pass an invitational 2NT
Declarer was saved by a transfer bid
Quick Trick points
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - What A Lovely Story
July 2017
July 2017 Movie D
You should strain to balance when it goes 1N-P-P and you have a hand with appropriate DONT distribution
Vul game bonus is worth a lot of IMPs
When there is preemtive bidding you have to go with the odds
If your hand meets the rule of 20, treat it as a game force when responding
Porcupines know best
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - Rise of Spiritualism
July 2017 Movie C
For the 2 level overcall you prefer at least 10 HCP and a 6-card suit or a quality 5-card suit
A doomed correct 1N auction
New Minor Forcing by Erick Rodwell - an Excerpt
Plodding through BBO
You may bid differently whether playing in IMPs or Matchpoints
A 7-card fit
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - Origin Of US National Parks
July 2017 Movie B
A unique hand
When you have the majority of strength, lead trump to avoid letting declarer get ruffs
Even experts are not immune to bad suit breaks.
Correct defensive carding is crucial if you want to defend well
You should strain to overcall (or open) 1NT whenever you have the appropriate hand
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - Stairway To Heaven
July 2017 Movie A
Draw trumps ASAP unless you have a good reason not to
It is okay to bid 2N with two doubletons to get 20+ points across to pard
May it be His Will that the Divine Presence should rest on the work of your hands
It is very difficult to play 2N with all the points in 1 hand
What is "negative double and correct."
The most common reason to delay drawing trump is when you want to ruff in the hand with short trump
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - Fiddler On The Roof
June 2017
June 2017 Movie C
You must lead count in partner's suit when you have not supported
The art of knowing when to compete
Opening 2@C mini-lesson
You have to play the percentages
When to play 4N quantitative
Gambling 3NT
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - How Washington Helped Started The Revolutionary War
June 2017 Movie B
Note the importance of the tens in the hand
New suits by responder are ALWAYS forcing
DONT is vastly superior to Cappeletti
The power of distribution
Have you studied Howard's IMP and MP Scoring tutorial
Generally speaking you should err on the side of bidding more rather than less
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - Hillary and Tenzing reach Everest summit
June 2017 Movie A
If you want to make a neutral lead you should lead the longest unbid suit in which you have no honor
An update on Super Acccept
Aggressive bidding works more often than not
Bergen Rule of 20 opener
Howard does not open balanced 11 counts--it is losing bridge in the long run
You almost never raise partner's DONT bid
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - The Accidental Super Power
May 2017
May 2017 Movie C
Howard at his best
Good attitude
Where declarer shows 2 suits and dummy shows a preference, a trump lead is often agood idea
Howard recommends you play all jumps to 3 over 1NT, as slam tries
Tough bidding situation
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - Charlie Chaplin
May 2017 Movie B
You want to declare when you have a void, especially in a known fit for the opponents
You can only make a cue bid as a raise a) as you first bid and b) if you are responder or advancer
If partner opens one of a major and you have 4-card support you MUST show it immediately
Flannery 101
In NT you only lead the top of an honor sequence when you have a 3-card sequence or broken sequence
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - The Press : The Colonial Period
May 2017 Movie A
Learning is easy. Remembering is the hard part.
Bidding can give you clues
A rare hand where 5 of a minor is better than 3NT
Always best to "support with support.
A New Minor Forcing bid
Selecting the opening lead by elimination process
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - The Raiding Of Ireland
April 2017
April 2017 Movie D
Discarding error
Never give up on trying to make a hand if there is any possiblity of making it
1NT by "advancer" should show 8-11 or so
Call it an unlucky hand
Once someone opens, even a preempt the likelihood of slam making is not that high
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - The First Oval Office
April 2017 Movie C
Get in the habit of trying to determine declarer's HCP when on defense
Whenever you have all the tricks but one you have a potential squeeze
Make your plan at trick 1 and then execute
In NT you can lead away from an ace and often do because it is not going to be trumped
When you could open a 6-3-2-2 distribution hand 1NT
You should stretch to bid vul games in IMPs
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Movie Maker's Corner - The First Oval Office
April 2017 Movie B
It is hard to show a 16 point hand
Give attitude or count
Once you establish a game force the principle of "fast arrival" applies
DONT under microscope
A wimpy Pass
Even experienced bidders can make reasonable decisions that do not work out
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2017 Movie A
Good choice of lead--declarer bids 2 suits and responder shows shortness in one
Finding a killer opening lead is not easy
You are allowed to bid 1D over 1C with four diamonds
5-5 is always a wonderful distribution
Aggressive bidding wins again, as it often does
By planning the hand out you give yourself a shot and the shot may come in
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2017
March 2017 Movie D
4th from longest and strongest unbid suit against NT works out better more often than not
With 5-6 hands, you should open your 6-card suit unless you really are going to have a rebid problem
The opponents don't always make optimal bidding decisions
Did you know "Satchmo" is Yiddish for "Big Cheeks"?
Howard prefers playing in a 5-3 fit to a 4-4 fit
It is generally a good idea to stretch when you have a 9-card fit
Whenever you bid forcing 1NT and then bid a new suit that shows a weak hand
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2017 Movie C
In Notrump contract 4th best is usually the best lead
With 5-5 in the majors always open 1S.
A deadly double
The King is a special lead against NT. It asks partner to encourage holding the Ace or the Jack
It Is hard, but you should always try and plan every hand.
Plan out the hand at trick one
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2017 Movie B
One of Howard's students SHINES
What if
Howard is not a big fan of light openers in 3rd or 4th seat
When bidding don't think what can go wrong--think what can go right
Howard recommends opening a Weak-2 even with an outside 4-card major
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2017 Movie A
Suit Preference
Howard going WILD--teaching wise
1N forcing with 3-card support
Leading unprotected Ace
Most play you open 1D with 4 diamonds and 4 clubs regardless of strength.
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
February 2017
February 2017 Movie D
You should do the "Percentage" play unless you can see the four hands
Sometimes it is hard to bid a nice contract
Don't bid a 25% game
Use the Law of Total Tricks in competitive auctions
What is a defect in a pre-empt hand
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
February 2017 Movie C
Opening 5-6 hands where the 5-card suit is higher ranking than the 6-card suit
The Mother of all the Teaching Boards
There is no crying in bridge
9 trick rule in 2C opener
A hopeless contract
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
February 2017 Movie B
Reverse Bergen Raises
Responder's bid after partner's 2C is ovecalled
Movie Maker at his best--three auctions in one board!
Bidding 4 of a minor when you suspect the opponents may have a major fit
It is never wrong to take the setting trick
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
February 2017 Movie A
What is good lead
Leading singletons against suit contracts is often correct
You should be more conservative when you have an 8 card fit.
Don't let the opponents play at the 2 level when you know they have an 8+ card fit
Opening Lead from AKQJ
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2017
January 2017 Movie E
Super Accepts
On every hand figure out a way to come to the number of winners you need
| Defend as experts do
Use the law of total tricks to figure out if and how much to raise partner
Cohen - Fixing A Slump
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2017 Movie D
An interesting board
Always make a plan before playing the first trick
Upside Down Count and Attitude
The best time to preempt is 3rd seat, so you should be very frisky
I think opening balanced 11 counts is losing bridge in the long run
Be more conservative with an 8 card fit
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2017 Movie C
In NT, you should always count your tricks in all 4 suits and come up with a plan
With 15-17 balanced you should open 1NT even with a 5-card major
If you lead partner's suit you are never wrong even if it turns out not to be the best lead on the hand
Overcalling 1NT when you can is also a good bid
A grand slam should not be bid unless it is almost a sure thing
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2017 Movie B
On defense proper carding is crucial on many hands
You should strain to bid and overcall 1NT with a suitable hand
A cue bid is only a raise if it is made by responder
Normally it is a bad idea to lead the opponent's 5 card suit
When lead directing doubles are not helping
Leading unprotected aces is usually not a good idea
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2017 Movie A
Do you know what "Quacks" are
Choosing 1D vs 1H or 1S after partner opens 1C
Don't forget Rule of 11
Whenever you can reasonably make a lead directing double you should
You can only make a help suit game try if you can stop below game
Always mind the power of distribution
Bidding Quizzes by Eddie Kantar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge

December 2016
December 2016 Movie D
Puppet Stayman
Weak-Two bids Howard's style
When you have all the tricks but one you have a potential squeeze
If my partner does not lead your suit, he better either be void in your suit, or be leading a singleton
Keep parity with the dummy
Defending Against Michaels Cuebids
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
December 2016 Movie C
A simple squeeze
Many experts prefer DONT over Cappelletti
Howard is a rule of 20 person
Roman Keycard Blackwood - Kickback
Opener's options after 1N-P-2H-P-2S-P-2N-P
If you never lead an opps' suit you will be right virtually all the time
Defending Against Unusual Notrump
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
December 2016 Movie B
Keep parity with dummy
You can splinter WITH 4-card support, shortness, and enough points for a game force
Do you know the Expert Lead from A K Q?
Don't Ruff on Air please
The modern theory is to lead unbid majors against NT
When You have a "License to Steal"
Responding to Unusual Notrump
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
December 2016 Movie A
Unusual Notrump fine print
Do something intelligent double.
2nd negative after a 2D by responder
Any time you can make a lead directing overcall you should
Whenever partners preempt and you are short in their suit that is very bad for offense
Bergen hand evaluation is a great tool
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
November 2016
November 2016 Movie D
With 5-4 in the majors overcalling the 5-card suit works out better more often
When leading back partner's suit you should lead back remaining count.
Unless you know you are missing a stopper in a suit, you should always prefer 3N to 5 of a minor
Too much chatting will get you in trouble even if you are an expert
Proper cardplay
Bidding a small slam will usually get you a good board
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
November 2016 Movie C
When you bypass 1D and when you don't
"Once you are fixed, stay fixed"
4-Suit transfers
Simply follow the Law of Total tricks
You should always lead count in partner's suit if you have not supported them
The pot calling the kettle black--Marty Bergen thinks Howard preempt too much!
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
November 2016 Movie B
A bidding dilemma with a strong hand and a long diamond suit
Deciding whether or not to double a preempt
Experts prefer showing "specific" kings
A perfectly good bid
Showing a 3-card limit raise in 2/1
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
November 2016 Movie A
Doubleton leads should be avoided in general
What is a free bid?
Having the A or K in a preempt suit is not as good as you might think
Consider a 5-2 split
If you can don't let the queen get a free trick
It is hard to know when to be "passive" and when to be aggressive when defending
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
October 2016
October 2016 Movie D
Distributional hands are worth much more than their HCP indicate
A 1NT rebid simply denies 4-card support and shows a 12-14 balanced hand
You always raise when you can
Ignore "hand records" given out in the local bridge clubs
Always cash the honors in the short hand first to avoid blocking the suit
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge|
October 2016 Movie C
Practice finesse
Gambling 3N
Bidding 1NT with a 5-card major is perfectly okay
Pass when you do not have a good bid
You never preempt over a preempt
Bidding with Larry
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
October 2016 Movie B
3rd seat light openers
With 5-4 in the majors, overcall your 5-card suit instead of a double
Opening lead from Jx
A 20% slam
Open 1S with hands with 5 spades and 5 clubs
Responsive double
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
October 2016 Movie A
You don't get many 5-5 hands and you should not waste them
An easier way to keep track of trumps is to remember how many are out
Bidding slam once there is an opening bid by an opponent is rare
Doubles of artificial bids are always lead directing
A difficult hand to play
Do you play 1D-P-2C forcing--2/1
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2016
September 2016 Movie D
Another nice feature of Bergen Raises
Playing in a 5-2 fit is much better than playing in a 4-3 fit.
Howard favors aggressive bidding over not aggressive
Have your cake and eat it
Lose your losers early
These days with good shape, your takeout doubles are allowed to be a little lighter
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2016 Movie C
Bergen Raises after the double by the opponents
Choice of Roman Key Cards when minors are trump
Game Tries
In bridge it is often wrong to procrastinate
The whole secret is to count your winners ASAP
Hands with "aces and spaces" are not BAD
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2016 Movie B
Quick Trick points
Discarding fine prints
The Negative Double only promises the unbid major
A coached Play
Distribution is often more important than HCP
Some "good" contracts are not makeable
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge - From July 02, 2016
What card to lead against suit contracts - by Mike Lawrence
September 2016 Movie A
You always play the lowest of equal cards as 3rd hand
Proper defensive carding is crucial if you want to defend as best as you can
Even if you play 1430, you must play 0314 when clubs are trump
Don't make a redundant bid
A tough bidding situation
In IMPs, the game bonus is worth the risk
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2016
August 2016 Movie C
Defending when balanced and bidding when unbalanced, will improve your odds
High cards in your long suits are much more valuable than high cards in your short suits
Rule of 17 - Much Ado About Nothing
BROMAD is an acronym for "Bergen Raises of a Major After a Double
A Chicken Bridge Player Is Born
Howard's Competitive Guideline
August 2016 Movie B
It is usually right to bid 3 over 2 when both sides have an 8 card fit
Furthering the Pre-empt
With 9-card suits don't be timid
If you have good technique on defense it will matter a lot.
Howard is a 4th from longest and strongest advocate
A dream board for East/West
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2016 Movie A
A suit preference signal
When you know you have a misfit, stop ASAP
Defending is hard and requires a lot of visualization
Re-evaluate your hand after each bid
Fine prints in leading unsupported Ace
A good rule is to not ruff with a natural trump trick
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
July 2016
July 2016 Movie E
Double and correct" to NT when too strong to overcall 1N
Leading unprotected aces (ace with no king) is often a bad idea
Leading King from King-Queen without the Jack (or at least the 10) often works out badly
Perfect defense is often hard to find
2/1 does not apply with interference
Criss Cross Style
Hands (four boards) of the Week from Vu-Bridge
July 2016 Movie D
Forcing out 2 honors with 1 honor is always good
It is always better to make your bids earlier rather than later
"I would not hate being in slam, but I don't hate not being in slam", says Howard
Leading unprotected aces (unless partner has bid the suit) are generally not a good idea
The correct lead from Q 10 9 x x is the 10
An extremely well played hand
Hands (four) of the Week from Vu-Bridge
July 2016 Movie C
The Law of Total Tricks
Top-Bottom and Top-Top, not the lingeries of course
A suit preference situation
Ask the Movie Maker when you need help making a contract--he is awesome
Always support partner if you can
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge--four boards
July 2016 Movie B
The Mea Culpa by the teacher
A strange little hand
The problem with these double dummy solvers
Advanced sacrifice
When to raise with 3-card support
Ogust is much better than feature, Says Howard
A Trump Coup
A fancy way to show the KQJ
July 2016 Movie A
Don't burn your entry to the board
The reward for making 3N outweighs the risk of going down a trick
Lead of Ace in NT asks to drop the Queen or give count if you don't
How experts count the hands
The problem with a splinter is it takes up a lot of bidding room
All about 2C open and responding to it
Larry Cohen Bridge Quizzes Responding to a Takeout Double (Part 3)
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge-four boards
June 2016
June 2016 Movie C
Whether or not to bid 4 of your minor
| Do you do 20 +2?
DONT Runouts
Whenever you are playing a contract and have all winners but one, just play out your winners
If you know where you want to go then go there
Cue bid when you have a limit raise or better
A revived board
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Larry Cohen Bridge Quizzes Responding to a Takeout Double (Part 2)
June 2016 Movie B
Very lucky hand for the teacher
Estimating the HCP around the table
2nd hand low is right more often than not
Teacher gets a qualified pass
An expert play
Experts often make their own luck
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Larry Cohen Bridge Quizzes - Responding to a Takeout Double (Part 1)
June 2016 Movie A
A good contract which does not make
A simple squeeze
Before making a bid in a competitive auction think about the most likely bid by partner
Howard is a big believer in 4th from longest and strongest if the suit has not been bid
Think not what can go wrong. Think what can go right, says Howard
They tried blocking publication of this board
Did You See it? by Larry Cohen
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2016
May 2016 Movie E
As usual, 2nd hand low is correct
HCP are only one component of how good your hand is
Psychologically people find it easier to set up their hand than dummy
A great bidding to reach a Grand Slam
4-3-3-3 is terrible distribution, especially when both partners have it
1NT by partner over 1C preferably should show 8-10
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Card Play 101 - BY PHILLIP ALDER
May 2016 Movie D
Open 2C if you have 4 Quick Tricks and 9 tricks
Aggressive bidding often works out well in practice even when in theory it does not
When in doubt lead partner's suit
Support with support
Howard strongly recommend 2/1 rather than SAYC
Draw all the trumps before claiming
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2016 Movie C
An immediate double and correct to 1NT shows a stronger hand, around 19-21
Howard's least favorite bid
Proper defensive carding is important
5-0 is 3.91% if anyone is wondering
A board where timid bidders prevail
A reasonable bid
Larry Cohen and his humiliating deal
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2016 Movie B
Balancing is done based on partnership assets
When you have the choice of two cuebids to show a limit raise plus
A double and correct
You cannot "result" a hand (meaning decide what the right bid is based on the results)
Options over a takeout double
An easy board for Declarer
Three Invaluable Lessons by Marti Ronemus from Vu-Bridge
May 2016 Movie A
Negative Double and Correct
Double and Correct by a passed hand
Do not only think about your first bid as responder, but plan out the auction
Avoid "redundant" bidding
Michaels Cuebid
A risky double you need to avoid
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2016
April 2016 Movie D
Bidding will help making your finesse
Let us get tactical
New Minor Forcing
A defensive pearl
Bidding over pre-empt
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2016 Movie C
Leading the opps suit usually is not a good idea
On occasion, a loser on loser play can gain you a trick
You should keep "parity with dummy" in terms of dummy's suits
New suits by responder are always forcing
For lead against NT stick with the tried and true 4th from longest and strongest of the unbid suits
Michaels Cuebid
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2016 Movie B
Voids are magic on offense and a detriment on defense
"Heads I win, tails we tie" situation.
Quick Trick Points
You should not pre-empt a pre-empt
Good bridge is all about risk/reward
When all new suits are control bids?
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2016 Movie A
"Two against one declaring
As the auction proceeds you need to keep reevaluating your hand
Being aggressive bidder is not always right, just more fun
You should not splinter with more than 16 dummy points
Inverted raises are off in competition
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2016
March 2016 Movie C
Distribution is often as important as HCP
With 5 spades and 5 hearts bid spades first and hearts twice
As defender, it is important that you card correctly, signal correctly, and take advantage of both
Many less experienced players do not think of cue bids, but they can be very powerful tools
Good bidding^
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2016 Movie B
All about weak openers
On defense proper carding is very important
Why you should be in 6 even though it goes down
3H bid with only 6 hearts
4th from longest and strongest" (in unbid suits) works the best
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2016 Movie A
If leading partner's unsupported suit, you lead count not attitude
In general a good defensive principle is to "keep parity" with dummy
Trials and tribulations of picking an opening lead
Don't refuse to take a finesse unless you are 100% sure it is losing or ...
You should always play to give yourself the maximum chances
Don't let the opponents find a fit
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
February 2016
February 2016 Movie C
The issues when your right hand opponent opens your suit
You should strain to overcall at the 1 level especially when you have spades
A case for Weak Jump Shift
Leading away from a king often gives away a trick
You lead count in partner's "unsupported" suit
Normally responder is "captain" of the hand
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
February 2016 Movie B
4-3-3-3 is terrible distribution
It is confirmed. Discount flat hands
Planning the hand at trick 1 is crucial
I really urge you to study and use Bergen hand evaluation, sayz Howard
A rare hand where 2nd hand low was wrong
Teacher being mean to the student
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
February 2016 Movie A
Count "declarer" points when you are the hand with the longer number of trumps
Carefully observe what your partner is leading
If you have 4 card support you must show it right away
Can't stand passing a hand with such nice distribution
Counting and visualizing are important tools for the defenders
You have to decide what your agreements are over a takeout double
Marty Bergen's SPINS
January 2016
January 2016 Movie E
Marty Bergen - How to Make Your Slams
Larry Cohen - Walsh Style
Eddie Kantar - What Could Go Wrong?
Marti Ronemus - Too Good to be True
Marti Ronemus - Heart Ache and Tears
January 2016 Movie D
Checkback Stayman and a whole lot more
Equal level conversion. It sure is a mouthful
In responding to partner's preempts the single most important factor is trump length
Whenever you make a bid, you should try and plan out the whole auction
He who knows goes
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2016 Movie C
Puppet Stayman
Against NT lead 4th from longest and strongest unbid suit unless you have a strong sequence
OBAR - Over Opponents Bid And Raise
Just bid your hand
Unusual over Unusual Convention
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2016 Movie B
To overcall at the 2 level you need a 6 card suit or a nice 5 card suit
Howard suggests using just HCP when making NT opening decisions
When possible, use your aces to capture the opponents' honors
Once you preempt, you almost always pass
A bid at the 2-level over a takeout double denies 10 points
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
January 2016 Movie A
Entry management is difficult but necessary on many hands
Stayman only applies over 1NT openers
Whenever it goes 1x-p-2x, you should try and compete
When you have a choice of flawed bids, don't pass unless it is significantly less flawed
When you may not deduct 1 point for a doubleton
You can play 2nd hand high if you can set the hand
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge

December 2015
December 2015 Movie D
It is hard for many players to visualize that dummy is the Master Hand
Responding to 1 of minors opening - the fine prints
Pre-empts - the pros and cons
More on pre-empting
An elegant play
Would you be happy when you can legitimately bid with 0 points?
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
December 2015 Movie C
When giving a ruff/sluff to declarer works out
5H over 4S goes bad
Making 10 tricks is almost always easier to make than 11 - amazing stuff!
Do you play 2C over 1D as game force?
Howard is not a fan of leading from KQ
Reverse in a game force auction
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
December 2015 Movie B
When there is one high trump out, there is no need to draw it unless it is a nuisance
You do not preempt a preempt
4S is almost always right over 4H when you have a 9+ card spade fit
What if they double partner's 2@C opner?
That would be fine if you deduct 1 point any time you hold 4-3-3-3 distribution
5-5 with a singleton is wonderful distribution
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge - 2 Boards
December 2015 Movie A
Do not underbid your hand
| Defense is always harder than declaring
A few kibs questioned my opening weak 2D - the NERVE
Flat distribution could be a menace
What is a suit meeting the "singleton" test
2NT over a double is known as "Jordan 2N" and it shows a limit raise or bette
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge - 2 Boards
November 2015
November 2015 Movie D
Puppet Stayman
Are BBO hands truly random?
Vul vs not vul, 4 over 3 is rarely right
No hurry to cash the Ace
When you get a chance to make a relatively safe lead directing bid, DO SO
You should only bid 3 over 3 with a 9-card fit or a singleton in their suit
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
November 2015 Movie C
Many players routinely open 1D with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs which Howard very much disagrees with
A small subtlety in the play that gives experts additional edge
When, in competition bidding, you should pass with a strong hand instead of bidding
If partner bids a forcing 1N and then bids a new suit at the 2 level that shows a weakish weak 2 type of hand
The most common forcing NT auction, where responder puts opener back into their 5-2 fit
Bergen hand evaluation is supreme
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
November 2015 Movie B
Howard gone wild
The best way to keep track of the opponents' trump is to keep track of how many are out
Light 3rd seat openers
If you want to succeed at bridge you have to be an aggressive bidder^*N| How you show a 3-card limit raise playing 2 over 1
You need to weigh why pard did not lead back an expected card
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge - 3 Boards
Notrump Play Quiz Hands - Source Unknown
November 2015 Movie A
Inverted Minors are off in competition
A weak 2 in 3rd seat is not a bad tactic
A few good contracts are difficult to bid
How to respond to partner's reverse bid
DONT and Squeeze Plays
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
Leading Against NT Contract: Five tricky questions by Linda J. Green (Vu-Bridge)
October 2015
October 2015 Movie D
Count is more important than attitude when leading partner's unsupported suit
DONT along with aggressive bidding
Keeping the dangerous hand off lead
When a reverse is a reverse. Not when driving of course
Movie Maker is Toast
An interesting board from Teams CAYNE Tournament
October 2015 Movie C
A jump to 4 of the major over partner's bid, is not a "close out" per se
There are few hands where 5 of the minor is better than 3N
Howard highly recommends what is known as the "Italian" style of control bids
A simple 3N contract
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
October 2015 Movie B
An Iffy Overcall
A 5-6 hand
A note on Negative Doubles
Playing Short Club
Pay attention to the auction
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
October 2015 Movie A
1NT overcall shows almost the same thing as a 1NT opener
Jumping to 3 in a suit over 1NT to try for slam
Opening leads are very difficult
Overcall with an iffy suit if you really want partner to lead that suit
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2015
September 2015 Movie D
Over preempts bidding is much less scientific
Frisky preempts in 3rd seat are great
With 9-card fit, many experts say 4S is "automatic" over 4H
It is Movie Maker's moment
Hands of the Week from THE BRIDGE WORLD
September 2015 Movie C
Most players overrate HCP and underrate distribution
What is a takeout double
Inverted Raises are off in competition
In NT auction it would be best not to lead a suit they bid
Some experts say 4@S is "automatic" over 4@H when you have a 9+ card fit
Almost always 2nd hand low
Hand of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2015 Movie B
An interesting hand
On all hands you should count your winners before playing to trick 1
You should draw trump ASAP unless you have a good reason not to
Coded 9s
Anytime you can help out partner in choosing the lead you should
Loving the Quin Pluto
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
September 2015 Movie A
Having a "crush" on a hand could be harmful to your game
Perfect defense is hard
Partners always like it when you return their suits
Responding with 5 spades and 4 hearts fine print
All doubles of artifical bids are lead directing
Pluto is the Queen of the Kuiper Belt
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2015
August 2015 Movie D
A slam difficult to bid
Fine prints in Negative Double
When deciding whether to compete, length in the opps suit is very important
Support doubles
Clyde W. Tombaugh discovered Pluto
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2015 Movie C
Don't rescue partner when there is a misfit
On BBO, Howard recommends you alert everything you think is mildly alertable
You can play cautious bridge (not Howard's style) if you wish
When not to invite
Movie Maker is in love with Pluto Part I
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2015 Movie B
Support with Support" when the system allows it
Bid 3 over 3 with either a 9 card fit or a singleton in their suit
Should "double dummy" analyzers be banned?
Try to open 1N when you have a 15-17 HCP balanced hand
Try to avoid leading suits that the opponents bid (other than trump when it is called for)
HOW OLD IS THE UNIVERSE - Part III (Plate) Tectonics
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
August 2015 Movie A
Make sure your claim is correct
A more sophisticated slam bidding sequence
You lead K from AK in the middle of the hand
Two suited overcalls
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
July 2015
July 2015 Movie D
2N rebid by opener shows 18-19
Control bidding in slam try
Distribution is really the key to the competitive bidding
Which one is the Dangerous Hand
Learn proper discarding if you not wish to be squeezed- does not apply to the Movie Maker
When you should bid DONT
Non-Bridge Stuff (What’s the Origin of the Dog Days?
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge^
July 2015 Movie C
Splinter 101
Opening 1N with a 5-card major is the topic here
Responding to 1N with 5/4 and 5/5 in majors
Coded 9s
Howard prefers DONT for interfering after opponent's 1N opener
Proper hand evaluation will give you better board
July 14 and The Reign of Terror
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
July 2015 Movie B
The best declarer plan Howard has seen since he began teaching on BBO
On every hand, try and come up with a plan. Even a flawed plan is better than no plan
When it is safe to bid 3N opposite partner's weak 2
With 31 or 32 HCP 6N is difficult to make unless you have a long suit
How to show a limit raise after RHO interferes
Ogust is Howard's first choice over asking for feature
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
July 2015 Movie A
In general you strain to bid your major over a takeout double
Basically you only want to be in a grand slam that is about 70%
A gem for the defense
Cover the Queen or not is the question
When in a misfit, stop as soon as you realize it is a misfit
Use the LAW when you are in competitive bidding
Python Eats Porcupine
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
June 2015
June 2015 Movie C
Play the high cards from the hand with the shorter suit right away to avoid blocking the suit
Generally speaking you should not ruff when you have the high trump
When and Why you should not hi-low with a doubleton
Rely on the LAW when pard makes an unusual NT or Michaels bid in a competitive auction
If you are not in a game forcing auction, your first control bid has to be above 3 of your major
9 Dinosaur Names Explained
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
June 2015 Movie B
2nd Hand Low Almost Always
Even Experts Missaw their hands
All About New Minor Forcing
It is impossible IMO to have a hand that is too good to open a weak 2, says Howard
It is rarely right to lead a suit bid by the opponents
All very good bridge players are optimists
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
June 2015 Movie A
There is no upper limit to how many points you have when you make a Negative Double
If you are at the 3 level and 3N is a reasonable bid, bid it
When choosing between 5 of a minor and 3NT, 3NT is overwhelmingly the best choice
The correct lead from Ace-King doubleton specifically is the King
Some may downgrade 4=3=3=3 and bid it 1N
Lead count when leading partner's unsupported suit
An Easy but sure way to lose weight
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2015
May 2015 Movie E
Support with Support ASAP
NT opening with Bergen Hand evaluation
How to make a hand by looking at the dummy
Leading through the weakness or through the strength
At least, try to keep track of 2 suits
Exclusion Blackwood
Weighing the Earth
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2015 Movie D
In the auction 1D-1H-2C-3H, 3H is not forcing
4S over 4H is almost always right if you have a 9+ card spade fit
"Support with support" is always a good bidding principle to follow
Stop bidding as soon as you can when you don't have the points for game
You should never rebid 2N with a singleton in responder's suit
Mason Dixon Line
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2015 Movie C
It is okay to lead unprotected ace when you have no better choice
You should be able to train yourself to keep track of 2 suits
Take "double dummy" analyzers with a grain of salt
| These days virtually all experts open 1N with 15-17 balanced even with a 5-card major
| 1N Overcall or Takeout Double
Learn when and how to unblock
Six words that can ruin your sentence
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2015 Movie B
A natural bid in a suit that the opponents have bid first does not come up often
In the middle of the hand you lead King from Ace-King
It happens even to the experts
You be the expert
After a takeout double, choose the Style you wish to play
Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers
| Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
May 2015 Movie A
A rare case of 2nd hand high being correct
Ducking is right more often than not but you should not do so by rote
Normally, leading an unprotected ace, especially from AQ is not a good lead
Play the honors from the hand with the shorter suit first
You need to plan out a hand - any plan is better than no plan
The minor suit transfers are very overused
Top 10 Most Influential US Presidents
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2015
April 2015 Movie D
Any hand with 2 quick trick and 13 HCP is an opener
Practice finesse
A negative double would show 4-4 in the majors
Save your entry
Howard summarizes how he plays responses to reverses
In general it is not a good idea to transfer to 3 of a minor
Should you avoid buying in bulk
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2015 Movie C
A case of takeout double and follow up
Finesse 101
A heart warming event for the mentor
When bidding, don't make partner's life miserable
With 5-4 in the majors and having a choice of doubling or overcalling, you should overcall your 5-card suit
Howard's default bid in 2/1
April 13 was Thomas Jefferson's Birthday - Declaration of Independence
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2015 Movie B
Do you know the 2 styles of 2 over 1?
It is better to declare than defend, says Howard
A 9 card fit is often worth an extra trick with the same number of HCP
The opening lead illustrates a key play for both declarer and defense
If you know where you want to go, just bid it
Howard prefers to play Bergen raises over takeout doubles (as well as over a 1S and 2C overcalls)
Diction of the Dollar
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
April 2015 Movie A
Bergen Hand evaluation helps bidding game on close calls
A tough hand to play
Over a takeout double you prefer your major. And if no major then your best suit
Special lead in NT
I prefer to overcall a 5-card major to making a takeout double
USS Missouri on April 11, 1945 - William McCombe Callaghan
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2015
March 2015 Movie E
If it goes 1D-P-2N, it is 11-12
Opening lead from 3 small
You may not bid correctly if you do it quickly even if you are an expert teacher
Howard's simple way to keep track of how trump card are outstanding
Breaking News. Mary has begun playing Bergen hand evaluation
Death & Taxes: All We Can Do Is Prepare
Hands of the Week from Vu-Bridge
March 2015 Movie D
The bidding and the play helped our mentor to make his contract
Would drinking wine cause FIBBING in bridge?
You are not allowed to distort your distribution to bid a reverse
It is critical that you use Bergen hand evaluation to bid your hand
A dueling between the mentor and the mentee
Leading away from a king is less bad than leading away for a queen and
Word Facts from Dictionary.com
Hands of the week from Vu-Bridge
March 2015 Movie C
Learn and apply Bergen hand evaluation to improve your bidding
The quicker you bid game, the weaker your hand is
2nd hand low is often right for declarer also
Please believe in Bergen Hand Evaluation
Responder is captain of the auction and in charge of figuring out how high to go
Yiddish "loanwords" to make you a maven
Hands of the week from Vu-Bridge
March 2015 Movie B
On hands where partner has a distributional hand you should do what some call "picture" bidding
You should open 1N even with a 5-card major with 15-17 and 5-3-3-2 distribution
Frisky preempts have good risk/return
An "Iffy" double
A grand slam that depends on a finesse is losing bridge in the long run
Strange Names of These Baby Animals
Hands of the week from Vu-Bridge
March 2015 Movie A
Negative double the modern style
A good technique is to play the honors from the short hand first so you don't block the suit
Remember LOTT is your friend. Disobey it at your peril
A perfect 2C opener
1N after an overcall shows 8-10 or so
Dog Idioms with Real Bite
Bidding Challenges from Vu-Bridge
February 2015
February 2015 Movie C
You really should not bid 6N unless you are pretty sure you have 33 points.
A jump shift is either very weak (which most people play these days) or very strong (18+)
In general, you should be aggressive with a 9-card fit and conservative with an 8-card fit
The first trick should give you a great clue
Defense is hard but it is easier if you count out the hand
So as is often the case, aggressive bidding wins the day
Howard is so Bae
Albert Michelson the first American who was awarded a Nobel Prize in physics
February 2015 Movie B
Many students duck aces too often, says Howard
Playing for drop
She who knows, goes" is good bidding advice
The lead of an ace in NT contract has a very specific meaning
Opening 1D vs. 1C with 4-5 in minors is the topic here
What's the difference between LET'S and LETS?
Movie Maker Gone French
February 2015 Movie A
We Had a Roast Now We Have a Toast
The shorter you are in the opponent's suit, the more you should want to play the hand
Aggressive bidding wins the day
The idea behind DONT is to find a good 2-level contract
I generally overcall my 5-card major rather than making a takeout double
Do you play 1D - P - 2C as Game Force?
Larry Cohen at large
Letter 7 - Fatme to Usbek, in Erzeron

January 2015
January 2015 Movie D
If you use Bergen hand evaluation you will bid many games that other pairs won't bid
Puppet Stayman
With shortness in partner's suit and length in declarer's suit behind declarer, you should want to defend
Howard plays Bergen Raises over a double by opponents
On every deal you should try and count your defensive tricks and declarer's tricks
Atomes and Molecules
Do You Know Your Jazz
January 2015 Movie C
We have a Roast
If you have not supported, you must lead count
In general, you don't want to be in a slam that is less than 50%
Delayed DONT
With 5S/5H you should bid spades first
Daily Bidding Questions by Frank Stewart - Vu-Bridge
January 2015 Movie B
With weaker hands, you want to tell partner immediately you have support for him
In NT, count your sure winners first
With nice 6+-card suit, you should bid your suit
Time Out - Widdie astronomy
Successful bidders are aggressive bidders
2C over 1D is great disruptive bid. Do it if you can
Open the hand if you not hate it even in 1st seat
How do I show my strong hand?
What Is the Difference Between i.e. and e.g.?
January 2015 Movie A
If partner preempts and you have a singleton, don't try to rescue them. Just pass unless.
"Systems on" plus "Stolen bid doubles" again
If you can think of a way to make a contract, however, how remote do it
In IMPs, you strain to bid games especially when vul
An interesting bidding sequence
What is X in Xmas?

December 2014
December 2014 Movie C
When partner invites and you are on the strong side your range, you should accept the invitation
If you can, you keep the same number of cards as dummy in dummy's long suit
Experts are often lucky, but they also make their own luck
2C is a good disruptive bid over 1D
Trump Leads Quiz by Larry Cohen
December 2014 Movie B
4-way transfer
New Minor Forcing
8 ever 9 never
In 4th seat strain to balance
December 2014 Movie A
1N response, by a passed hand, to one after a major opening
On defense, think of yourself as a Bridge Detective
To avoid awkward rebid problems, open 1NT with any balanced 15-17
| Show the limit raise in minors
Strain to bid 2@C over 1@D if you can
What’s The Origin of Pizza?
November 2014
November 2014 Movie E
4-way transfer New Minor Forcing 8 ever 9 never In 4th seat strain to balance
November 2014 Movie D
Negative Doubles and the fine prints
4NT bid in competitive bidding
The least favorite bid for Howard and why
Even MM has to keep "parity" with dummy
A pass after a redirecting double shows 2-card support and a bid at the 2-level shows a 3-card support
You should show your 4-card support right away
November 2014 Movie C
Second hand low always but use judgement
Do you play 1D-P-2C game force?
Be alert for Negative Inferences
Howard blames it on bad distribution
Good old Rule of 11 can rescue you
November 2014 Movie B
Leading away from Jx Jxx or even Qx or Qxx often gives away a trick
Strain to overcall 1NT whenever you have 15-17 balanced and a stopper in the bid suit
Fine print in playing 4-4 fit or 5-3 fit
4-way transfer
November 2014 Movie A
Do you know all the fine prints of playing DONTs?
Leading away from a KJ normally is very dangerous and will often give away a trick
In opening and rebidding NT I tend to be more of a HCP counter than a pure Bergen hand evaluator
Anytime you have 15-18 balanced and a stopper in opener's suit, you should overcall
Bonus Board - Counting the hands
October 2014
October 2014 Movie B
How to cut your losses and hope to make the contract
Do you know your takeout doubles
All about Runouts - not water Runouts in California of course
Too often players do "practice ducks"
A board you need to open
October 2014 Movie A
Pre-empt makes opponent miss game
Playing 2/1. Is 1N by a passed hand forcing?
What is a free bid
1NT after partner opens a minor denies a 4 card major
September 2014
September 2014 Movie D
It is never wrong to lead partner's suit
Play of the lowest of equals
The trend in opening 1NT
Faulty 2C and its perils
September 2014 Movie C
It is rare that you lead a suit the opponents have bid
With a balanced 15-17 HCP and 5 of a major, when to bid 1N and when to bid the major
You need to watch the defenders carding when declaring
The Old man and the bridge
September 2014 Movie B
There are principles you should follow that make it more likely your opening lead will work out
Flannery: It is one of the dumbest conventions ever invented
Always card correctly. It really helps partner
Use your trumps as entry
September 2014 Movie A
When to cover an honor with an honor
Always play the lowest card in your sequence as 3rd hand
You should never be in a hurry to ruff your losers once you have drawn trump
Any time you can hide your cards from the defenders at no cost, you should
| Do something intelligent doubles
August 2014
August 2014 Movie E
Suit Preference Signals
Suit combination missing the Queen
Bergen Raises
Opening 2N or 1D
When bidding over a preempt, you should consider how many trumps you have
August 2014 Movie D
When to show and when to ask, STOPPER that is
Leading unprotected aces will cost you more tricks than it will gain you
Bergen hand evaluation, makes your bidding decisions on many hands very clear
As defender you always play the lowest of a sequence as 3rd hand
Responding to partner's takeout double
When you have all the tricks, why duck
August 2014 Movie C
Could you open 1N with a flat 18 HCP hand?
When you make a takeout double, partner will strain to bid a major
Do you know the Bergen's "OBAR" way?|CP||AT| (MM is showing his age)^
Even in Bridge you need to listen to your wife.
In 3rd seat, you should strain to preempt
Playing two against one
August 2014 Movie B
A simple description of 4th Suit Forcing
Although there are opening lead principles, there are no guarantees
Whenever you have 15-17 balanced, it works out best if you open 1N
Quite often if there is only 1 high trump out, no need to draw it
In 3rd seat, you strain to preempt
Preempts make the opponents guess, and they often guess wrong
August 2014 Movie A
A void is worth its weight in gold
"9 Winners Rule" to open 2C
Support Doubles
I generally bypass diamonds when my hand is weak, says Howard
Whenever you have 15-17 balanced your best bid is 1N
July 2014
July 2014 Movie DC
Plan the whole hand out and look at all 4 suits, not just 1 suit
Be very aggressive with your preempts in 3rd seat
When 4S is automatic
A good example of control bidding and Kickback RKCB
Rule of 15
The most compelling reason to bid 5 over 4 is shortness in the opponents suit
July 2014 Movie C
When leading partner's unsupported suit, you always lead count
Proper opening lead against NT contracts
The general rule is to cover the last honor from dummy
As a general rule, you play the high cards in the shorter hand first
The mentees are giving the mentor loads of TROUBLES
July 2014 Movie B
Deciding when to bid "3 over 3"
A bidding technique known as "picture" bidding
Letting the opps play 1NT without interfering will not get you a good result
A self sufficient suit
Responding to Michaels after interference
July 2014 Movie A
Counting out the hand is one of the most important defensive skills you can develop
The Law of Total Tricks is a very good guide on competitive hands
Many play "Systems On-Stolen Bid Doubles" instead of Lebensohl
Whenever you have the opportunity to open or overcall a natural NT you should do so
Auction often gives you clues about how to defend
A perfect hand for Mini-Roman 2D
Mini-Roman 2D: A Mini-Roman 2D tutorial
June 2014
June 2014 Movie E
Bergen OBAR system (a system used when "Opponents Bid And Raise")
You should worry a little bit about vulnerability when preempting, but not too much
Always make him guess if you can even if you know a finesse is working
The only time you would bid 5N is when you have all the key cards and are looking for 7
With 2 successive encouraging signs, obey the first-almost all the time
A nice case of New Minor Forcing
June 2014 Movie D
1N in 4th seat shows 11-14 and a stopper in opener's suit
Laying claim to spades is often a good idea in competition
Give defenders discarding problems
Be a big believer in 4th from longest and strongest against NT
Always "Support with Support"
June 2014 Movie C
In bidding, in general length is before strength (as Beauty before Brain I guess - MM)
Leading a suit with Qxx is often a bad lead
You only bid NMF with a 5-card suit to check if partner has 3
With 6 nice spades, on most hands, a spade contract will probably be best
Bidding a difficult hand
June 2014 Movie B
There are 2 methods for deciding which minor to open when you are short
Play second hand low smoothly--almost all the time
A support cue bid can only be made by responder to an opener or an overcaller
On marginal hands whether or not to bid 1 more, the tie breaker is length in the opponent's suit
New suits by responder are always forcing
June 2014 Movie A
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When you have a blocked suit, it is a good idea to unblock ASAP
You should always try and support partner when you can
You never lose the post mortem by leading partners suit
Howard usually stretches in bidding games with 9-card fits
When bidding consider your other assets
May 2014
May 2014 Movie D
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Pre-empts by Opponents and how to handle them
Pick the least egregious lie if you have to lie
| It is never wrong to take the setting trick
"Bridge is not always fair", Says Howard
"Don't be a result player", Says Howard
May 2014 Movie C
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The 2-level shows a good 5-card suit at least
A Balancing NT" shows 11-14, a stopper if opener bid a major, and at least sort of a stopper if a minor
The worst thing you can do is try to rescue partner on a misfit hand
Movie Maker had the Bad the Ugly, and the Good
Winter is coming
May 2014 Movie B
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When defending try counting out the hand, both distribution and HCP
When declarer is running his tricks try to coordinate your discards with partner
When your partner preempts and you have a singleton or void, don't try to "rescue" him
Play those conventions that help you with the common hands
When the hand screams misfit pass is the correct bid
May 2014 Movie A
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Cue bids can be useful in some situations and are often overlooked
When to double vs when to overcall
It is rarely right to play 5C rather than 4S
From all bad choose for the opening lead, choose the least BAD one
You never lose the post mortem leading partner's suit
April 2014
April 2014 Movie C
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You should almost always lead 4th best of an unbid suit against a NT contract
You should strain to bid DONT especially at favorable vulnerability
Do you know how to survive an opponent's preempt
Movie Maker landed in hot water again
Responding to Michaels cuebid
Howard's guidelines says it is ok to bid 3 over 3 with an 8-card fit
April 2014 Movie B
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The general rule is, the double relieves responder of having to bid even with 6 or 7 points
Howard really thinks you have to play 1N forcing by passed hand
Bergen hand evaluation and opening 1N
There is little upside to a 2N contract.
If you use Bergen hand evaluation, usually your bidding decisions are pretty easy
April 2014 Movie A
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Leading away from honors is high risk high reward
A difficult board to respond to a reverse
A difficult board for 4th Suit Forcing
Howard often bid 3N with any excuse.
Just one of those boards made it though our cutting room
March 2014
March 2014 Movie E
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Kneel You All Humble Subjects. I am the King of All Teaching Boards
In the Middle of the play lead King from Ace-King combination
OBAR is explained
In 2/1 some expert pay 1N by a passed hand responder forcing for one round
In 2/1 PASS if partner bids 1N and then bids their own suit unless
Very rare case where "4 over 3" might be right
Puppet Stayman
March 2014 Movie D
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LOTT is your friend. Use it often
Fast arrival applies once you have established a fit
Whenever you are at "favorable" vulnerability you should preempt aggressively
Bergen's OBAR
If you always bid 4S with 3-card support you will often be right--see the detail
Howard explains why he plays 1NT forcing even with the a passed hand
March 2014 Movie C
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When has nothing better to lead, Howard leads a suit with only small cards
Whenever it goes 1N-P-P-? you should want to compete
Some hands are hard to bid
If partner overcalls at the 2 level it is usually right to raise with 3-card support
When responder knows they have 25+ points, he should bid game
With an appropriate hand you should strain to overcall 1N BUT
March 2014 Movie B
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When to force to game
After Stayman, if you have both hearts and spades, bid hearts first
Rare as it could be, Howard bids 7D
If your partner makes a takeout double that is redoubled, you are no longer obligated to make a bid
Giving yourself some chance is better than giving yourself no chance
Occasionally you need to make an aggressive and imaginative bid
March 2014 Movie A
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New Minor Forcing
Do not expect to perfectly bid all hands
Aggressive bidding may not be that bad
In the middle of the hand, you lead King from Ace-King
Plan the hand by counting the winners and find out how to set up extra tricks
Movie Maker is saved by the BELL
February 2014
February 2014 Movie D
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How do you handle a reverse bid in 2/1 game force?
In general you should "support with support" when you can
With 3-card support and 10-12, you delay "support with support" for 1 round
Partner splinters -- when should you explore for slam?
Teacher takes the blame!
February 2014 Movie C
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When could you go to 4 in minors
Do not consider 4H as shut out
It is ok to lead from a suit with no honors
Keeping count gives the experts the ability to know your hand without looking at it
How to bid the 6-5 hands
February 2014 Movie B
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With a strong hand you may bid your minor over the 4- card major
Howard prefers DONT over CAPP
Anytime you have a good excuse to overcall 1N you should
It is not a "shutout" when the auction goes 1D-P-1H-P-4H
Movie Maker gets in trouble? Probably not
How to respond to Reverses
2/1 and its 2 different styles
February 2014 Movie A
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Opening 2C with 2 suiters with limited HCP takes away a lot of bidding room.
Whenever you make a high risk bid, make sure the reward is worth it
DONT is one of the best conventions around, sayz Howard
Lead count if you did not support partner
If you never bid 5 over 5 you will come out ahead in the long run
Open 1NT with a 5 card major if you have 5-3-3-2 and 15-17 HCP
January 2014
January 2014 Movie D
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A short course on Drury
A fine print in Inverted Minor Raises
Over a lead directing double of a transfer, you only accept the transfer with 3-card support
Instruction in how to bid after your partner opens a weak-2
Once you preempt, you are not supposed to bid again even if you are the Movie Maker
The Movie Maker survived all his errors
January 2014 Movie C
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Give count if you cannot beat it
You return the remaining count
Try not to go by 3NT if that is a possible contract
A short lesson on Quantitative 4N
Pre-empts give the opponents BIG bidding problem
January 2014 Movie B
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A short course on Drury
A fine print in Inverted Minor Raises
Over a lead directing double of a transfer, you only accept the transfer with 3-card support
Instruction in how to bid after your partner opens a weak-2
Once you preempt, you are not supposed to bid again even if you are the Movie Maker
The Movie Maker survived all his errors
January 2014 Movie A
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When to draw and when not to, Trump that is
What is the specific meaning of leading a King in NT contract
Do you cuebids show 3 or 4 card support
Be aggressive doubling vulnerable part scores in Match Points, but be very careful doubling part scores in IMPs
You could assume the person with the long suit is more likely to be short in trumps
Slam bidding in action
Competitive bidding at its best
A good defense at its best
How to respond after your RHO has doubled

December 2013
December 2013 Movie C
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Responder is "captain" and must take charge
You should strain to bid or overcall 1N when you have the right hand
Fine print in DONT
A simple case of squeeze
A point you need to know about 2/1 bidding
Card Showing Double aka DSI
Exclusion Keycard Blackwood
December 2013 Movie B
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Kickback Convention
overcall with 4-card suit, not recommended, requires 2 out of 3 op honors
With appropriate hand you should strain to open and overcall NT
You have to decide whether 1N by a passed hand in 2/1 is forcing or not
In competitive bidding, HCP are only a small part of how good your hand is
Responding to 1N with 5-5 in Majors
December 2013 Movie A
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Draw trump ASAP UNLESS you have a good reason not to
Drawing Trumps Immediately-An Idea Worth Some Thought - by Eddie Kantar
She who knows goes OR He who knows goes
Unusual 2N applies if 2 suits are remaining
How to show a "bust" hand as responder over 2C
Over a takeout double, any bid other than redouble or Jordan 2N shows less than 10 points
December 2013
December 2013 Movie C
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Responder is "captain" and must take charge
You should strain to bid or overcall 1N when you have the right hand
Fine print in DONT
A simple case of squeeze
A point you need to know about 2/1 bidding
Card Showing Double aka DSI
Exclusion Keycard Blackwood
December 2013 Movie B
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Kickback Convention
overcall with 4-card suit, not recommended, requires 2 out of 3 op honors
With appropriate hand you should strain to open and overcall NT
You have to decide whether 1N by a passed hand in 2/1 is forcing or not
In competitive bidding, HCP are only a small part of how good your hand is
Responding to 1N with 5-5 in Majors
December 2013 Movie A
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Draw trump ASAP UNLESS you have a good reason not to
Drawing Trumps Immediately-An Idea Worth Some Thought - by Eddie Kantar
She who knows goes OR He who knows goes
Unusual 2N applies if 2 suits are remaining
How to show a "bust" hand as responder over 2C
Over a takeout double, any bid other than redouble or Jordan 2N shows less than 10 points
November 2013
November 2013 Movie D
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Merits of openng in third seat
Eddy Haskel Rule
A simple caes of Jacoby 2N response
You want to hide your holding as declarer and not hide your holding from partner as defender
November 2013 Movie C
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3-2 splits are 68%
Hamman's Rule
OBAR Exlained
"I tend to avoid leading suits the opponents have bid." sayz Howard
"Against 6N you should make a neutral lead." again says Howard
Find out who said, "You should strain to overcall 1N with 15-18 balanced hand."
November 2013 Movie B
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Unless you have a very good reason, you should obey the LOTT virtually all the time
How to respond to partner's reverse bid
Bergen hand evaluation can help opening NT when it is a close call
Whenever you have a 5-card major and partner shows 15-17 NT, you should transfer?
Lead trump, whenever declarer bids 2 suits and partner takes a preference, especially to the 2nd suit
When in a questionable contract, always make sure partner plays it
November 2013 Movie A
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Inverted Minor Raises
You don't get rich by passing takeout doubles at the 1-level
Do you play 1D-P-2C game force? Howard does not
Are you a Walsher?
When to respond Jacoby 2N
Bergen Raises in Competition
October 2013
October 2013 Movie D
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A fine point to know after a 1C-1D
You should attempt to count out the hand
A case of splinter by opener
Second hand low (always)
You can play Bergen Raises after opponents' double
October 2013 Movie C
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What is the best seat for pre-empt
How to bid after 1N overcall
When to lead a trump
Kib wanted to play it Double Dummy
Lead your partner's suit
You need appropriate shape for a takeout double
October 2013 Movie B
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What is the "no accident" theory of bidding As declarer you want to hide your high cards Live Checkback Stayman Counting your winners is priority number one Learn how to bid a grand slam Checkback Stayman Two Way New Minor Forcing and Two Way Checkback
October 2013 Movie A
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There is no harm in giving declarer a ruff that he is entitled
Why one of Howard's favorite bids is 2C over 1D
Declarer has a lot of advantages over the defense
Misfit hands should be passed ASAP
At times, based on the bidding you sort of know the good splits
September 2013
September 2013 Movie D
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Remember to use the LOTT on all competitive hands
Fine points with 6-4 hand
Howard opens a weak 2 pretty much with any 6-card suit and 5-10 points
A small sample on Inverted Minor Raises
Can you "picture" partner's hand?
Standard Count Signals
September 2013 Movie C
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A 50% game is perfectly reasonable to bid
Leading the Ace in the middle of the hand, tends to deny the king
You cannot "pre-empt over a preempt
An easy hand to play
Howard has a good teacher
September 2013 Movie B
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Tailor your play to what is going on in the suit led
Odd/Even on first discard
Rule of Shinola (a new rule being immortalized by MM)
It is virtually never right to bid 5 over 5
As a general rule, when leading top of nothing, the longer the suit, the better the lead
Pass is reasonable with only 5 points
September 2013 Movie A
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Don't be afraid to be aggressive and rely on the LOTT when you have a 9+ card fit
In NT, responder is "captain" of the hand
A case of dummy reversal
You should not hide what you have just for the sake of hiding it, says Howard. Cards of course.
| A nice board to practice
August 2013
August 2013 Movie D
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A self sufficient suit
Practice Finesse
In 3N establish your longest suit ASAP
Are you a "sissy" weak 2 bidder?
Rule of Frank Sinatra
August 2013 Movie C
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Counting on defense is one of the biggest differences between experts and non-experts
Failure to show immediate support denies 4-card support
Leading partner's suit is usually right, rarely wrong
Listen to the bidding
Choose your discard wisely
Rule of 7
August 2013 Movie B
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DONT Runouts and more
Responding to 2N with 5-4
2/1 bidding on spot
Remaining count spotlighted
Rule of 11
August 2013 Movie A
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With a GF and a 5-card minor and 4 spades, it is standard to bid 2 of the minor
An important defensive principle is to "keep parity" with the dummy
Can you upgrade a AKQJ10 suit to six? Some do and some don't
What do you know when partner opens with 10
Partners always appreciate when you lead their suit
Puppet Stayman
July 2013
July 2013 Movie D
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Odd suits break evenly, even suits break oddly
IMPs vs MP a short overview
You do not get rich taking vulnerable sacrifices against non vulnerable opponents
What is playing "Front of the Card?"
You don't have to bid Michaels cuebid just because you have a two-suited hand
Puppet Stayman by a Decree^
WHEN TO LEAD TRUMPS by Easley Blakwood - a short outline^
July 2013 Movie C
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A short lesson on Puppet Stayman
Forcing defense in action
In competitive bidding the law is your friend
Open 1NT with 15-17 balanced even with a 5-card major, says Howard
In third place always play the lowest of your sequence
A synopsis on Puppet Stayman
July 2013 Movie B
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Responding to a takeout double
ALWAYS open 1NT with 15-17 HCP balanced, even with a 5-card major
Open all 12 HCP hands unless they are 4-3-3-3 or adjust down to 10 Bergen adjusted HCP
Don't help declarer
Play lowest of touching sequence third seat
You should lead your partner's suit almost always
July 2013 Movie A
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Re-evaluate your hand before each bid
Slam bidding the hard way
You should open 1N with any 15-17 balanced hand, says Howard
Overcall vs Michaels Cuebids
You should keep "parity" with dummy's long suit
2/1 or not: The rest of the story - Part 1 By Karen Walker
June 2013
June 2013 Movie E
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In 2/1 "fast arrival", means no interest in slam
Carefully consider risk/rewards when you can overcall
Rule 20 is visited
You don't have to bid Michaels Cuebid just because you have 5-5 distribution
Why Howard does not play 1D-P-2C as game force
Try count out not only trump but your 2nd longest suit
June 2013 Movie D
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Generally, you should avoid playing your aces (even 3rd hand) unless they capture an honor.
When you run a long suit, watch what the defense discards
Upgrade your hand after a fit
Partners always appreciate when you notice their signals.
Opening 1N with 2 doubletons
June 2013 Movie C
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You can lead unprotected Ace if partner has bid that suit
How to respond to 1N with a 5/5 and 5/4 in majors
1N bid over 1D is not a favorite of Howard
Being aggressive usually pays off
A long suit headed with AKQ is very powerful
A reminder on Raises in competition
June 2013 Movie B
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If you rebid 1N after partner has passed, you must have 18+
LOTT always applies when your partner pre-empts
Bid early bid often
If opener jump shifts that establishes a game force
You must always re-evaluate your hand as the auction proceeds
June 2013 Movie A
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In NT contract keep track of your stoppers
10 as a lead is not exactly "something" but it is not exactly "nothing."
Plan your play at first trick
Think twice before returning partner's suit
Remember, in competitive bidding, the LOTT is a good guide
Bidding Stayman guarantees at least an invitational hand
May 2013
May 2013 Movie C
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Walsh revisited
Using Bergen's hand evaluation will vastly improve your bidding.
Making declarer ruff rarely gives away a trick and often shortens trump
A case of suit preference
A good source for opening lead in Suit contract
May 2013 Movie B
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Support Double
Bidding 5 over 5 is usually not a good idea, especially when we are vul and they are not
A case of Fourth Suit Forcing
Whenever you have a 3 card honor sequence, that is a strong lead
Bidding after a Michaels overcall
You should try and count out the critical suits on defense
May 2013 Movie A
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Kickback in place of Blackwood
Bergen Hand Evaluation revisited
Pay attention to the bidding and gain good information
Again the bidding can give you great information
April 2013
April 2013 Movie D
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Sandy's exuberance is forgiven
If you don't show support immediately, you can't have 4-card support
The teacher is toast
The teacher is supreme
April 2013 Movie C
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A difficult takeout double
Don't bid your hand twice
Intuition sometimes is better than science
On misfit hands, stay as low as you can
A good board for bidding DONT
April 2013 Movie B
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Treating overcall of partner's 2C opener
How to make a small slam the sure way
Do you know who the Queen is sleeping with?
Learning how to respond to Partner's Weak-2 bids
Help Partner in defense
April 2013 Movie A
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Short note on Michaels
Unblocking is an important declarer play technique
With a weak hand, it is usually better to play in the weak hand's long suit
When making declarer ruff might help the defense
It is almost always preferable to bid 3N than 5 of a minor
March 2013
March 2013 Movie E
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Bidding over 1N overcall
It is rarely right to bid 5 over 5 when you are vulnerable, unless you are pretty sure you are making it
The guidelines for bidding over a weak-2 - quick and to the point
When you have < 6 points and no fit, pass like a shot
You do not need finesse when opponents give you gift
A new suit after 1N rebid is not forcing - that is an exception
March 2013 Movie D
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Michaels Cuebid
Consider your holding in opponent's suit before reopening double
After 1C-P-1N-P-P stretch to compete
Leading a high spot card denies an honor
IMPs vs MPs
March 2013 Movie C
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In NT, you are trying to set up the low cards in your long suit.
Rule of 20 has been the King in 2013.
Good bidding, good declaring, and good defense.
You almost never bid 5 over 5 when you have a doubleton or higher.
A weak jump shift by responder is not forcing.
Components of Starting Points
March 2013 Movie B
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If you think 3N has plays, bid it rather than 5 of a minor.
Lots of Does and Don'ts
You should be reluctant to bid 5 unless you have shortness in the opponents suit
A good way to count out your long suits is to keep track of how many the opponents have left
For opening lead against NT, I am a big believer in 4th from longest and strongest unbid suit
When to Sacrifice
March 2013 Movie A
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"The pre-empt makes it very difficult for the opponents to make proper bid."
He is mortal after all. Read all about it here.
If you are short in pard's suit, pass ASAP.
When deciding whether or not to stretch, decide based on risk/reward.
Signal correctly and let your partner in on your secrets :)-not ALL of course!
Doubles of 4 level bids are "card showing."
Rule of 9
February 2013
February 2013 Movie D
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Make sure you know whether your bid forcing or not
When balancing you are bidding based on the partnership assets
If they have a fit then we have a fit
"Fast Arrival" means, the faster you bid game the weaker your hand
4H is not a shutout-it says you have great hearts and 19 TO 20 points
Avoid a reverse when you do not have 16+ points
February 2013 Movie C
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Rule of 20 - Standard and Bergen's
OBAR and balancing
It is never wrong to take the setting trick
A brief look at Inverted Minor Raises
A case of Super Accept
You should raise partner whenever you can
Howard strongly recommends Bergen's hand evacuation
February 2013 Movie B
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New suits by responder are forcing regardless of being a reverse or not.
In general, you get more accurate bidding when you open 1N.
When responding, generally use the law of total tricks after a pre-empt.
Inverted Minors only apply with no competition.
You don't show void in pard's suit, not "useful."
February 2013 Movie A
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Once there is an intervening bid after a transfer the NT bidder is no longer obligated to accept the transfer.
When someone preempts, it is usually right to play their partner for the missing Aces outside the preempt suit.
With a flat hand you sometimes are better off bidding 1 less than LOTT.
Once you describe your hand, you don't and should not repeat yourself.
Always guarantee your contract if you can.
A glimpse at Super accept and lead directing double
January 2013
January 2013 Movie D
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When it goes 1x-overcall-P-P-?, opener with shortness in the overcalled suit, should strain to reopen with a double
But partners scream if I leave them in one club says a Texan.
When 4NT is quantitative
Do you play that 1D-P-2C is a game force?
Some like Rule 15 and some don't
A case of double and correct
4-suit Jacoby transfer
The Movie Maker squeaked through!
January 2013 Movie C
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Bidding after 1C-1H and when it is not a Reverse
Leading the opponents' suit is rarely a good lead even though the suit is headed by AK.
Coming up with a plan is the most important declarer play technique you can learn.
A double and correct to NT shows a stronger hand than a 1N overcall-15-18
Nice to have a friendly defense
Even the teacher can get pushy!
January 2013 Movie B
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You almost never get a good result by letting the opponents play at the 1-level.
A good example for Unusual 2N
On auctions where one opponent has shown a 5+-card suit, even with a 9-card fit, you should finesse the other opponent for the trump Queen
Any bid by responder, after a takeout double, other than redouble and 2N denies 10 points
Ruffing in the hand with shorter trumps gives no extra tricks
A short note on suit preference
When to open 2C
January 2013 Movie A
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What is a "Perfect preemptive holding"
It is only right to play 2N when you make exactly 2N
Support Double
After a preempt, use the LOTT to decide how high to bid
Hamman's Rule and the Wicked Haman
A few pearls on defense and more on DONT

December 2012
December 2012 Movie E
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Howard strongly suggests bidding DONT over strong 1N opener particularly in the direct seat
NT vs Suit Overcall
You can bid 3-card suit after a forcing 1N
Regular transfer vs Texas transfer
Pre-empt as often as you can
In response to a take/out double emphasize the majors over the minors
A good tip on how to make a difficult 3N
Should you play 2/1 after 1D opening
December 2012 Movie D
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1m (by you)-1H-Double and you know the # of spades holding by partner
There is a difference between Regular and Texas Transfer
It helps when one of the opponents is broke :-)
Support with support unless you have a better choice
The Rule of 7
When you have a 5-card side suit, you can often set up your fifth card in the suit
Rule 7 vs Rule of Thinking - From Larry Cohen
December 2012 Movie C
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Don't describe your hand twice
Why you should DONT
In doubles, the devil is in the details
When it is a REVERSE
Bergen's hand evaluation is very accurate, says Howard
Partners appreciate when you notice their signals
Review of DONT
December 2012 Movie B
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When it is a REVERSE
Are NEW SUITS after overcalls forcing?
2-card support in 2/1
When it is not a REVERSE
Do you know your Walsh?
December 2012 Movie A
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What is nuanced approach responding to 1C opener?
It is fine to give declarer ruffs.
A short critique of transfer to minors
Howard highly recommends DONT over strong 1NT opening
4-Suit Jacoby Transfers - Transfer to Minors
November 2012
November 2012 Movie C
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Major Suit Raises in 2/1
With 4-card support for partner show it immediately
A "favorable" vulnerability is the most effective time to preempt
Open 1N over 1 of a majors
Mind the differences between opening 2N and overcalling 2N after a preempt
Lead count when you have not supported partner's suit
November 2012 Movie B
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What is Front of Card
Re-opening Double
One level contract at Howard's table :)
Negative Doubles
November 2012 Movie A
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4H opening bid often shows 8, but sometimes you do it with a very nice 7-card suit.
If pard splinters, you must discount all high cards in the splinter suit other than the ace.
Try and keep "parity" with dummy's long suits
Plan your finesse based on the bidding.
Thrump Doubles
October 2012
October 2012 Movie C
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When you think there is a misfit, best to quit ASAP
Stretch your concentration and keep track of trump and your next best suit
If your partner preempts and you have a void, pass very quickly, even with a good hand
The most common reason not to draw trump is when you want to ruff something before dummy is out
American History - Why Did They Come to America?
October 2012 Movie B
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It is also usually not right to lead a suit the opponents have bid
Coded 10s and 9s only apply when leading against NT contracts
To Michaels Cuebid or not to Michaels Cuebid
The Law of Total Tricks
In general, it is better to overcall a 5 card suit than double
Unusual Over Unusual
October 2012 Movie A
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Both offense and defense should count out the suits
If you have shown your hand, and have no additional important feature, you can pass
The 1C opener has 4 clubs 85% of time
Double and correct is not forcing to game
When not to bid 2C with a good hand
Some opening lead theory
More on opening leads
Veal Osso Bucco with Gremolata
September 2012
September 2012 Movie C
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How to make the ninth trick
Always support with support
Lose your losers early
Bergen raises in competition is not standard
Re-opening double
Never make a redundant bid
Two Suited Overcalls - Michaels
September 2012 Movie B
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The "self sufficient" suit
An example of suit preference
Rule of 15
Go easy when you are forcing the partner to bid
Fast arrival vs slow arrival
How to protect against 5-0 distribution
Opening lead can give declarer important information
Two Suited Overcalls Part III - Responding to Unusual Notrump
September 2012 Movie A
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Overcalls (especially 2 level) are not just for competing, but are often lead directing
1N over 1C denies 4 diamonds
Downgrade 4x3 hands
Cue bids of the opponent's suit can be confusing
Unusual cuebid as a limit raise
Two Suited Overcalls - Continued
August 2012
August 2012 Movie D
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I play new suits by responder, be it to an opening bid or overcall, are forcing, SEZ Howard
Use judgement raising partner's bid
A cue bid only promises limit raise or better
How to play your club holding
You do not preempt over a preempt
Two Suited Overcalls Part I
August 2012 Movie C
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3N is almost always a better contract than 5 of a minor
8-card trump fits play nicely at 1-level too
Ducking the Ace for no reason is generally not recommended
The 6-2 fit is better than the 4-4 fit
Bergen Raises in Competition - Marty Bergen
August 2012 Movie B
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After a 1NT overcall people play what is commonly referred to as "front of card"
The conventional "8 ever 9 never" is misleading, Sez Howard
Sometimes in NT you must not duck if you fear a shift to a different suit
Bergen Raises after interference
Tips in Marty Sez book
August 2012 Movie A
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Declarer - if it does not hurt- should hide what he has from the defense
The person with longer trumps should use "Declarer Points" count
Are there REVERSES in 2/1? You need to agree
A very important bidding principle is "support with support"
Bergen Raises in competition
July 2012
July 2012 Movie E
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You should preempt whenever you can
Why most experts play 2/1
It is hard to defend against an End play
Generally you should not open flat 4-3-3-3/12 counts hands unless
In 2/1 how many points do you need for a game force bid
When you have a game force
July 2012 Movie D
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How to bid after partner transfers to a major
In competitive bidding you have the cuebid as a forcing bid
Rule 20 using Bergen's hand evaluation
"Loser on Loser" in action
Use the LAW (The Law of Total Tricks) to determine how high to bid
The so-called experts publicly criticize your bridge, "Ignore them." sez Howard
July 2012 Movie C
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With a game forcing hand bid game or a forcing bid
Doubletons are usually not good opening leads
But sometimes you have to lead a doubleton
Expert virtually always play 2nd hand low smoothly
Bid More With Less, sez Marty Bergen
July 2012 Movie B
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Opener's forcing bids are REVERSES and JUMP SHIFTS
Lead back your "remaining count" when partner leads a suit, you win, and lead it back
After a takeout double any bid other than redouble shows less than 10 points
The purpose of DONT is to either get to play a partial or force the opponents out of 1NT
An interesting hand to bid
Test your 2/1 bidding
How to compete after interference over 1N
July 2012 Movie A
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Usually attitude is the signal you give on pard's opening lead unless the attitude is obvious
Stretch to bid game with a 9-card fit, be more cautious with an 8-card fit
Balancing is about bidding the shared resources of you and your partner.
Almost never pass an 18-19 2N in IMPs.
To play 0314 or 1430 - Howard is getting off his chest!
June 2012
June 2012 Movie D
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You should preempt, because you make it harder for the opponents to make the right bid
Don't duck it if you cannot find a good reason to duck the Ace
As declarer you should hide your cards as much as possible
When 4N is quantitative and when is it a Blackwood
More quotes from Yogi Berra
June 2012 Movie C
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New Minor Forcing vs Checkback Stayman
Is new suit by opener forcing?
Again, remember that the Law is your friend
When you play 2/1, does a reverse shows extra value
Tips from Marty Sez Book I
June 2012 Movie B
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How to raise a minor suit opening after an overcall
How to raise after take out double
As responder, you are almost always "captain" of the hand
Love your 9-card fits, but be cautious with your 8-card fits
General Approach after an Overcall - Minor Suit Opening
June 2012 Movie A
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How to play Axx opposite Qxx
You should try to declare with distributional hands
When to bid Weak Two in fourth seat
Do you know your "Effective Raises in Competition?"
Responding to partner's splinter bid by Marty Bergen
May 2012
May 2012 Movie C
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In competitive bidding rely on the Law of Total Tricks
How to defend against a Two-Suited overcall
Once they find a fit, you should be reluctant to let them play there
What is a "hand hog" she asked
Unusual Over Unusual
May 2012 Movie B
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How to treat strong balanced hands after RHO opens
How to respond to partner after RHO doubles
Bid 7 when you really are certain to make
The Law of Total Tricks is your friend
Ogust convention after a Weak Two Bid
Partner opens, RHO doubles. What bid do you make?
May 2012 Movie A
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You have the trick to make the contract go for it
Pass when partner preempts and your are void in the suit
2C opening revisited
Howard says do not open light in 3rd seat
Counting is the biggest thing that less experienced players should learn
Don't squeeze the 1NT bid please
April 2012
April 2012 Movie B
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A short Guideline on Hold Up
More on Opening Lead
You should only bid grand slams that are 80% or more
Delayed DONT
Inverted Minor Raises - all you need to know
Lebensohl or not to Lebensohl
Count Signals
April 2012 Movie A
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All about Gerber and Quantitative 4NT
When a void or singleton is not helpful
| Opening lead when you have supported the partner's bid
A rare case when you can lead unsupported Ace
March 2012
March 2012 Movie D
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Do you know your super accept
1N forcing or semi-forcing. That is the question
Counting your tricks for all contracts
You can only play DONT when the bid is 1N
March 2012 Movie C
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To Major or to Minor First
When to bid 3 over 3
You need to plan the hand out
Keep track of all your winners
Always show "Support with Support"
Penalty double and its perils
March 2012 Movie B
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Bergen Raise are off after competition
1D-P-2C does not deny a 4-card major
Rule 20 tells you when you are strong enough to open even when flat--the hand
Draw trumps ASAP unless you have a good reason not to
March 2012 Movie A
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How to bid after a Take-Out Double
Open all 12 point hands except if they are 4-3-3-3
You need to do second hand low smoothly
| Never forget the "support with support" principle
1NT forcing in action
1NT forcing by Paul Thurston
February 2012
February 2012 Movie D
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Do you know when not to bid Grand Slam?
To bid 1NT or not to bid 1NT
Where is the Queen
Do you know your way in DONT?
The Queen Sleeps Around
February 2012 Movie C
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Double and Correct is not forcing to game
Opening lead - General Guideline
4th Suit Forcing and the Quantitative 4N
Weak Two Bids and 3-card limit raise (mixed Raises)
Paul Thurston meets the Movie Maker
February 2012 Movie B
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Both offense and defense should count out the suits.
Inverted Minors is off after intervention.
It is important to know when to pass
Do you know how to select your opening lead?
A convention with no name
February 2012 Movie A
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A Touch of Negative Double
Howard does not like Quantitative 4N
A Double and Correct shows a strong hand
Bid 4 of a major with 5 card support no matter how few points you have
Born Again Movie Maker Does not Like the Radio Lessons!

November 2011
The Kia Finale!
View    Musical Movie
Important Announcement by nome
Could You Open Weak-2 with a 4-card Major?
Keep the Bidding Low When Possible
See 9 Tricks in 3N Take Them, BUT
Second Hand Low Virtually Always Works
Avoiding Mental Lapses
November 2011 Movie A
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A Case of Trump Promotion
You can open a suit bid by opponents and not get scolded by Howard
On close contracts, be conservative with an 8-card fit, more aggressive with a 9-card fit
Do not ruff cards in the long hand
Opening Leads
Bidding 6-4 hands
October 2011
October 2011 Movie B
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A Case of Trump Promotion
You can open a suit bid by opponents and not get scolded by Howard
On close contracts, be conservative with an 8-card fit, more aggressive with a 9-card fit
Do not ruff cards in the long hand
Opening Leads
Bidding with 6/4 Distribution
Michaels Cue Bids
October 2011 Movie A
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1NT bid in the balancing seat shows 11-14 with a stopper in opener's suit
In Bergen's hand evaluation use "adjusted HCP" to calculate the Rule of 20
Could New Minor Forcing save the day?
"If you set them every time you double, you are not doubling enough"
"Little Known Facts"
July 2011
July 2011 Movie B
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It is rarely right to let the opponents play at the 2 level
"3 over 3" is not a good idea with an 8 card fit
Use DONT with any excuse
Who is the "captain" of the auction
Opener's Choice of Rebid by Eric Rodwell
July 2011 Movie A
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Your plans will get better as time goes on, once you start making a plan
Rule 11
Marty Bergen says, "The Law is more accurate than even an expert's judgement."
Is Bergen Raises okay with a passed hand?
Rule 11 from Watson book
June 2011
June 2011 Movie E
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It is usually not right to lead a suit the opponents have bid
King from King-Queen as a strong lead against suits--Y/N?
If you know you have game, bid it
When to bid 2C
Holding up with King-Queen and with Queen-Jack in No-Trump
June 2011 Movie D
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A Negative Double Followed By a Suit Shows a Weakish Hand With a Long Suit
How to show limit raise in competition
An exception to opening 1N with 15-17 balanced even with a 5 card major
Lead King from Ace-King in the middle of the hand
How to show support after a Natural overcall
June 2011 Movie C
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Don't push them into makable game by bidding 4 of a minor in a competitive auction
Trump Coup
Do you play short club?
Jump Shift and Reverse are explained
Duplicate Strategy
June 2011 Movie B
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Don't Let the Opponents Play at the 2 Level
When Second Hand High is Correct
When Not to Accept a Splinter Slam Try
Opening 1C vs 1D
All About the Double Dummy Problems
June 2011 Movie A
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When Partner Opens your Void Suit with a Weak 2 Usually Pass
Draw Trumps ASAP Unless There is a Reason Not To
Making It Harder for the Opponents to Find a Fit
RKCB Queen Ask
Watson on When To Draw Trumps
May 2011
May 2011 Movie C
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Always play the lowest of the touching honors
In the middle of the hand lead King from Ace-King
A "negative double and correct", shows a long suit and weak hand
Despite the conventional wisdom, a 4-4 fit is not always better than a 5-3 fit
Bergen Hand evaluation comes to the rescue
May 2011 Movie B
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Ducking an Ace
The OGUST Convention
Second Hand High for the Setting Trick" Rule
New Suit Rebid by Opener is Not Forcing
The STAYMAN Convention
May 2011 Movie A
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Bidding Over Reverses
Doubling Without 4 Cards in the Other Major
Support Doubles
RKCB Queen Ask
Superaccepts after Major Suit Transfers & A Nice End Play
Defending NT - Stick to the Defense Unless There is a Good Reason to Change
Hold-Up from Watson's Book
April 2011
April 2011 Movie D
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Competing Over a Michaels Cue Bid
Locating a Missing Honor
Keeping Control of Trumps
Attitude vs. Suit Preference Signaling
RKCB Queen Ask
Blackwood vs. Control Bids
April 2011 Movie C
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Straining to Bid
The Law of Total Tricks
Asking for a Stopper
Asking vs. Showing a Stopper
Free Bids, A Sample
April 2011 Movie B
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Picture the Hand to Bid a Slam
An Adjustment to The Law of Total Tricks
Puppet Stayman
Knowing the Opponents Don't Have a Fit
Responding to 1 of a Major in 2/1
April 2011 Movie A
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Bidding Thin Games
What Do You Call an 8 Card Suit? --Trumps
2/1 3 Card Limit Raise
Unusual Over Unusual
Lead Directing Doubles
Bidding Shapely Hands
Bidding a Blockbuster When Partner Opens Weak-2
Ducking to Keep Control
March 2011
March 2011 Movie D
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Reevaluate a Passed Hand to Force to Game
The Ogust Convention in Detail
Competitive Bidding and the OBAR Convention
Passing with 20 HCP & Garbage Stayman
Splinter Bids
March 2011 Movie C
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Rethinking as the Bidding Progresses
Leading from 3 Small
When and How to Overcall
Texas Transfers
Combining Your Chances
Help Suit Game Tries
March 2011 Movie B
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Bids after Opponent Overcalls 1NT
Don't let the Opponents Play at the 2 Level with a Fit
Don't Bid Your Values Twice
Splinter Bid
Opening 1N with 5 card major
Coded 10s and 9s
March 2011 Movie A
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Furthering the Preempt
How to Read Your Opponents Cards
OBAR & Strain to Balance
DONT Practice Quizzes
February 2011
February 2011 Movie C
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Playing Safe
Leading Partner's Supported Suit
Competitive Bidding
Quantitative 4NT and Gerber
February 2011 Movie B
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A rare hand where 5 of a minor is a better contract than 3N^
Requirements for Advancer to Bid^
Requirements for 2C opening^
Italian Slam Cue Bidding^
A rare hand where 2nd hand high is right
February 2011 Movie A
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When is appropriate to sacrifice
A new suit by responder to an overcall promises 5 cards in the suit
Game in one of minors is rarely right when 3N is wrong
A fine point in Inverted Minor Raises
Inverted Raises Review
January 2011
January 2011 Movie B
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Better to go down fighting
Count declarer's hand when possible
Responder's new suits are always forcing
50% is better than 0%
A hard hand to bid correctly
The auction 1N-P-2N-P-P-P
Avoid leading unprotected Aces
Play in the preempter's suit if you can
Partner do something intelligent
Always evaluate the opening lead
Open 1NT with any 15-17 balanced hand
Decide on a defense, and stick to it
January 2011 Movie A
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Checkback Stayman
Support Double
Crawling Stayman
Play the honors from the shorter hand
High Reverse
Bergen Raises is off in competition
Don't push your luck
Third seat is the best seat to preempt
When 4NT bid is quantitative?
Re-opening Double
Bid "3 over 3" if you have a 9-card fit

November 2010
November 11, 2010
Thrump Double
The Law of Restricted Choice
The Mixed Raises
A Transfer to Minor Teaser
Do you do Better Minors?
Finding a 4-4 Major Fit
4-Suit Jacoby Transfers
November 4, 2010
Finding Slam After Splinter by Responder
DONT in action
Control Bidding Sequence
The Five Level belongs to the Opponents
Opening a Hand 1NT with Two Doubleton
An excellen Defense in 1NT Contract
Bergen Raises Tutorial
October 2010
October 21, 2010
Putting Declarer to the Guess
Drawing Trumps
Weak Jump Shifts
Overcalling 1NT Without the Minor Stopped
Advancers Response to a Double and Raise
When to Draw Trumps Revisited
Garbage Stayman
October 7, 2010
How to Bid With a Balanced Hand And 4-4 in Minors
Select Your First Bid Carefully
To Open or Not to Open Light in The Third Seat
A Cardinal Rule in The Balancing Seat
Do You Know What Is OBAR?
A Bridge Chocolate Store
September 2010
September 23, 2010
Coded 10s and 9s
In the middle of the hand lead King from Ace-King
A difficult hand to bid
Pre-empt give opponents problems
With a rule of 20 hand opposite an opener, try to bid game
Hands with voids play wonderfully
Roman Key Card King ask
September 16, 2010
When to Michaels
Watch Every Card Played
The Ninth Trump
The Inverted Minor Rises in a Nutshell
Simply a Nice Board to Bid and Play
Don't Bid Just to Make Noise
September 9, 2010
When To Lead Trumps
Honor Leads Against NT
Leading Away from an Honor IN A Suit Contract Could Be Costly
Planning The Play
Balancing After The Opponents Have Found An 8 Card Fit
Listen To The Bidding
When to Bid Slam after RKCB Response
September 2, 2010
NT Honor Leads
Leading When You Didn't Support Partner
Cooperative Doubles
Passive Leads
A Rare Case of Second Hand High
Bidding Slam with 33 Bergen Points
August 2010
August 19, 2010
A Gambling 3NT Hand
Cardinal Rule of Defense - 2nd Hand Low
Limit Raise Cue Bids
Look at Options Whan Planning the Play
Puppet Stayman & Managing Entries
A Hand Which Roared
Gambling 3NT Responses
August 12, 2010
Overcalling with Both 5 Card Majors
Avoid Missing a Slam
Knowing the Odds
Opening Hands Using the Rule of 20
Be Reluctant to Open NT with 2 Doubletons
Overcalling with a Powerful Distributional Hand
Bergen's Hand Evaluation Summary
August 5, 2010
Be Cautious When It Appears The Cards Are Not Sitting Well
Inviting Game When Playing 4 Suit Transfers
The Law Of Total Tricks Works Again
Jordan 2NT
Support Doubles And Redoubles
Sandwich NT
July 2010
July 29, 2010
Always Take the Setting Trick
Gambling 3NT
Modified DONT
Rare Time When an Unprotected Ace is a Good Lead
Don't Just Randomly Play Suits
July 22, 2010
Figuring Out the Opening Lead
Don't Draw Trumps if You Want to Ruff Losers
Opening with 4 Diamonds and 5 Clubs
Prefer to Overcall with a 5 Card Major Instead Of Doubling
4-4 Fits vs. 9 Card Fits
Guidance for Penalty Doubles
July 15, 2010
Count out your tricks at trick one
When they bid two suits, and dummy takes a preference, a trump lead is often right
Come up with several alternatives on each hand and hope one of them works
Should you bypass diamonds when you have a four card major
You may not pass over a takeout double with 10 or more points
When you preempt, decide how high you are willing to go, and do it right away
July 8, 2010
A Tactical Preempt
It is Usually Wrong to Ruff from Long Trumps
The Secret of Doubling
Preempts Often Make the Opponents Guess
Inverted Minors in Competition
Bidding Over a Preempt
June 2010
June 24, 2010
Don't worry about sneak attacks
Unusual No-Trump
Rule 20 -Revisited
It is only right to pass if 2N makes exactly and 3N is down 1
The key to the play is to preserve dummy entries
Revised DONT
Losing an extra trick to create 2
A short quiz on negative doubles
June 17, 2010
Inverted Minor Raises
Hand Improvement During the Auction
Double and Correct
Passing when RHO Opens the Bidding
Bidding NT with a 5 Card Major
New Minor Force
Responding to Partner's Major Opener with 5 Card Support
June 3, 2010
Overcall With a 5 Card Suit
Third Hand Play
Defensive Carding & Surrounding Plays
Responding to a Takeout Double
Accurate Hand Evaluation With Bergen
Splinter Bids By Opener
Restricted Choice
Splinter Bids Review
May 2010
May 27, 2010
Jacoby 2N
Control Bids
Responses to RKCB King Ask
May 20, 2010
Over Opponents' Bid and Raise -OBAR
Bidding Over a Michaels Cue Bid
The Forcing Pass
The Power of Voids
Proper Defensive Card Play
The Next Bid Clarifies a 4th Suit Forcing Bid
The Proper Way To Play a Difficult Trump Suit
Fourth Suit Forcing
May 13, 2010
"Mixed Raises"
Looking for 3NT After an Opponent Has Shown 2 Suits
You Should Almost Always Contract for 3NT Rather then 5 of a Minor
With 5 Trump Support - Raise to 4 with Less Than a Limit Raise
Ducking to Setup a Suit
Locating Cards by Watching the Play
Third Hand High
New Minor Forcing
May 6, 2010
Always make the clearest bid when you have a choice
Raise Only Non-Force and Mel's Rule 17
Support Redouble
Responsive Double
You Never Lose the Post Mortem by Leading Partner's Suit
You can bid New Minor Suit Forcing after 2NT
When to Bid Game
April 2010
April 29, 2010
Over a Preempt - Try Not to Bid Past 3NT
Light Openers
A Guaranteed Endplay is Superior to Finessing
When it is Ok Not to Keep "Parity" With Dummy
Respond to an Opener With a 5 Card Major Rather then a Minor
Bergen Raises
A Good Read
April 22, 2010
4 Suit Transfers Playing Weak NT
The Play in a 9 Card Fit Missing the Q
Don't Lead Short Suits When You Don't Want to Trump
Only Draw Trumps if the Hand Has No Problems
Evaluating Your Hand When Partner Splinters
Opening 1NT With a 5 Card Major is Usually Preferable to 1 of a Major
Rabbi's Rule
April 15, 2010
Counting the Hand
Reopening With a Strong Hand
Reopening Doubles
New Suits by Responder are Forcing
Responder is Captain of the Hand
Shortening Declarer's Trumps
Two Quizzes
April 8, 2010
3NT Instead of 4 Of a Major
The Law Of Total Tricks Is Smarter Than Any Bridge Player
Going For Game After a 2NT Opener
The Strip Endplay
Running Declarer Out Of Trumps
Covering The Last Honor Instead Of The First
When to Lead Trumps
April 1, 2010
Guidelines For 2C Openings
Responding to a Takeout Double
2/1 Fast Arrival
Dummy Reversals
Cue Bids Showing Limit Raise or Better
Jump Bids in the Passout Seat
Bad Opening Leads
March 2010
March 25, 2010
Showing A Strong NT After Interference
Puppet Stayman
Garbage Stayman
Guidelines For Competitive Bidding
Correct Play For An Extra Trick
Dummy Reversals ^*N
March 18, 2010
Opener's Reverse After A 2/1 Response
Preempts In First and Second Seat
Opening Leads From Honor Sequences
Tactical Preempts IN 3rd Seat
Biddding Over A Weak NT
Responding to Blackwood With A Void
Quick Tricks
March 11, 2010
Figuring Out Partner's Opening Lead
Avoid Ruffing With Natural Trump Tricks
Maximize Your Chances
Opening Leads
Responding To Partner's Overcall
Hands With Poor Trumps Are Difficult To Play
Honor Leads Against No Trump Contracts
March 4, 2010
Lead Directing Bids
Two Level Overcalls
Upper Cut Trump Plays
Gambling 3NT
Stolen Bid Doubles
Preempt with a 4-card Major && Balancing
Super Accepts
Losing Trick Count
February 2010
February 25, 2010
Open 1NT Even With a 5 Card Major
Is 2C a Game Force Bid Over 1D?
Bidding When Your Partner's Opener Is Preempted
Should You Bypass Diamonds?
Weak Jump Shifts
Responding To Partners 2C Opener
4-Way Transfer Re-visited
Thrump Doubles
February 11, 2010
Lead Directing Doubles
Marty Bergen Hand Evaluation
When You Bid Blackwood, Have a Planned Action to Partner's Response
4 Suit Transfers
It Is Often Easier to Make 3NT Rather Then 4 - Over Opponents's Preempt
Preempts Work
4-Way transfer revisited
February 4, 2010
Ruff Losers Before Drawing Trumps
Proper Bidding Allows Slam to be Reached
Jumps Rebids Are Not Forcing
1 NT Balancing
3rd and 4th Seat Openers
Requirements for a 2 Club Opener
Bergen's Hand Evaluation
January 2010
January 28, 2010
"Resposive Doubles"
"Minorwood" & Responses to Blackwood with a Void
"The Law of Restricted Choice"
Jump Rebids show 16-18 Points and are not Forcing
"The Law of Total Tricks" & Furthering the Preempt
"Second Hand Low"
Writing on the sand by Kia - A Difficult Board to Bid
January 21, 2010
6NT is the Hardest Slam to Make
Lead Partner's Suit
Passing a Double of an Opponents Preempt
Systems On" After a Rebid of 2NT After a 2C Opener
Bidding Over Preempts - "Equal Level Conversion Doubles"
"Italian Control Bids" & K Asking Bids
Writing on the sand by Kia - Blackwood King asking
January 14, 2010
Balancing Bids with a NT Opener
The Importance of Giving Count
Bidding with Self Sufficient Suits
Responding to a 1C Opener with a Weak Hand
Leading from 3 Small
Splinter Bids, Jacoby 2NT, or Blackwood
January 7, 2010
Serious 3NT
Continue the Defense your Partner has Chosen
4 Way Xfers to a Minor - How to Bid
When to Super Accept a 4 Way Xfer to a Major
Look for 3NT Rather then 5 of a Minor
Negative Doubles
Responding 2NT over a Minor Opening Takes Up Room
The Use of Artificial Bids in Competitive Auctions

December 2009
December 24, 2009
Slams are Rare When the Opponents Open the Bidding
Preference of DONT over CAPP
Picturing Partners Hand when a Weak 2 is Opened
A Reverse Bid is Forcing to at Least 2NT
Bergen's "Sneak Attack"
Opening the Bidding with 2 4 Card Minors
A Squeeze Play in Action
December 17, 2009
An Alternative Bid in DONT
1 NT Forcing by a Passed Hand or Drury
Maximizing Your Chances for an Overtrick
Lead Back Remaining Count
Competitive Bidding
A Choice Between a 5 Level Bid or a Penalty Double
The Importance of Choosing an Overcall Suit
Requirements for a 2C Opener
December 10, 2009
Leading from a Suit headed by the Ten
Dummy Reversal
Running a Long Suit First in NT
Defensive Planning
Inverted Minors
Discarding Instead of Ruffing
Postpone Drawing Trumps in Order to Not Lose Control
Italian Control Bids
December 3, 2009
An Interesting Study in Hand Evaluation
The Law of Total Tricks
Opening 1NT with 5 of a Major
Third Hand Plays Lowest Card in a Sequence
Open 1D with 4144 Distribution
When You Open - Plan for Your Rebid First
Picture Your Partner's Hand
The Power of Good Fits
November 2009
November 17, 2009
2nd Hand Low
Leading Trumps
Passive Defense
Inverted Raise vs. 1N
Counting Your Winners
Definition of a Reverse
Bidding after DONT Double
Keeping Parity with Dummy
November 5, 2009
Weak Jump Shifts
An Advantage of 2/1 over SAYC
Listen to the Bidding
Unblock to Avoid Entry Issues
Blasting to Slam vs. Scientific Bidding
Michaels Convention
Responding to 5NT RKC Blackwood Bids
Balancing & Competitive Bidding
October 2009
October 29, 2009
"Value" Showning 4 Level Doubles
The Correct Way to Finesse
Lead Remaining Count
A 2 Level Cue Bid "Limit Raise"
Strain to Make a Reopening Double When Short in Opponents Suit
Signaling after Partner Leads the K in a NT Contract
Preempts Keep the Opponents Guessing
Bypassing Diamonds
October 22, 2009
Low Level Doubles are for Takeout not Penalty
Penalty Doubles
The Value of Preempts
It is Rarely Wrong to Force Declarer to Ruff
It is Good to be Aggresive - But Think First
Planning at Play of the Hand
Signaling Count
Counting by Declarer and Defenders
October 8, 2009
Reopening Doubles
Maximizing Declarer's Chances
2N Invitational Over a Minor
Showing 5/5 and 5/6 Distributions
Immediate Support of Partner's Major
How to Tell When a Bid is a Splinter
Doubles Over 4 Level Preempts
Upside Down Count and Attitude
September 2009
Marty Bergen Mentoring
Marty Bergen Mentoring with Music
September 17, 2009
Preempts Make Bidding Harder for the Opponents
When Dummy Prefers Declarers Second Suit It is Often Correct to Lead a Trump
hortening Declarers Trumps is often a Good Defense
The Importance of Planning at Trick 1
he Correct Card when Leading Partners Suit
"Surrounding an Honor"
How to Respond with a Strong and Long Suit when Partner Opens
Playing the Odds
Slam Bidding
Correct Opening Lead of Partner's Suit
September 10, 2009
Responder's bid when Opener's bid is overcalled by 1NT
Playing WK NT Usually You Can Tell a Minor Opener is a "Real Suit"
Extra Chances with Careful Planning
Dummy Reversal
It is Always Correct to Take the Setting Trick
Planning the Hand for the Best Percentage Play
ont Endplay Yourself
"The Magic of Voids"
August 2009
August 27, 2009
Responding to Partners 2C Opener with No Controls
A Game Forcing Bid by Overcaller
Using Bergen Points to Arrive at Slam
If You know the Correct Contract Just Bid It
Devalue Hands with Quacks
2nd Negative After 2C Opener
Getting into the Auction Early is a Big Advantage
Sacrificing Against an Unmakeable Partial
August 20, 2009
Aggressive Preempting
Deciding to Declare or Defend
The Ogust Convention
Counting the Hand
Counting Winners and Losers
Lead the Longest and Strongest Against NT
A Good Reason Not to Draw Trump
Look for 3 NT Instead of 5 of a Minor
A 2C Response to 1D in 2/1
August 13, 2009
How Can You Tell a Club Opener is Not From a Short Suit
Weak Jump Shifts
Gambling 3NT
A Well Planned Hand
Suit Combination Play
Competitive Bidding Principles
Surrounding Dummy
Getting in the Auction Early
July 2009
July 30, 2009
Finessing Rather then Going up with the Ace
When is it a Good Idea to Lead a Singleton?
You Must be an Optimist to be a Good Declarer
Cue Bid is a Limit Raise or Better
Competitive Bidding
Draw Trumps
Bidding after an Inverted Raise & Surrounding Dummies Honor
Bidding after Partner's 1NT is Overcalled
July 23, 2009
Finesse or Play for the Drop
When to Lead a Suit that was Bid by Declarer
Pass rather then Bid a Forcing NT
The Importance of Making the Most Descriptive Bid
Bidding Over a Michaels Cue Bid
Play of the Hand with Correct Planning
Double and Correct
July 16, 2009
Revised DONT
Responder's Rebid after a Reverse
"Systems On" after 1NT is Overcalled
DONT vs. Cappelletti
Jump Rebid by Responder is Invitational
Signaling During Play to help Partner Lead
Managing Entries
Setting Up an "End Play"
"Cue Bid" to Show a Limit Raise
July 2, 2009
Signaling for Count and Suit Preference
"Discovery Plays" before a Squeeze
Reverses by Opener after a 2/1 Response
Is a 2C Response to a 1D Opener Forcing to Game?
DONT Bids and Responders Bids Over Interference
Leading an Ace Against NT Contracts
When not to Balance
Accepting an Invitation to Game after Opening 1NT
Negative Doubles
Bergen Hand Evaluation after Jacoby 2NT Response
June 2009
June 25, 2009
Declarer Planning Example
Advantage of Preemptive Raises
Double of Unusual NT
Why Light Openers Not Needed
Support Double
Reverses in Competition
Power of Double Fits
Scoring Vis a Vis Sacrificing
Cuebids over Michaels/Unusual NT
June 18, 2009
Bidding 6/5 Hands
Declarer Planning Example
Opening 2 In 4th Seat
Suit Preference
Avoid Unnecessary Ruffs
When Not to Bypass 1D
3C Opener with 6 Card Suit
Hand Evaluation in Competition
June 11, 2009
Negative Double and Correct
Preserving your Entries
Premptive Raise in Competition
Stopper Asking Bid
Defensive Honor Leads
lam Try Auction
esponding with weak 5/5 in the majors
Planning on Defense
June 4, 2009
When to Lead Trump
Tradeoffs Opening Weak 2 vs. 1
Competitive Bidding Tactics
Splinter in Competition
Planning a Part Score
More Tips on Planning
Raise After 1N Forcing Shows Exactly 2
Showing Strong NT in Balancing Seat
May 2009
May 27, 2009
Unblocking Technique
Bergen Raises by a Passed Hand
Showing 4 card support immediately
Cue bid over Unusual NT
Surround play when dummy has an honor
3N vs. 5 of a minor
Raising 4 card suit with 3 card support
Disadvantages of Quantitative 4N
Double and Correct to 1N
Hand Evaluation over Michaels
When to Bid Over a Sacrifice
May 20, 2009
9 Card Fit Missing K and Q
Tip for Counting Suits
Delay in drawing trumps
Correct Sequencing of Play
Counting Trump Tricks
2C over 1D in 2 Over 1
When Not To Balance
Slam Bidding Odds
Overcalling vs. Doubling with 5/4 Majors
May 13, 2009
Fireside Chat - Unusual NT
Unusual NT after Passing
2nd Highest From 4 as Count
Checkback Stayman
Ruffing on Air
4th Suit as NT Ask
2nd Hand Low
Playing in NT with 8 Card Fit
Defensive Planning
Bergen Raises in Competition and by Passed Hand
May 6, 2009
Checkback Stayman vs. NMF
Slam Bid using Bergen Points
Doubling vs. Bidding On
New Suit Forcing after Overcall
How to Count Trumps
Overcall vs. Double and Correct
Declarer Planning Example
Opening Lead Guidelines
Disadvantages of MUD
QJx opposite 3 small suit combination
April 2009
April 30, 2009
Blackwood Tutorial
Slam Bidding Example
4th Suit as Stopper Ask
Factors Against Sacrificing
Forcing Pass
Signalling with 2nd Highest
Blackwood Specific Kings
Inverted minor with a 4 card major
Responses after interference over 2C
Deducing distribution from the bidding
April 23, 2009
Fireside Chat on Inverted Raises
Planning Your Entries
Using the Bidding to Determine Declarer's Hand
Bidding with less than 6 points
Judgement in Sacrificing
Counting Tricks as Declarer
Raising Responder with 3 Card Support
Followups to Inverted Raises
April 16, 2009
2C over 1D - game force or not?
Opening 1N with 5 card major
Western cue bid
Planning the Play
Slam bidding auction
Passive vs. aggressive defense
Aggressive defense with long suit in dummy
April 9, 2009
Bidding 5 over 5
Pushing Opponents into Game
4 Card Suit Overcall
Negative Double over 1H
Ducking on Defense
Competing over Michaels
Squeeze technique
Trump Promotion
Responding after a Reverse
Reverses in Competition
April 2, 2009
Fourth Suit Forcing Tutorial
Bergen Raises Tutorial
Declarer Planning
Negative double and correct
Opener jump shift is game force
Counting your losers
Cue bid stopper ask
When to bid 3 card suits
Overcalling vs. takeout double
1S vs.2S as 4th suit forcing
March 2009
March 26, 2009
Overcall vs. Takeout Double
When to compete to the 3 level
Aggressive vs. passive defense
Consequences of stretching a bid
Showing 5 card suit vs. Takeout Double
Slam Bidding Exercise
Responder's bids over a takeout double
Devaluing Queens and Jacks
How to Respond to Blackwood with Void
March 19, 2009
Disadvantage of delayed weak 2
Why to lead your long suit in NT
Avoid losing control
Reopening double
Honor sequence opening leads
NMF vs. new suit
Clues from auction on defense
Raising major response with 3 card support
Grand slam auction
March 12, 2009
Interesting Slam Hand Played By Howard
Cooperative Doubles
"Accident-Free" bidding
Defensive Carding
When to Show a Doubleton
Leading Trumps
Purpose of Signals
Reopening Doubles
Doubleton Leads
DONT Single Suit Bids
March 5, 2009
Bergen Hand Evaluation and Rule of 20
Short Club
Mini-Roman and Flannery
Minor suit 2 level rebids
Handling Interference over 4N
2C Opening with strong minor
Opening with 4D and 5C
Overcalls over a weak 2
Law of Restricted Choice
Technique for Avoiding Blocking Suits
Playing Safe in Imps
February 2009
February 26, 2009
Bergen raises tutorial
doubles in competitive auctions
penalty doubles over preempts
4th suit forcing and fast arrival
defensive planning
preemptive raise with very weak hand
leading partner's unsupported suit
furthering the prempt
suit preference when partner ruffs
bidding so as to limit opponents' knowledge
January 2009
January 22, 2009
Michaels/Unusual NT Tutorial
4th Best Against NT Contracts
Advantage of Weak Raises
When 1S By Responder Promises 5
Clues from the Auction
Opening 1N with 5 Card Major
Tactical Preempts
Law of Restricted Choice
When Partner Fails to Lead Your Suit
Planning the Play from the Auction
Michaels Over Preempts
January 15, 2009
Guidelines for Weak 2s
Doubles of Artificial Bids
Opening with 4/4 minors
Rule of 15
Light Openers
New Suits Forcing in Competition
Takeout Double vs. NT Overcall
Takeout vs. Penalty Doubles
DONT Runouts
Bergen Dummy Points
New Suits By Opener Not Forcing
January 8, 2009
Simple Squeeze
Transfers vs. Stayman
Imps vs.Match Points
Furthering the Preempt
Early vs. Delayed Overcalls
Trump Promotion
Cheapest Minor over 2C
Showing support vs. bidding 1N
Checkback Stayman
Caution with Misfits
January 1, 2009
Double of artificial bids
Bergen hand evaluation
Fourth suit forcing
4th best vs. unbid major lead in NT
Lead in NT with 2 card honor sequence
Opener rebids with 18+
Takeout double vs. 1N overcall
Double and correct with super strong hand
Diamonds followed by clubs shows diamonds
Leading partner's suit

December 2008
December 18, 2008
3N vs. 5 of a minor
DONT Suit Bid
Control Bid Slam Auction
DONT Double
Splinters By Opener
When Not to Duck
Redouble Denies 4 Card Support
1N Rebid with 6 Card Suit
December 11, 2008
Bergen Raises Tutorial Bergen Jump to 3 of a major
Bid what you can make
Careful play with distributional hands
Negative Double vs.Bidding 1S
Sandwich 1NT
Cooperative Doubles
2nd hand low
December 4, 2008
When to Ruff on Defense
Opening with 4 diamonds and 5 clubs
Consistency on Defense
Signalling with 2nd Highest
Overcall vs. Takeout Double
Remaining Count
Passing Takeout Doubles at the 1 Level
Attitude vs. Count
November 2008
November 27, 2008
NT Holdup Play
Responses to Parnter's Balancing Bid
When A Cue Bid is not a Raise
How to Avoid Blocking a Suit
When to Raise a Preempt
Lead Directing Doubles
"Flat" Hand Definition
Major Suit Garbage Stayman
Captain of the Hand
Loser on Loser
Double and Correct
November 20, 2008
Disadvantages of Defensive Deceptive Plays
Strip and End Play
Tactical Bidding Considerations
Power of 2 Suited Hands
Counting Declarer's Hand
Lead Back Remaining Count
Declarer Hiding Honors
3 Level Slam Tries Over 1N
Control Bids
November 13, 2008
Play Clues from the Auction
Upgrading Honors in Partner's Suit
Keeping Same Length as Dummy
1N Opener with 5 Card Major
Takeout Double Responses
Lebensohl Competitive Doubles
DONT Runouts with Weak NT
Patience on Defense
November 6, 2008
2H Response to 2C
Making Declarer Lose Control
Showing Limit Raise with 3 Trumps
When 4N is Quantitative and 4C is Gerber
When to Underlead an Ace
Lebensohl Basics
4th Suit Forcing
Exclusion Blackwood
October 2008
October 30, 2008
Bidding After Interference Over 1N
Penalty Doubles
Playing 9 Card Fits Missing The Q
Bidding Over Takeout Double
Weak 2 With Outside Major
Raises in Competitive Auctions
Bidding After Passing
Odd/Even Discards
Responses Over 2C
Declarer Deceptive Plays
October 23, 2008
Cue Bids In Lieu of Inverted Minors
Hand Evaluation From Bidding
4th Suit Forcing
Blackwood with a Void
Fast Arrival
Rasing a Major with 3 Card Support
Negative Inferences
Planning at Trick 1
October 16, 2008
Lead of Partner's Suit
Stick with Partner's Defense
Opening Lead Guidelines
Negative and Cooperative Doubles
Bath Coup
Responses to 2C
Suit Preference Signal
NT Overcall vs.Takeout Double
October 9, 2008
New Minor Forcing Tutorial
Balancing at the 1 level
Support double
Power of Double Fits
Why You Stretch For Games
Counting Trumps After a Ruff
When to Cover an Honor
Bath Coup
Preemptive Raises of Overcalls
October 2, 2008
One Level Negative Doubles/Quiz
Visualizing With Powerful Distributional Hands
Probablilities For Mutliple Finesses
Avoid NT When Short in Partner's Preempt
Accurate Major Suit Raises in Competition
Balancing Over 1N
DONT Guidelines
Ruffing Losers Before Pulling Trump
September 2008
September 25, 2008
Double and correct
Unusual 2NT
Doubling Sacrifices vs. Bidding On
Competitng to the 3 Level
Bergen raises
Balancing over a weak 2
Trump counting guidelines
Counting declarer's hand
Competive Bidding Tactics
September 18, 2008
Cashing aces on defense
Major suit holding with takeout doubles
Patience on defense
Leading aces against NT
Planning at trick 1
Stretching for game based on vulnerability
Opening bids with 2 long suits
Third hand plays from A10 and K10
Evaluating hands with void in pard's suit
Keeping parity with dummy
Playing for overticks
September 11, 2008
Showing suit length in competitive auctions
NT overcall over a weak 2
Finesse techniques
Why aggresive bidding works
Leading partner's unsupported suit
Maximizing your chances
Protecting King in opponent's suit
Playing a suit missing just the K and J
Balancing over a one level bid
Raising a weak 2
Using alternative lines of play
September 4, 2008
Bidding Hands with 6/5 Distribution
Competing to 4 of a minor
3N vs. 5 of a minor
Defensive signalling to guide partner
Favoring raises in competition
Systems on, stolen bid doubles
Auctions where 2C opener rebids 2N
1430 vs. 0314
Penalizing sacrifices
Double and correct
9 card fits missing the Q
August 2008
August 28, 2008
Overcall vs. takeout double
1N After Overcall
Responding to 1C/D with 5/5 in the majors
When not to make a takeout double
Preferring NT with 4-3-3-3
Differences in NT vs. suit opening leads
Mild slam tries with transfers
Raising to 3 in competition
Keeping track of side suits
Reopening takeout doubles
August 21, 2008
New Suit Forcing By Overcaller's Partner
Self sufficient suits
Opening lead in partner's suit
Lead partner's suit
Slam tries over 1N
Coded 10s
Game try vs. competitive raises
Avoid leading unprotected aces
Show 4 card support immediately
Value of weak 2s
Competitive bidding principles overview
August 7, 2008
Basic transfer bidding
Informational signals
4th Best vs.unbid major NT lead
Hand Re-evaluation based on auction
Rasing a weak 2
Rarely lead opponents' suit
Attitude vs. count
OBAR bids
Bergen vs. Reverse Bergen raises
Reponses over a takeout double
July 2008
July 31, 2008
Planning the Play
Criteria for Takeout Double
Prefer Raise to New Suit
When Not To Further the Preempt
When Not To Reverse
Maximize Your Chances
Responses to Takeout Doubles
New Minor Forcing
Stolen Bid Doubles Over Cue Bids
July 24, 2008
Prime Values
Using the Bidding To Declare
Michaels at the 5 Level
Prempting with a Strong Hand
Using the Bidding to Defend
Bids After a Takeout Double
Restricted Choice
Using Rule of 20 For Game Force
When Not To Bypass Diamonds
Defensive Planning
Weak Jump Overcalls
When to Pass With a 9 Card Fit
Rule of 11
Value of Singletons in Opponents' Suit
Double and Correct
July 17, 2008
Visualizing Partner's Hand
2nd Hand Low
Forcing Declarer to Trump
Takeout Double vs. Overcall
1NT after Takeout Double
Cue Bid as Limit Raise
Bidding Tactics
Simple Squeeze Technique
2N Ask Over Michaels
Passing a Takeout Double
Playing Short Suit Honors First
July 10, 2008
Overcall vs. Takeout Double
Responding to Takeout Double
Jump Shift vs.Jump Rebid
Gambling 3N
Fast Arrival
Bidding to the 5 Level in Competition
Unusual 2NT
4th Suit Forcing
When to Lead Trumps
Partnership defense
Evaluating Honors in Short Suits
Upgrading Hands Based on the Auction
Responder as Captain of the Auction
July 3, 2008
Captain of the Bidding
Opener's rebids
Passing one of a minor
Bidding over Michaels
When not to draw trumps
Weak 1 level overcalls
1N after overcall
Furthering the preempt
2nd hand high if setting trick
Requirements for takeout double
Deductions from the bidding
June 2008
Listen to the Experts 6/29/2008
Rabbi's Rule
Pushing the Opponents
Losing Trick Count
Garbage Stayman
2nd Hand Low
June 26, 2008
Playing a nine card fit, missing the K and J
Inviting vs. forcing to game by opener
Guidelines to making and responding to takeout doubles
Rule of 20
New suit forcing by responder to overcaller
Competing in "live" auctions
When to sacrifice
Definition of a reverse
Raising responder's major with 3 card support
When to compete to the 3 level
Ogust over weak 2s
Honor sequence leads against suits
Cue bid as stopper ask
June 19, 2008
Showing Remaining Count
Looking For Major Suit Fits Over 1NT Openings
Preemptive Raises of Overcalls
Competing Over Unusual NT
Opening in 3rd and 4th Seat
Rule of 15
Suppport Doubles
Definition of a Reverse
Power of Double Fits
Cuebids Over Artificial Bids
June 12, 2008
Simple squeeze technique
Followup after a transfer
When a double is takeout
Responses to takeout doubles
Carding in partner's suit
Defensive ducking
Honor leads in NT
New Minor Forcing
June 5, 2008
Cue Bid with 3 card support
Rule of 11
Leading Dummy's Weakness
Opening 1N with 5 card major
Quick Tricks
May 2008
May 29, 2008
Leading Remaining Count
Deceptive Declarer Play
IMP vs Match Point Scoring
Short Club
Determining Key Card Suit
May 15, 2008
1N Forcing by Passed Hand
Bidding Close Games
Cue Bid as Stopper Ask
Inverted Raises
3rd Seat Light Openers
Setting Up Side Suits
May 8, 2008
Guidelines for Competing
Responses to 2C
Interference over 2C
NT Overcalls over Weak 2s
When to use Jacoby vs. Texas
Opening lead guidelines
Coded 10s and 9s
May 1, 2008
When Not To Signal
Unusual 4NT
Exceptions to 8 Ever 9 Never
Opening Lead Guidelines
Weak Jump Shifts
Rule of 15
April 2008
April 24, 2008
Lead Directing Doubles
Italian Cue Bids
Bids after intervening T/O Double
Responding with both majors
Bidding "Up the Line"
Leads from Suits with a 10
April 17, 2008
Reverses after 2 over 1 response
When to lead a singleton
Help Suit Game Tries
Honor Leads Against NT
Leading Partner's Unsupported Suit
1N over 1D Implies Clubs
Bidding after 1N Overcall
March 2008
March 27, 2008
Preemptive raises in competition
Ducking on defense
Importance of proper defensive carding
Using the bidding on defense
Fourth suit forcing
March 20, 2008
Planning Over Blackwood
Advantage of Reverse Bergen
Responding 1D with a 4 Card Major
Negative Double Tutorial
Cue Bid as Limit Raise
Opener Rebids with Strong Hand
Cue Asking for NT Stopper
March 13, 2008
When To Raise A Weak 2
Double and Correct
Jacoby 2N
Supporting Partner In Competition
Weak Hands with Long Suits
March 6, 2008
Competitive Bidding Judgement
Blackwood K and Q ask
When to Lead Declarer's Suit at NT
Suit Preference Signals
New Minor Forcing
Cue Bid as Limit Raise
February 2008
February 28, 2008
Losing Trick Count
Goren Shortness Points
Bidding with 3 Card Support
Tactical Preempts
9 Trumps Missing Q Play
Responder New Suit Forcing
February 21, 2008
Showing 5 Card Support
Forcing Declarer to Ruff
Interference over Blackwood
Showing 5/4 Majors over 1NT
How to Count Trumps
February 14, 2008
Bidding Controls vs. Suits over 2C
Fourth Suit Forcing
Responding with New Suit over Overcall
Major Suit Raises (2 Over 1)
February 7, 2008
Showing voids with Blackwood
Bidding over a 1N overcall
Suit preference signals
3rd hand play holding KJ
Puppet Stayman
Disadvantages of Quantitative 4N
When 4C is Gerber
January 2008
January 31, 2008
Leading K from AK
Negative Double vs.Overcall
New Suit Always Forcing
Negative Doubles Through 3S
Reopening Doubles
Handling Bad Trump Break
January 24, 2008
New Minor Forcing
Stolen Bid Doubles
Fourth Suit Forcing
Responding with 5/5 in the Majors
Opening Lead Against NT
Avoiding Misfits
January 17, 2008
Tactical Underbidding
Competitive Bidding Guidelines
Forcing Declarer to Ruff
Opening with 5/5 in the Black Suits
Weak 2s with Outside 4 Card Major
Game Force by Opener
End Play
January 10, 2008
Honor Sequence Leads
Counting Declarer's Distribution
When to Open 1N
Raising a Weak 2
Double and Correct to NT
Super Accepts of Transfers
January 3, 2008
Aces as Opening Lead
Balancing Takeout Doubles
New Minor Forcing Over 2N Rebid
J Lead Against NT
Bidding over an Inverted Raise
Bidding New Suit after a Negative Double
December 2007
December 26, 2007
Competitive Bidding at High Levels
Leading an Ace Against NT
Opening 1 of a major or NT with 15-17
Super accepts of Transfers
Bidding over 1N Overcall
Jordadn 2N Over Minors
December 19, 2007
Standard and UDCA Signals
Odd/Evan and Lavinthal Discards
2 Over 1 Fast Arrival
Disadvantages of Quantitative 4N
Jacoby Transfer Slam Tries
Cue Bid as Stopper Asking
December 12, 2007
Planning the Play
Bergen Raises
Intro to 4th Suit Forcing
Intro to 2/1 System
New Minor Forcing
When to Sacrifice
December 5, 2007
Rule of 20
Hand Evaluation Based on the Auction
Bidding Over a Takout Double
When a Bid is a Reverse
Passive vs. Aggressive Defense
November 2007
November 28, 2007
Trump Length as Guide in Competition
Weak 2 with Outside Major
How and When to Signal High
Trump Promotion
Counting Winners vs. Losers For Opening 2C
Loser on Loser
When To Lead Trumps
November 21, 2007
When to Open 2C
Leading Back Remaining Count
Negative Doubles over 1 Heart
Signaling with an Honor Sequence
NT vs. Major Suit Games
November 14, 2007
Competitive Bidding Tactics
Maximizing Your Chances
Suit Preference Signals
Double and Correct
Michaels over Preempts
Hand Evaluation
Balancing Tactics
Dummy Reversal
November 4, 2007
Sytems on/Stolen Bid Doubles over NT Interference
Coded 10s and 9s
Signalling Count
Rule of 15
Leading Trump
October 2007
October 28, 2007
Bergen Raises
Fourth Suit Forcing
Sytems on/Stolen Bid Doubles over NT Interference
Gambling 3N
Responses after an intervening takeout double
Signalling Count
October 21, 2007
New Minor Forcing
Competitive Bidding Guidelines
Prempting Strategy
4NT as Minor Suit Takeout
October 1, 2007
Help Suit Game Tries
Leading Trump
Forcing Declarer to Ruff
Bidding with 10 card fits
Raising responder's major with 3 card support
Balancing Doubles/Penalty Passes
Bonus! - robzim's osso bucco recipe
September 2007
September 24, 2007
Planning the Play
Planning the Defense
Opening Lead Carding
Western Cues
Interference over 1N openers
September 17, 2007
3rd Hand Defense with Honor Sequences
Bidding with Misfits
Planning the Play
Help Suit Game Tries
Ogust over Weak 2 Bids
Opening Leads
September 14, 2007
Forcing Bids by Opener
Cue Bids in Competition
Doubling Slams
Fourth Suit Forcing
Squeezing the Defenders
September 10, 2007
Competitive Bidding Lesson
September 3, 2007
Hand Evaluation
Planning The Play
Bidding When Partner Opens 2C
Negative Inferences
August 2007
August 27, 2007
Defensive Carding with Honors
How Suits Divide
Coded 10 and 9
Double and Correct, Deceptive Declarer Play
Suit Preference Signals
Leading Back Remaining Count
Interfering Over 1NT Using DONT
Handling Interference Over 1NT
August 20, 2007
Defensive Signals
Counting Your Winners
Cue Bid as Limit Raise
August 13, 2007
Defensive Techniques
Attitude vs. Count
3rd Hand Play with Honor Sequences
Leading Back Remaining Count
Developing a Plan on Defense
Suit Preference Signals
Checkback Stayman

Copyright© 2007 by Howard Schutzman.  All rights reserved.
