Marty Bergen
Audio Visual Lessons

A. How do our truly unique AV interactive lessons work?

YOU DEFINITELY WILL BE PLAYING BRIDGE! However, while doing so, you will be hearing me describe what is going on as well as seeing it all on your screen. As we state, the lessons are truly both audio and visual. So, when taking these lessons, you'll see and hear everything! Each lesson includes a great deal of material. I always speak for at least 110 minutes; and almost always a good deal longer. The resulting accompanying PDF transcript is at least 40 pages, and most are considerably longer.

In all of the lessons, my explanations are thorough. But as is true in my books and articles, my goal always is to present my thoughts as clearly as possible. It's also true that I focus more on thinking and judgment than I do on impractical conventions. By the way: Since the majority of the events YOU play in feature matchpoint scoring, the lessons will assume that form of scoring.

As you'd expect, all lessons begin with an introduction that sets the parameters for that lesson.

B. The 20 Bidding Lessons
  1. Throughout the lesson, you’re given a great deal of information about the topic.

  2. In the 40+ examples included in each lesson, you will see and hear your hand and the auction.

  3. You are then asked what call you would make.

  4. I then provide my answer along with a detailed explanation.

  5. With three of the example hands, you'll also be told to proceed to either declare or defend as with live bridge. A complete description of how those work can be found below.
At the conclusion of all bidding lessons, I’ll summarize the key themes that were presented.

C. In All 30 Cardplay Lessons

As you’ll see, what you’ll be doing is remarkably similar to what occurs when you play live bridge.

I put a great deal of thought into the deals I chose. Obviously, my main focus will be the topic of that lesson. But some deals inevitably include more than one “theme.” Since my goal is always to help players learn and improve, on those deals I won’t hesitate to offer additional worthwhile tips even though they’re NOT the “lesson topic.”

FYI: The declarer and defense lessons all have at least 15 full deals. A few lessons have additional extras. As I mention below, South will always become the declarer.

D. The 17 Lessons on Declarer Play

(The popular lesson “How to make overtricks” includes a bonus on suit combinations.)
  1. You are always South. During the auction, you will of course see your hand only. You will see and hear the entire auction. During the auction, if you’re asked what action you would take, I won’t hesitate to include my thoughts.

  2. After the auction ends, as you'd expect, you will always be the declarer. Of course, you'll see and hear the opening lead and dummy’s hand.

  3. You’ll then be asked, how will you declare? I encourage you to stop and think. (In my experience, live bridge declarers are too often guilty of “playing before thinking.”) Depending on the actual deal, you may be asked what you should play more than once.

  4. At some point, I’ll give a thorough explanation of the correct line of play. Sooner or later, I will of course show all 52 cards.

  5. Once I’ve completed my explanation, you’ll be given the opportunity to interactively play the deal card-by-card. This will allow you to try various lines of play and better understand why my suggested line of play gives you the best chance to succeed.
E. The 12 Lessons on Defense
  1. South will always be the declarer. On some deals you’ll be West; on others you’ll be East. That will always be stated at the beginning of the deal. And to avoid confusion, I do NOT have you constantly switching seats.

  2. During the auction, you will of course see your cards only. You will see and hear the entire auction. When you’re asked what action you should take, I won’t hesitate to include my thoughts.

  3. After the auction ends, when you are West, you will make the opening lead. If it’s not obvious, you will be asked “what would you lead.” As always, I’ll state my choice along with the logic behind it.

  4. Of course, if you’re East, you’ll see and hear the opening lead. And regardless of which seat you’re in, you’ll see dummy’s hand.

  5. You’ll then be asked “how will you defend.” Depending on the actual deal, you may be asked that more than once.

  6. At some point, I’ll give a thorough explanation of the correct line of play in detail as well as show all 52 cards.

  7. Once I’ve completed my explanation, you’ll be given the opportunity to interactively go through the deal card-by card. This will allow you to try various lines of defense and better understand why my suggested line of defense gives you the best chance to succeed.
F. Our One Lesson on Opening Leads

FYI: This very popular lesson includes two bonuses; one of which is all the notes on this topic from my partnership with Larry Cohen.
  1. On all 34 examples, since South always becomes the declarer, you are always West.

  2. During the auction, you will of course see your cards only. You will see and hear the entire auction. When you’re asked what action you should take, I won’t hesitate to include my thoughts.

  3. I will then always ask, “what would YOU lead.”

  4. Next, I’ll give my answer along with a thorough explanation and show all 52 cards. And as is true with all 50 lessons, when all 52 cards are involved, there will be the opportunity to interactively go through the deal card-by-card.
G. On All lessons Involving Cardplay

There will be a summary of the highlights of the deals in that lesson.

H. How does the accompanying extensive PDF transcript fit in?

For those who want to review any part of the lesson, everything you saw and heard in the lesson can be found in the PDF.